Shahid Kapoor dropped an adorable picture of Neelima Azeem and Mira Rajput. In the image, the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law can be seen sharing smiles. For the unversed, Shahid and Mira tied the knot in 2015. They are doting parents to two children Misha and Zain.
Shahid Kapoorâs special plans to celebrate Mishaâs first birthday!
Shahid Kapoorâs special plans to celebrate Mishaâs first birthday!
Shahid Kapoor, Who Always Take Out Time From His Busy Schedule For The Two Lovely Ladies Of His Life -wife Mira And Daughter Misha. And, Misha Who Is Going To Turn One-year Old On August 26, The Haider Star Has Some Special Plans For Her First Birthday.
News Nation Bureau | Edited By : Assem Sharma | Updated on: 01 Aug 2017, 08:43:46 AM
New Delhi:
Shahid Kapoor, who always take out time from his busy schedule for the two lovely ladies of his life -wife Mira and daughter Misha. And, Misha who is going to turn one-year old on August 26, the Haider star has some special plans for her first birthday.