Vetri Maarans assistant director and actor, Saran Raj, tragically dies in a car accident caused by a collision with an intoxicated driver. The incident occurred in KK Nagar, resulting in severe injuries and an untimely demise. The film industry mourns the loss of a talented individual known for his contributions in Vetri Maarans acclaimed films. Investigations are underway.
Two arrested for attempt to grab land in Adyar
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The Adyar police on Tuesday arrested two persons who forged documents and attempted to usurp a land worth ₹4 crore in Kasturba Nagar.
The police said on October 16, S. Swaminathan, 65, of East Tambaram, lodged a complaint saying that he had been maintaining a piece of land, measuring 2,880 sq ft and worth around ₹4 crore, in Dhanalakshmi Street, Kasturba Nagar.
He said the original title holder, Evalyn Caleb, was living in Australia and died there in 1989. Her heir Nimalyn Chandrika Beutler, who is also living in Australia, obtained a