The thing that integrated into my life and the life of my peers was something i really didnt understand particularly well. I, you know, a lot of us have that moment, i think, when we are abruptly and suddenly forced to go without it. I lost it in this case; left it in a cab. When i was retrieving the phone i was standing in line at the dmv and of course, i immediately put off the meetings at work and any other obligation. You just get your gone back. That is what you do when you lose your phone. It started gelling in my head. What is it about this one device that gives it this power . There is very little else i can imagine being forced to do such a thing. And as i sort of resolved the kind of digging into this and pealing off screen and seeing it more as just a Consumer Product i sort of started to realize there were there stories. There was the history of the phone and how it was developed at apple. That was carefully guarded by apple and the corporation. The other side of the story
Next from the nixon president ial ivory museum pat buchanan describes when nixon rebounded for president in 1916 california governor in 1962 to win the presidency in 1968. Monday september 8 marks the 40th anniversary of president gerald fords pardon of Richard Nixon. Tonight is a great night because we have a very special treat for you. We have someone who spends a number of years at Richard Nixons side and remember that when he lost the two elections, the president in 1962, the gubernatorial or pardon me and 60 in the gubernatorial in 1962, people wrote him off. They said Richard Nixon was gone. He said this is my last press conference. Not so. At about the same time a young man left columbia university, graduated from columbia, joined the st. Louis dispatch, became an editorial writer and along the way match Richard Nixon and that began a magnificent journ journey. He began a Magic Carpet Ride from Richard Nixons defeat through years of what Richard Nixon described as voluminous ear
Delta-9 THC is now legal for recreational use and sale in the State of Minnesota. Stores across Rochester and Southeast Minnesota that have been selling Delta-8 and CBD products are seeing high volumes of business since the law change for these products and the newly legal ones.