Shashi Kapoor s doppelganger, actor Chandrachur Singh s video from the trailer launch ceremony for his flick Cuttputlli has gone viral on social media. The actor s striking resemblance to Congress MP Shashi Tharoor has been widely discussed on the internet.
Congress leader Shashi Tharoor took a dig at the railway ministry with his rarely used English word over senior citizen concession which was putĀ from March 2020 after the coronavirus pandemic hit the country.
After Shashi Tharoor s late wife, Sunanda Pushkar was dragged into the controversy, he said he has never seen The Kashmir Files and has not made any comment on its contents. He pointed out that he has repeatedly drawn attention to the plight of Kashmiri pandits over the years.
It all started when a Twitter user named Manish Jain took to the platform to complain that the dosa served to him at the Earth Lounge at Kochi airport was made with egg water.