Seven Seas Entertainment has another interesting license acquisition with the pick up of the Mature-rated manga series
Desire Pandora. The manga comes from Akira Hizuki which began in 2018 and has three volumes out since then in print form.
Seven Seas will publish the manga series for the first time in North America in print and on digital platforms in single volume editions. The first volume will be released in August 2021 for $13.99 USA / $17.99 CAN as part of Seven Seas’ Ghost Ship imprint.
Plot Concept: Takai Tsukasa might humbly call himself an armpit connoisseur–he really knows his stuff (the stuff being the beauty of women’s shapely armpits). But for all of his meticulous study, will he ever find pitch-perfect pits? A careless wish on a magic ring gives him a chance to find out by summoning the most gorgeous woman alive–but said woman just so happens to be a demoness! In a classic case of “be careful what you wish for,” things are about to get sweaty and perhap
AnimeFlyz wrote:
I would be interested if it wasn t for the fact that the author is an overall terrible human being who tweets extremely homophobic stuff and things like Tsunderes should all be castrated via fisting
I dont wanna give any of my money to someone like that.
Before people go off the handle, the tweet in question (pinned on Rui pkr) is from a separate account made in March 2019 that seemingly focuses on whatever Tsukiyo Rui does, consisting of over 150 tweets over the course of 2 years, that chiefly accuses him of plagiarism via screenshots of the supposedly stolen lines and their sources across all of their novels. In addition, I have yet to see any evidence of the homophobic tweets. Accusations against the author should be taken with a grain of salt considering the nature of the account and that a significant portion of the supposedly plagiarized lines are those that would be considered a reference in other series.