The key to a productive, well-balanced life is spiritual health. To deal with disease, discouragement, and stress without a relationship with God is futile. Productive longevity is a good goal, but without spiritual health, a healthy body has little significance.
Throughout church history from the reformation to revival pivotal shifts have taken place to get us back on track. These critical moments are often centered around sound doctrine, but the catalyst is always prayer, brokenness, and humility.
The cure for spiritual disease never changes: humility, repentance, brokenness, and desperation lead to spiritual health. Our cry must resemble Isaiah’s: “Oh, that You would rend the heavens! That You would come down! That the mountains might shake at Your presence” (Isaiah 64:1).
Will thunderous applause take place if AB2223 passes? Will pastors have the blood of the innocent on their hands (if they don’t already)? Time will tell, but if this doesn’t wake America up, I’m not sure what will.