A mentally challenged man allegedly hanged himself to death after killing his wife and their four-month-old daughter in a village here, police said on Monday. Additional Superintendent of Police (ASP) Shashi Shekhar Singh said Mohan Lal (36), a resident of Rudikhera village under Barasagvar police station limits, hacked to death his wife Seema (30) and their daughter with an
A 15-year-old alleged rape survivor has given birth to a baby boy at a government health facility in Uttar Pradesh's Unnao district, police said.The hospital confirmed that the mother and the child were both healthy.The girl was admitted to the .
NEW DELHI: Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s victory in his home state Gujarat has shown a strong performance, but experts said on Friday that the win was not necessarily a trendsetter for the national vote that is less than two years away. In its best-ever performance in the western state of around 60 million people, Modi’s Hindu nationalist Bharatiya Janata Party on
Unnao Nurse Death: Post-mortem report eliminates rape claims, police hints suicide - The autopsy report of an 18-year-old nurse did not confirm rape, said Unnao Police