On 6 December 2023, the Central government made amendments to the SEZ Act, permitting demarcation of parts of SEZ areas as non-SEZ areas after repayment of tax benefits availed till date.
"The Indian REITs Association welcomes this positive development on the SEZ amendment. The growth of Grade A commercial office spaces rests on the demand the industry is witnessing from Global Captive Centres and domestic businesses, and this move is expected to boost demand," said founding members jointly.
We are an EOU. We have an order to supply our finished goods to a SEZ unit. Rule 36(14) of SEZ Rules, 2006 says that we must follow the procedures prescribed in Rule 36(12) of the said Rules that apply to clearance from bonded warehouses to SEZ. Rule 36(12) requires us to clear the goods under an ex-bond shipping bill duly passed by the bond officer. When we are not under bonding procedure, how can we comply with the same?
EOUs were de-licensed as bonded warehouses with effect from August 13, 2016, through notification 44/2016-Cus dated July 29, 2016. CBEC Circular no. 35/2016-Cus dated July 29, 2016, explains the changes consequent to issue of that notification. It appears the Commerce Ministry is unaware of the changes. So, you may draw its attention to the changes and ask for amendment in the Rule 30(14) of the SEZ Rules, 2006.