The presiding officer thank you. Mrs. Feinstein i rise to oppose the nomination of mr. Bress. This is a california seat on the ninth circuit, and the fact is that mr. Bress is neither a California Attorney nor a california resident. In fact, hes not been a resident of the state for over a decade. Hes lived and practiced in the washington, d. C. , area for almost his entire adult life. As california senators, senator harris and i know that the kind of experience and connection to california is really necessary for a ninth circuit judge to be effective on the bench. We know our state, we know our constituents, and we know the challenges they face, and thats why the blue slip is so important. Honoring the blue slip ensures that the senators who understand are and are accountable to their constituents have a say in judicial nominations for their home states. Our blue slips, senator harris and mine, were not returned. Ultimately that symbolizes our objections. I was very disappointed that t
People of these United States of america. I pray that they will serve with humility, dignity and honor. To enact laws that would be fair , just and equitable. You have blessed this nation with great wealth and great resources. Thank you. Help us to be mindful of the disenfranchised, the despondent, the dejected and especially those who have been affected by Hurricane Harvey and we pray for your protection for those in the path of Hurricane Irma. Lord god, i humbly beseech you to hear my prayer and enable this gathering to hear and believe in the power of prayer. In your holy name i pray, amen. The speaker the chair has examined the journal of the last days proceedings. And announces to the house his approval thereof. The pledge of allegiance will be led by the gentleman from michigan, mr. Walberg. Mr. Walberg i ask all to join in the pledge. I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of america and to the republic for which it stands, one nation under god, indivisible, with l
Pending is a bill citing Defense Department programs for the next budget year. Live coverage now of the senate. [inaudible conversations] the president pro tempore the senate will come to order. The chaplain, dr. Barry black, will lead the senate in prayer. The chaplain let us pray. Holy god, who causes wars to cease, bring peace to our nation and world. Let that peace first begin in our hearts. Use our lawmakers to bring a spirit of concord instead of chaos to our world. May they set aside time each day to be still in your presence. Lord, help them to know that time spent with you is never wasted. Permit this daily contact with you to motivate them to exalt you in their lives, as you use them to provide examples of how people can live if they put their trust completely in you. Lord god of hosts, continue to abide with us in sunshine and shadows. And, lord, be especially with the people of puerto rico. We pray in your sacred name. Amen. The president pro tempore please join me in recit
Treatment and recovery caucus. They discussed what communities are doing and also how congress is addressing the issue. From the National Press club this is just under an hour. I would like to say good morning because we scheduled this but its afternoon. On behalf of the 3,000 members of our press club i want to welcome you here today and welcome our guests. Before we get into introductions of our speakers i havent really done this before. I chaired the Headliners Committee for the past couple of years prior to the news maker committee before we made it the Headliners Committee. We thought it would be important this particular week when we thought congress would be dealing with the budget to talk about this. How can you take on this disaster when there was actually talk maybe the government would shut down. How would this all work . That was our sentence when we started this process. It wasnt that long ago we heard that the administration was making cuts. Little did we expect that this
Andressman from virginia the democratic representative from virginia talking about the standoff with north korea. Cspan washington journal is life now. Host good morning. At three will be in 00 p. M. 3 00 p. M. We will be with you for the next three hours on the washington journal. We will spend the morning talking about the big issues on capitol hill. How the latest Affordable Care act replacement failed bid leaders announcing they cannot get enough votes. Chief Justice Roy Moore now defeated Luther Strange. Despite the backing of republican leadership. What does this all mean . That is what we are asking you grade we want to hear your thoughts. Call the numbers on your screen. You can also catch up with us on social media and on twitter. A very good wednesday morning to you. You can start calling in now greatly what to get your reactions. Taking up the lead spot on the national paper. Here is the front page of the Washington Post this morning. Some fear a backlash over unmet Campaign