absolutely i have. y you are cutting me off right now.u because i use a service where i can buy renewable energy instead of having to buy power fromce fracking or call. tucker: you pay indulgences. oh, i geter it. the poor people in e third world cat have paying for indulgences. you are misstating the facts. it s cheaper to use solar energy than any other form of energy right now for electricity generation except for wind. it s cheaper to use solar o than it is to use gas. tucker: i m talking about your personal behavior. you want to change it to the macro question. you don t want to talk about what you do. this is not about indulgences. it s absolutely not aboutbo people s behavior. it is about the systems that are at work here. this is a political question.. this is not a question ofe. consumer habits. tucker: you re a rich guy, you go to lecture the poor people but you don t have to change the way you le. i m definitely not a richma guy. if you know what documentary
also, in my view, incorrect, because if you use sometng that actually cools the planet for your electricity like wind, like solar, instead of using fossil fuels, you can actually cool the planet at the same time as you can call somebody s house. tucker: hilarious. wind and solar cool the planet. that s not true. it would diminish the level of fossil fuels. tucker: let s get back to the science you and i can agree on. what can we agree on? tucker: you are concerned that poor people in hot countries might get air conditioning that is not the most efficient possiblend air conditioning and i asked you a really simple question, haveou you made those same steps in your own life? yes, of course. of course. tucker: you said, no, i haven t, but you want the bangladeshis to do it. i drive a used car and i drive a used hybrid. in fact it just got totaled on the streets of new orleans by a drunk driver so i don t actually have a car.se tucker: you o haven t actually done what you
this novel he supposedly he s cowritten with james patterson and supposedly is most ambitioui work of fiction since his deposition in the paula jones case. clinton is getting a bazillion dollars to put his name to this ludicrous novel and monica lewinsky is someone who has never had a fulfilled career, never had a fulfilled family life, and that doesn t matter because the clintons just discard people and move on to the next bit of human debris. tucker: and the media goes along with that, of course. mark steyn, thank you for that. it was great to see you. thanks a lot, tucker. tucker: joining us now, richard goodstein, served as an advisor to president clinton. he joins us in the studio. before i ask you the sexual harassment stuff, i want to play a clip from the former president on cbs this morning, also on this book tour, which i hope goes on forever, in which he addresses the great press coverage that barack obama got. here s how he explains that.
they did treat him differently than other democrats and republicans.n they liked him. and they liked having the first african-american president and he was a good president. tucker: oh, so obama got special treatment because he was black. do you agree with that? i think is talking about two different things there. one, it s stuck in his craw that obama got better treatment than his wife did when they ran against each other in 2008 and i think it s not unique for the press that americans, not just democrats and people who voted for barack obama, felt actually a sense ofisfaction the country had accomplished something by electing an african-american president. that something to celebrate tucker: i m not making fun of but i m noticing here with the president bill clinton who said it a number times, that barack obama was an affirmativel action case and benefiting from lower standards from white liberals. he never said that. tucker: he said that repeatedly.ac absolutely did no
law. i m attacking violent felons. they should not be protected under the sanctuary law or any other law in san francisco because as you said, we become let s go to san francisco, we will be safe. the other night on the news, it was very interesting, tucker. the other night on the news one of the people mentioned that there hadn t been anybody in thw county jails in over a year and a half and that s because the standard is too high. tucker: that sst nuts. just tell us, for those of us that don t live in san francisco, what ss the thinking behind wanting more violent felons who are illegal aliens in your city? how does that improve the life of the city of san francisco? tucker, i have asked every single elected official who came out against me in the middle of this administration, by the way, which was pretty dramatic. i ve asked them, why do you want to protect violent felons, and the answer to that, if they answer at all, most of them