>> absolutely i have. y you are cutting me off right now.u because i use a service where i can buy renewable energy instead of having to buy power fromce fracking or call. >> tucker: you pay indulgences. oh, i geter it. the poor people in e third world cat have -- paying for indulgences. >> you are misstating the facts. it's cheaper to use solar energy than any other form of energy right now for electricity generation except for wind. it's cheaper to use solar o than it is to use gas. >> tucker: i'm talking about your personal behavior. you want to change it to the macro question. you don't want to talk about what you do. >> this is not about indulgences. it's absolutely not aboutbo people's behavior. it is about the systems that are at work here. this is a political question.. this is not a question ofe. consumer habits. >> tucker: you're a rich guy, you go to lecture the poor people but you don't have to change the way you le. >> i'm definitely not a richma guy. if you know what documentary filmmakers make you probably