AInsley good'>FrIday MornIng to you, Its 7 00 a. M. On the east coast. September 20th. And thIs Is'>Fox FrIends. A former'>Border Patrol Sector chIef alleges he was blocked by the'>BIdenharrIs AdmInIstratIon from InformIng the publIc about potentIal'>Terror Threats. LIsten. They wouldnt allow us to put out any InformatIon. It was very frustratIng, knowIng what was goIng on, that there were real threats there, that we werent age to address. Steve'>GrIff JenkIns on that In a moment. MeanwhIle, the'>VIce PresIdent was questIoned about how she would secure the border wIth oprah. ThIs Is not a theoretIcal, um, Issue for me. I have prosecuted transnatIonal crImInal organIzatIons. BrIan well show you the major assIst oprah gave her In answerIng the questIon. Lawrence plus early votIng kIcks off today In vIrgInIa and wIll caIn Is havIng breakfast wIth frIends In'>VIrgInIa Beach. Look at hIm. Thats a nIce shot. Why dont I ever get those type of assIgnments . Its IncredIble. BrIan frackIng. Lawrence'>Blue Moon he gets the one wIth a great skylIne. Steve or the ocean. Lawrence second hour of'>Fox FrIends begIns rIght now. MornIngs are better wIth frIends. Turn It up and sIng along we all waIt untIl the daylIghts gone we all knock off the edge around 5 00 fall In love from a kIss. WIll good mornIng from'>VIrgInIa Beach, vIrgInIa. Good mornIng, and welcome to'>Fox FrIends. Im wIll caIn here where early votIng has started all day In vIrgInIa. ThIs mornIng, were havIng breakfast wIth frIends. Were goIng to have'>Governor Glenn YoungkIn joIn us In a state In one of the few areas of a state that Is a battleground area,'>VIrgInIa Beach, vIrgInIa. There Is a fIght between'>Donald Trump and'>Kamala HarrIs to take thIs area of vIrgInIa. And It all starts here today. Lawrence, aInsley, steve, brIan, welcome back to'>VIrgInIa Beach. I hope to welcome all you vIewers In by the way to the bell very'>Sear South DIner where I wIll be hangIng out wIth'>Fox FrIends. Lawrence whats wIth the jacket . WIll too buttoned down . Lawrence you are In'>VIrgInIa Beach, why the jacket . BrIan I lIke the look. AInsley dId you want to hIm to wear shorts . WIll yeah, what do you want me to wear, lawrence . BrIan full body shot. WIll I go wherever I go. My'>Belt Buckle from'>Lawrence Jones as a gIft from'>Lawrence Jones. Yeah. Lawrence, here was the calculatIon. Tank top and shorts . Im IntervIewIng a governor. Lawrence thats true. AInsley you could have worn a vest. Steve when wIll and I were down at fIrst baptIst church In dallas, I do belIeve you were wearIng a jacket playIng pIckleball. So thIs Is the wIll caIn frIday look. [laughter] wIll yeah, I have really loosened up. I lost the tIe. WIll I am two buttons down. I am selfconscIous. I dont want to brIng'>Burt Reynolds out too early. Steve If you are In the'>VIrgInIa Beach area go to'>Belvedere South, the dIner. Have breakfast wIth hIm. He wIll probably put you on tv, rIght . WIll pretty good chance. BrIan especIally If you dressed lIke your wIfe, rIght . Steve we have seen that already. WIll yeah. Steve beautIful day In the commonwealth of vIrgInIa. As he saId, the governor of the commonwealth,'>Glenn YoungkIn Is goIng to be sIttIng wIth hIm at'>Belvedere South In the next hour. BrIan that wIll be a guy defInItely runnIng for presIdent. As soon as he Is done. You are one and done In vIrgInIa. AInsley thats rIght. A former'>Border Patrol ChIef delIvers some damnIng testImony accusIng the'>BIdenharrIs AdmInIstratIon of suppressIng InformatIon about mIgrants comIng Into our country. Lawrence he says some of the mIgrants had, quote sIgnIfIcant tIes to terrorIsm. Steve why are we just hearIng about thIs rIght now . GrIff jenkIns lIve at the'>WhIte House wIth more. GrIff, a lot of hIs testImony was jawdroppIng. GrIff It was, Indeed. I know the chIef, Is he makIng a major accusatIon. Current stuff that the current'>Border Patrol tells me what keeps hIm up at nIght. ThIs Is a serIous accusatIon from the former'>Border Patrol ChIef In the'>San DIego sector that sees the overwhelmIng matches of those on the terror watcher lIst. He says the admInIstratIon muzzled hIm. LIsten. They wouldnt allow us to put out any InformatIon. It was very frustratIng, knowIng what was goIng on. KnowIng that there were large gaps In the border conch. And that there were real threats there, that we werent able to address. And they were real threats enterIng our country. GrIff'>Take A Look at the numbers. More than 3,000 Increase In the number of IndIvIduals caught between ports of entry matchIng the'>Terror Watch LIst under the'>BIdenharrIs AdmInIstratIon. You see It 382 sInce fIscal year 2021 compared to only 11 under the trump years. And'>San DIego sector contInues to bees busIest In the natIon. A local resIdent provIdIng thIs vIdeo you are lookIng at, showIng mIgrants thIs week crossIng undeterred In the dead of nIght. It comes as lawmakers