As Bigg Boss Malayalam Season 5 nears its finale, excitement builds. With 75 days completed, contestants true colors are revealed, impacting their strategies. The remaining competitors forge their paths independently, with 10 contenders vying for the final 5 spots. Expecting a double elimination, the audience speculates on potential twists.
Vetri Maarans assistant director and actor, Saran Raj, tragically dies in a car accident caused by a collision with an intoxicated driver. The incident occurred in KK Nagar, resulting in severe injuries and an untimely demise. The film industry mourns the loss of a talented individual known for his contributions in Vetri Maarans acclaimed films. Investigations are underway.
Por Thozhil faces an unfortunate online leak despite thrilling audiences. This Vignesh Raja crime thriller, featuring Sarath Kumar and Ashok Selvan, received a positive response upon its theatrical release. However, just hours later, the film fell victim to piracy, with the full HD version and pirated copies available on various platforms.
The Crowded Room faces online leak despite Apple TV+ debut, highlighting the ongoing battle against piracy in the entertainment industry. Starring Tom Holland and created by Akiva Goldsman, the series delves into the intriguing life of Danny Sullivan, who gains attention after his arrest for the 1979 New York City shooting.