It has now emerged that Dr Sugata Bhattacharjee, the key witness in Air India urination scandal, had on November 26, 2022, itself made a written complaint to the crew and airline regarding the incident, calling it "a poor judgement by the Captain". 📰 Air India Pee Gate: Key Witness Says ‘Co-Passenger Was So Intoxicated That He Went to Next Row and Urinated on Her’.
This is the fourth annual Corn Nation book club.
2018 book club can be found here.2019 book club can be found here.2020 book club can be found here, and the2021 book club can be found here.
The study contributes to the body of evidence supporting the conclusion that a decline in women's sexual desire over time is a reflection of circumstances. "Feeling like a partner’s mother is not conducive to desire," say the authors of the new research. .