Argentina s state oil company YPF said on Monday it signed an agreement with Compania General de Combustibles (CGC) to drill the first exploratory well in the Palermo Aike shale formation, the second largest such deposit in the country.
independent. we have massive natural gas shale oil reserves and not only will tapping into those resources create millions of jobs here at home, but it will also create a whole new foreign policy dynamic in the middle east. we won t be dependent on countries that hate our guts. and if we export some of the resources to western europe, they won t be dependant to russia and putin for their needs. i only worry about the infrastructure plan. he s talking about $1 trillion in spending. we have to fix the crumbling roads and bridges. that s obvious. but how are we going to pay for it? how do we plan in pay as we go? and the money can t be spent. we have to get it out of the hands of congressmen and senators, 535 greedy bureaucrats in washington that will misappropriate that money. finally there has to be an outside commission, some place that oversees how this one
independent. we have massive natural gas shale oil reserves and not only will tapping into those resources create millions of jobs here at home, but it will also create a whole new foreign policy dynamic in the middle east. we won t be dependent on countries that hate our guts. if we export some resources to western europe they won t be dependent on putin and russia for their energy needs. only part of the president-elect s agenda that i worry about is the infrastructure plan. he is talking about $1 trillion in spending. everybody believes we have to fix our crumbling roads and bridges. but how do we pay for it? how do we plan? do we pay as we go. and the money cannot be spent. somehow we have to get it out of the hands of congressmen and senators 5 senators, 535 greedy bureaucrats that will misappropriate that money. there has to be an outside commission.