his weakness is that he s a fastball in baseball. you know that he s going to act like that. i ll give you a good example of that. a couple months ago when senator mccain died and people from across the aisle were praising him for his duty to country, service to country, obviously what he had been through in vietnam, approximate public service career he had after that and his bipartisanship and the spirit of that at a time when we needed that, it would have been tremendous, and the president would have gotten all sorts of accolades if he had been able to summon the ability to say nice things about a man who gave so much to the country, but he couldn t do it. he couldn t change. it s not in him. that s the equivalent of a fastball in baseball. it s a very fast fastball, but it s a nolan ryan fastball, but it s a fastball. it s his character, it s who
calling countries and his counter parts. so it certainly would have been okay with me if he did it. i would have directed him to do it if i thought he wasn t doing it. i didn t direct him but i would have directed him, because that s his job. in may, the president fired james comey and suggested to lester holt that the russia investigation is the reason for his firing. let s watch. in fact when i decided to just do it i said to myself, i said, you know, this russia thing with trump and russia is a made-up story. an excuse by the democrats for having lost an election. that they should have won. we re going to get to it next segment. but a little tease now. kushner a pure little guy, don t like publicity, got a job at the white house, doesn t like publicity. shy little guy. then you read how he fired manafort. 30 second. this excuse this excuse he
they found the opposition. if you want to waste all your time prosecuting me, i will pardon myself. just a big waste of time. the fact we are even talking about the potential of the president pardoning himself just shows how far trump stretched the debate over the powers of presidency and regardless of the little validity of whether or not he can pardon himself, they said presidential self pardon could be grounds of impeachment in itself. who will indict him for that? the indictment again could potentially be raised by impeachment. that s the one exception, right? must have read the 42-42 about whether he should be impeached. 42% say without a trial or vote on the house on articles, they don t even need articles.
meeting with people about the russia situation. meet with russians who say they will help your father-in-law win the election and hurt hillary. he knows all this going into the meeting. now he says, i don t know what it is about. all this is a fact. what he said in his statement was that he is supposed to be in the campaign you said russia he said it was this is about russians putting a you believe it was about russia i don t think he he might have. i don t know. it says private and confidential. rush yasians we russians were supposed to help us. why did he show up? when the boss s son says show up, you show up. facts he can t deny, show up at the meeting. what he deny says this aspect. like when i filled out the forls,forl forms, i didn t admit all the
say sorry. go ahead. we can talk about the optics and the pr all we want but we can t lose site that there is something going on. meddled in our election and there is a good enough. a good intuitive cents that the white house, current white house, donald trump and his family, were somehow involved in that and there is certainly colluding after the fact by covering up and refusing to investigation. and for all his attack on washington, this city where there are a lot of good professional people, who know how to deal with congress, know how to deal with the press, former deputy attorney general, and long time friend of mine, people like another guy i know well and like, these are the pest in the business. they so for always knocking of washington, trump is using the best of washington it save his keister. thank you john and ron. up next, gop health care plan on the ropes.