money in this plan than in the plan shelley moore cap at that was discussing with president biden. there is promise here. there is big disagreement how to pay for it. the white house sees the potential to raise the gas tax. joe biden says raise the corporate tax. each side rules out the other or s proposal. tougher irs enforcement is one of the features. just beefing up the irs. if the bipartisan talks fail, then do you have this potential for a big package to go later on. all of this is a step along the path. you have to take this step because the only way to get democrats united around the follow-on step, the big package later is if people like joe manchin, sir citizen cinema see they went the extra mile here. it is a complicated dance. it is playing out this week.
arthel: president biden will resume talks with republican senator shelley moore cap to tomorrow in an effort to reach an agreement on his massive spending plan. david spunt live at the behight house with more. reporter: the negotiations continue. they may not be as fast as some would like them as far as republicans and democrats are concerned. as a candidate, joe biden on the campaign trail touted his three decades in the senate working with republicans and democrats about his negotiating skills but certainly when you become the commander in chief and you take over the oval office at the white house, things become different. last week the president met twice with republican west virginia senator shelley moore captio, last wednesday, june 2nd and friday, june 4th. she is the chief republican negotiator on infrastructure. the two have held multiple
answers on covid origins. joe manchin, i don t know if anyone is getting more attention from this guy and he will be with you over the weekend. infrastructure is on the line. i don t know if he is the ultimate vote. you can look at budget proposals and cut them 100 different ways how they may or may not come out. tell us what you ll be talking about on sunday with him. well, first of all we have to see whether or not there is a bipartisan deal. big call today between president biden and the other west virginia senator. it is interesting such a small state has such outsized influence. shelley moore cap tow will be talking to the president leading the republican side on infrastructure. there are talks that are serious and there are talks because you know it s dead but don t want to be blamed for pulling the plug on the negotiations. i think we re fast approaching that. if we don t get a real sizeable
have to go into the exchanges? reporter: exactly right. now, last week the office of personnel management, as you remember, ruled that federal employee health care benefits, the health benefits plan will continue offering the same amount of subsidy they now offer to those in congress which covers about 75% of the cost, but one republican lawmaker, shelley moore cap toe from west virginia, just announced she ll introduce legislation to deny any special subsidies to lawmakers, that they should be subject to the full force of obamacare like other americans. but that s only congress. a lot of republicans say what about the obama administration? why should the people pushing other americans to sign up for obamacare not have to be part of it themselves? republican representative dave camp has legislation that would do just that, force all federal employees to be part of obamacare. and some ask if not all federal employees, why not at least those at hhs, the irs and others directly involved
collins said she will oppose that too. i did not vote for repeal back in 2015. at this point, the affordable care act is so interwoven, the inner health care system, that to repeal it completely with no idea what it s going to be replaced with it is not right approach. this new plan may have a serious moderate publican problem. rob portman and shelley moore cap and no i have expressed about repealing without replacement and crating uncertainty in the health care markets. to be clear, they did vote for the health care repeal bill in 2015 which was vetoed by then president obama. a moderate democrat is offering the suggestion. why don t you start with the repair first? they tried everything else. i m saying i m willing to sit down.