Exploring issues that affect leaders in the U. S. And around the globe. Exploring issues that affect leaders in the U. S. And around the globe. Or distorted what happened in the election campaign. But what is Donald Trumps core point that he wants to say even more than no collusion, no collusion, no collusion . It didnt change a vote. So this is a problem. So if they had stepped up their game in 2016 and the Obama Administration was asleep at the switch, maybe they did change some votes. Trump is not stupid well, i wont say stupid or not. Trump wants to deny that russia could have had an influence in 2016 and theyre saying russia could well have had an influence. I understand that some of us are being too cynical about this briefing, but again without the president on it, how do you take it credibly. If makes a big difference. If it were the president , it would be Something Else. The white house continues to want to say and they say this repeatedly, this administration has been toughe
in fact, you filled in today on fox news sunday. yeah. listen, they re big shoes to fill. i worked alongside him for 18 years, have a lot of respect for him and his craft. and i wish him well. he s doing something different. but that does not mean that we don t have really accomplished journalists who are breaking stories and who can cover things fairly. and right now there s going to be a rotation on fox news sunday. we ll see what ends up, the executives decide, but i m honored to be a part of that rotation. howard: we re glad to have you. i ve criticized president biden for doing very few tv interviews, he hasn t sat down with major newspapers as well. he s not appeared on fox. i know you ve asked really every week. howard: yeah. do you think, don t you think it would benefit the president to be able to reach this audience and sit there and field questions? yes, i do. i don t think that he s been put out overall.
teams in the league and have a real good shot at the championship and a better shot with him. on another level, more important than basketball, there s a lot of concern about the message that this sends to particularly minority communities. basketball players are of course huge role models. there was a big push early on in in the vaccination process to get nba players vaccinated and they are now up to 95% with irving and a few others the notable exceptions. and there have been people like michael jordan, lebron james, kareem abdul-jabbar who have said they are vaccinated. in the case of abdul-jabbar saying it s irresponsible for athletes not to do this because so many people in minority communities where the vaccination rates are disproportionately low look up to these people as role models. there s that. kyrie also has not really explained in detail in a coherent way why he s doing this. he says it s a private matter. we know that he s been active in other social justice matters over
in the democrat voting population. whereas there is a lot of energy in younger progressive voters that bernie sanders and elizabeth warren and others are trying to tap into. harris: it s interesting, the one thing about twitter, the ratio can sometimes make you stronger. so if you don t go into that room where everybody else is established and i understand there was a granddaughter s graduation, and before that there was an event in ohio that he missed the democratic convention for. but you look at what can happen when you re in the room with anybody else, sometimes you get back to things that you know president trump skynet you on. sure he s going to need those reps. those back-and-forth point or dealing with people in town hall, dealing with educated voters in iowa and hampshire. he hasn t sat for and if you, frankly, since really the beginning. he did the view, early on, but he hasn t done a lot of tv. a lot of other interviews. the big test is going to be in a
listen, john, i want to talk about the president s interview with fox news today. before we go on, let s wait do you guys want to respond to george conway? look, i mean, i think that s the that s the problem for the president, right? is the fact that his statements have shifted over time, and now he s not efsh trying to clean up the previous ones. he s just kind of, like, forgotten it. and the problem is, all of those comments are on tape and by the way, prosecutors are collecting every one of those because that s going to be in every that s going to be in the report. every one of those stactements, every shifting comment is going to be in mueller s report because he hasn t sat down for an interview and so, therefore, all they have to go on is those comments. written. and the comments. right. okay. speaking of shifting comments, right, what the president said today in an interview with fox news on the other side of this break. you don t want to miss it. s, ore if you gues