worry that a'>HearIng Yesterday just how many of the more than'>2 MIllIon'>Got Aways mIght match the'>Terror Watch LIst. That, we may sImply never know. FInally, the cbp reached out yesterday. I talked to them. They dId not dIrectly address'>ChIef HeIkes accusatIons maIntaInIng they have a hIgh level of transparency on websIte IntervIews on socIal. You see hIs credentIals an credIbIlIty. In hIs statements Is he a whIstleblower In front of everybody he Is blowIng the whIstle I Is not lookIng for protectIon. Is he tellIng the truth. Are you surprIsed Its not gettIng'>M TractIon besIdes us. GrIff I talked yesterday wIth'>ChIef HeIke about thIs. He Is not a bIg enough fIsh. Is he a former chIef. I must stay In full dIsclosure that'>BIll MelugIn and I have heard these thIngs countless tImes down at the border just'>No One had the wIll to go out and say It publIcly now chIef heItke saId It under testImony. Weave wIll see where It goes. UltImately In hIs testImony he Is sayIng that the'>OffIce Of ProfessIonal ResponsIbIlIty the'>Opr Guys InsIde Cbp WeaponIzed In hIs words agaInst chIefs from speakIng out. We wIll see If we get any more. BrIan lets work up that chaIn and fInd out who that'>Persons Boss Is and that'>Persons Boss Is does that go all the way up to mayorkas . It wouldnt surprIse me. GrIff at that'>HearIng Yesterday that dove Into the'>Terror Threat at the border, they requested and InvIted mayorkas to appear. He chose not. To say. BrIan what does he do . Not showIng up assassInatIons, he Is not doIng anythIng. Lawrence Important to note that a lot of the reportIng that'>BIll And GrIff does Is from sources wIthIn the'>Border Patrol. Because were not gettIng the actual numbers daytoday basIs. Depend on sources. ThIs guy Is not lyIng about It. BrIan'>No One Is challengIng hIm. Steve heres the thIng Is he a former'>Border Patrol. Lawrence thats why he had to. Steve the admInIstratIon wIll not make any of the current people avaIlable. Thats why good reporters, lIke we have got plenty of them here at fox. You just mentIoned two of the best. They get stuff from people who are on the InsIde who are frustrated wIth what Is happenIng oprah sat down wIth'>Kamala HarrIs, the'>VIce PresIdent came In about a half hour Into the program, Its called unIte for amerIca. It was'>Town Hall hundreds of people zoomed In. Oprah trIed to put the best'>Kamala HarrIs forward that she possIbly could and there you see the screamIng crowd. To her credIt, oprah and the producers of thIs event dId go through all the event they went through the'>Touch PIcks of ImmIgratIon and the border and that led to thIs, watcher. You know my background was prosecutor and elected'>Attorney General for two terms of a border state. ThIs Is not a theoretIcal, um, Issue for me. ThIs Is somethIng I have actually worked on. I have prosecuted transnatIonal crImInal organIzatIons. For the traffIckIng of guns, drugs, and human beIngs. I take very serIously the Importance of havIng a secure border answered InsurIng the safety of the amerIcan people sadly, where we are now can be tracked back to the fact when the unIted states congress, members of the congress, IncludIng from the most conservatIve republIcans came up wIth a border securIty bIll. So to answer justIcens questIon, now that that bIll has gone, It hasnt passed, wIll you reIntroduce that . Absolutely. And when I am elected presIdent of the unIted states, I wIll make sure that bIll gets to my desk and I wIll sIgn It Into law. BrIan the problem Is a lot of democrats dont lIke It. Let alone republIcans. Number one, I would love to ask her what do you thInk Is In It she has no Idea. I asked the braIn room, has he truthed transnatIonal gangs . Yeah 2012 and 2014. What Is thIs . 2024. Its been 10 years. What you dId there, that wIll be good to examIne. What dId you do from 2020221 untIl 2024 . NothIng. Maybe accuse the horse soldIers of beatIng up haItIans because they are black. Maybe that maybe never apologIze for that maybe a'>Couple Zoom calls wIth some'>Central AmerIcan countrIes . Thats It. Dont you feel lIke thats an'>EpIc FaIl . I actually dont thInk oprah Is tryIng to save her. TryIng to help the audIence. Here Is was not tryIng to help the voter. She was tryIng to help the candIdate. When you hug a candIdate lIke that you know what kInd of IntervIew thats goIng to be. AInsley we dId the story wIth tear connectIons under the bIden admInIstratIon and we are not gettIng those numbers. Well werent told. Oprah brIngs In all these hollywood celebrItIes. JulIa roberts, brIan cranston, chrIs rock, merrIll veep, and people are just tIred of hearIng from the celebrItIes. No one can relate to them. They are these coastal elItes. We lIke them on televIsIon. We lIke them In the movIes or when they sIng but I dont care how they vote. I really dont. BrIan In fact, Its a turnoff. Lawrence aInsley, as a d. A. And'>Attorney General. When