learned, did we, how many people got immunity in the hillary email investigation connected we ever even learn who got what immunity or when? we know that the number laura: sheryl mills. we know that a great number of people got immunity who never should have gotten immunity but i want to get on something that sidney said that is really important. people don t realize that there are two court opinions from the fisa court in which the court outlined how illegally fisa intelligence information was given to private contractors that the fbi was using. all of that was designed for the unmasking and then the leaking of the names and that was all done by private contractors. the fisa court objected to it and it never stopped. and it was done deliberately at the fbi. it was done deliberately. if you look at the fisa decision, fbi lawyers signed off on it. laura: i want to play for you guys the former acting attorney general. remember, she s the one who marched those agents over to
brennan s doing. and that is y the justice department is viciously fighting, revealing everything they can about the source in london who everybody knows the identity of. laura: blame the source in london. the source in london was another person who was feeding false information to george papadopoulos and others about collusion, which did not exist. and everybody knows who he is and it s just a matter of time before his name comes up. laura: sidney? they are manufacturing at all. i think they started with the abuses of the fisa intelligence. the fbi gave unfettered access to raw fisa intel at least as far back as 2015 to at least two private contractors. i would guess fusion gps is one of them. and i think they used that raw fisa intel to put together their fake narrative and essentially recycled it through christopher steele and other people with probably input from others in
great to see you. where are we now on this? brennan seems to be completely disgraced. he has been contradicted even by former obama intel chiefs. what gives? there are misstatements that you make which are intimate misstatements, and other stuff that you say which is not only wrong but like so galactic we stupidly wrong it s hard to explain. so let s think about the intelligent assessment is january 4th of 2017. by the time they get it, by the time they do it in october of 2016, the month before, they have used a dossier to go to the fisa court to get warrants. so why on earth if you are going to go to the fisa court and go through all the hoops that you have to do to get approval of the fisa warrant, go to a federal judge, swear out an application, relying on it and then for the predictive purposes of an intelligence assessment you are not going to use it? who would believe that? laura: is brennan lying? he certainly not telling the truth. he certainly not being accurate. what
learned, did wait, how many people got immunity in the hillary email investigation? connected we ever even learn who got what immunity or when? we know that the number laura: sheryl mills. we know that a great number of people got immunity who never should have gotten immunity but i want to get on something that sidney said that is really important. people don t realize that there are two court opinions from the fisa court in which the court outlined how illegally fisa intelligence information was given to private contractors that the fbi was using. all of that was designed for the unmasking and then the leaking of the names and that was all done by private contractors. the fisa court objected to it and it never stopped. and it was done deliberately at the fbi. it was done deliberately. if you look at the fisa decision, fbi lawyers signed off on it. laura: i want to play for you guys the former acting
fake counterintelligence investigation and it was all brennan s doing. and that is why the justice department is viciously fighting, revealing everything they can about the source in london who everybody knows the identity of. laura: blame the source in london. the source in london was another person who was feeding false information to george papadopoulos and others about collusion, which did not exist. and everybody knows who he is and it s just a matter of time before his name comes up. laura: sidney? they are manufacturing at all. i think they started with the abuses of the fisa intelligence. the fbi gave unfettered access to raw fisa intel at least as far back as 2015 to at least two private contactors. i would guess fusion gps is one of them. and i think they used that raw fisa intel to put together their fake narrative and essentially recycled it through christopher