it would be - - if katie couric was a real journalist, if she thought that ruth bader ginsburg at the time still sitting on the court didn t understand or didn t really hear what she, uh, was saying, then it was her duty. katie couric s, to let the public know that very thing, given the fact that if she wasn t cogent, she wasn t cogent enough to deal with more complicated and nuanced issues in front of the court that would affect the whole country. katie couric s not a journalist. ruth bader ginsburg clearly was sound and understanding and she was hearing and what she was saying, and in terms of this autobiography, it comes across as a biography that s written by somebody who hates katie couric, quite frankly. so true. my only ex planation for that is here s somebody who star has long faded, who s gasping for relevancy. nailed it. i do think it s interesting,