AInsley good FrIday MornIng to you, Its 7 00 a. M. On the east coast. September 20th. And thIs Is Fox FrIends. A former Border Patrol Sector chIef alleges he was blocked by the BIdenharrIs AdmInIstratIon from InformIng the publIc about potentIal Terror Threats. LIsten. They wouldnt allow us to put out any InformatIon. It was very frustratIng, knowIng what was goIng on, that there were real threats there, that we werent age to address. Steve GrIff JenkIns on that In a moment. MeanwhIle, the VIce PresIdent was questIoned about how she would secure the border wIth oprah. ThIs Is not a theoretIcal, um, Issue for me. I have prosecuted transnatIonal crImInal organIzatIons. BrIan well show you the major assIst oprah gave her In answerIng the questIon. Lawrence plus early votIng kIcks off today In vIrgInIa and wIll caIn Is havIng breakfast wIth frIends In VIrgInIa Beach. Look at hIm. Thats a nIce shot. Why dont I ever get those type of assIgnments . Its IncredIble. BrIan frackIng. Lawrence Blu
together with the intent of not being governed by any other prison gang. bulldogs they re not as organized as your other gangs. they don t have the leadership in their organization. their rule of thumb is, that majority rules. if there s issues on the yard they have to try to resolve, the bulldogs would get together and take a boat, if you will. and the majority rules to go with that, there s no set leader of bulldog. if a bulldog has a chance to attack a southern hispanic, it s on sight. if they can get away from staff during an escort, a door accidentally pops, anything. if there s another bulldog they re going to go at it, attack each other. we met robert galvan, a bulldog locked up in the shu, for numerous attacks on other inmates. bulldogs are at war right now
being from northern california, they affiliated or they joined together with the intent of not being governed by any other prison gang. bulldogs they re not as organized as your other gangs. they don t have the leadership in their organization. their rule of thumb is, that majority rules. if there s issues on the yard they have to try to resolve, the bulldogs would get together and take a boat, if you will. and the majority rules to go with that, there s no set leader of bulldog. if a bulldog has a chance to attack a southern hispanic, it s on sight. if they can get away from staff during an escort, a door accidentally pops, anything. if there s another bulldog they re going to go at it, attack each other. we met robert galvan, a bulldog locked up in the shu, for numerous attacks on other inmates. bulldogs are at war right now
organized as your other gangs. they don t have the leadership in their organization. their rule of thumb is, that majority rules. if there s issues on the yard they have to try to resolve, the bulldogs would get together and take a boat, if you will. and the majority rules to go with that, there s no set leader of bulldog. if a bulldog has a chance to attack a southern hispanic, it s on sight. if they can get away from staff during an escort, a door accidentally pops, anything. if there s another bulldog they re going to go at it, attack each other. we met robert galvan, a bulldog locked up in the shu, for numerous attacks on other inmates. bulldogs are at war right now with everybody. we don t get along with the north, we don t get along with the south, the blacks, whites. before they get us, we get them.
bulldogs they re not as organized as your other gangs. they don t have the leadership in their organization. their rule of thumb is, that majority rules. if there s issues on the yard they have to try to resolve, the bulldogs would get together and take a boat, if you will. and the majority rules to go with that, there s no set leader of bulldog. if a bulldog has a chance to attack a southern hispanic, it s on sight. if they can get away from staff during an escort, a door accidentally pops, anything. if there s another bulldog they re going to go at it,