Sheetal Thakur, who recently tied the knot with Bollywood actor Vikrant Massey in a traditional ceremony, on Monday, shared beautiful pictures from her Mehendi ceremony.
New Delhi [India], January 27 (ANI) The Enforcement Directorate (ED) has attached movable and immovable properties worth Rs 43.25 crore belonging to Sheetal Refineries Ltd and its promoter and Managing Director Jitender Kumar Agarwal for defrauding State Bank of Hyderabad and Punjab National Bank, the agency said on Thursday.
Sheetal Wagmare, a young constable with nursing skills
BHOPAL: A young constable with nursing skills helped deliver a baby at a rural police station in MP’s Chhindwara district on Wednesday when a woman who had come with a complaint of sexual exploitation suddenly developed labour contractions.
Sheetal Wagmare switched from cop to midwife in a flash. Thanks to her, mother and the newborn daughter survived and are in hospital.
“I had undergone a nursing course before joining police. When she went into labour, I tried my best to help her deliver the baby with the available resources,” said Sheetal, who joined the force in 2017.