new details on how one police officer took out the gunman and new reporting on the suspect s identity and possible ties to white supremacists ideology weighing on all of us, why have there been so plus, the big question weighing on all of us. why have there been so many mass shootings this year? we ve discussed this over and over, and nothing gets done. also breaking, an suv slams into pedestrians outside a shelter housing migrants in a texas border town, killing seven. police now investigating whether it was intentional outrage in new york over the subway chokehold death. protesters even blocking train tracks now lawyers for the former marine who choked the passenger are speaking out. a long shot wins the kentucky derby amid a growing investigation. why did seven horses die in the lead-up to the race? and a concert fit for a king the stars are out to celebrate the coronation of king charles and the new photos of harry just hours after the coronation announcer: th
we spent a long time in the rain yesterday sir. i know. i m sorry. i felt so bad for you. it was worth it. the energy and the atmosphere was amazing. reporter: tonight prince william remembering his late grandmother queen elizabeth on stage telling his father, i know she s up there fondly keeping an eye on us. she will be a very proud mother kate such a day. keir simmons, thank you. up next the tragedy at churchill downs. how did seven horses die e in the run-up to the e kentucky d derby plplaces you d lilike to be.. like h here. and hehere. and d here. and hehere. nonot so much h here. if you v ve been diaiagnosedeh chroninic kidney d disease farxiga a reduces ththe risk ofof kidney fafailure which can lead to dialysis. farxiga cacan cause seseriouse effectcts includining dehydrat, ururinary tracact or genitil yeast t infectionsns in women a and men, and low blblood sugar.r. ketotoacidosis is a serioious side efeffet