there Is a case, you get a'>Cheat Sheet. The'>Cheat Sheet Is the vIctIms. RunnIng for offIce. Most people strong when It documents prosecutIon, goIng after. They have all these lIst of vIctIms that are so grateful because you were so strong that they want to appear In the'>CampaIgn Ads and they want to get you elected. We dont see any vIctIms for'>Kamala HarrIs. BrIan are you sayIng you would rather see vIctIms than'>JulIa Roberts . Lawrence 100 percent. If her story Is true about her beIng so aggressIve and savIng the lIves of amerIcans folks from calIfornIa. Why dont we see ads of people sayIng oh, yeah, she took on the cartel, thIs person went after me. Murdered by'>FamIly Member and'>Kamala HarrIs went out there and prosecuted them. They dont. BrIan ImagIne If rachel'>MorIns FamIly could say lawrence other candIdates,'>Donald Trump. Steve regardIng the topIc of the border and mIgratIon, dIdnt have what you are talkIng about rIght there. But, they actually dId have a couple of vIctIms. VIctIms of because today she Is goIng to be talkIng about abortIon. Lawrence of course. Steve on the'>BorIngs TopIc Hadley deval raped by stepfather who we have seen In an ad for haters and the famIly of amber thurman, a'>GeorgIa Woman after delayed medIcal care under georgIas abortIon ban. They had some of the vIctIms of that. And that pushes what theyre tryIng to do and thats a topIc they want to talk about. They dont want to talk about the border because the border Is embarrassIng. You look at the numbers and stuff lIke that. Thats why she constantly defaults to when I prosecuted and Im tryIng to stop the fentanyl comIng In. One of the thIngs the chIef saId from the group was IntroducIng us to Is the chIef saId In the'>San DIego area what they were doIng, the'>BIdenharrIs AdmInIstratIon was they were takIng people from the'>TraffIc CheckpoInts and thats where they stopped the fentanyl. All the fentanyl. They were takIng the people from the checkpoInts and puttIng them over to process all the mIgrants. And that meant the people got through wIth the fentanyl. AInsley when I watch thIs and I eoprah save her because'>Kamala HarrIs would start an answer and It wasnt goIng the rIght dIrectIon. And oprah would say what you mean Is thIs, thIs, and. ThIs. Lawrence unbelIevable. AInsley that happened several tImes. I look at the bIg productIon and how they brIng In all these celebrItIes. ThInk about what trump Is up agaInst. The deep state, bIg tech, censorIng storIes, and then now. ThIs the celebrIty factor. But, what I also realIzed Is were not the amerIcan people, If they watch thIs, they are not learnIng the truth. As If the truth doesnt matter. Its all propaganda. They hate trump so much they wIll go to all cost to make sure he Is not elected. BrIan aInsley, those are good poInts, they say 5 of most of these'>Battleground States run decIded. Those people that looked at the debate and saId I dIdnt get anythIng out of It. HarrIs dId better or trump dId better. Whatever. I dont know anythIng about her. They stIll dont after watchIng that. They are stIll undecIded. You got to ask'>BrIan Fallon the genIus evIdently behInd lets not let her do anythIng IntervIews do anythIng to hurt. Lets do no harm strategy. I dont know If you are havIng success In convIncIng'>People Number one to jump away from republIcans. Moderates to thInk that she Is the answer or truly undecIded people to thInk that she would be a good presIdent. EIther she Is hIdIng her agenda or she has no agenda. Steve wIth the'>Fox News PollIng whIch we have been quotIng today, It showed that of the supporters for both sIdes what he theyre tryIng to do as I have read. They wont do Introduce. Instead they do a very frIendly'>Town Hall lIke thIs. The whole Idea Is to presented a very, you know a very sympathetIc'>Person Look at'>TwItter X people are goIng to be lookIng at theIr feed specIfIc short clIps of'>Kamala HarrIs and these stars talkIng about how great she Is. WIll that Is that enough to move 1 . 2 . Because across the board. AInsley not goIng to move people untIl panama cIty. Maga'>Boat Parade In panama cIty, florIda. Cnn,anderson cooper sent out to IntervIew one of the people In the'>Boat Parade. The reporter he sends out Is lecturIng one of the guys she IntervIews because he has a boat. LIsten to thIs. If you can afford a boat, you are not hurtIng so bad, rIght . Because a boat costs a lot of'>Money And Upkeep . LIsten. Nobody gave me [bleep]. I earned everythIng that I have got. Im retIred mIlItary. RetIred power plant. And I am successful and retIred and wIth boats,'>Jet SkIs because I dId It rIght. Everybody has that chance whether they choose or not, thats up to them. I want my money to go further, I want InflatIon to go down. I want'>Interest Rates to go back down. I want all that but that covers everybody In the economy. Not just me, not just 9 poor. Not just the rIch. It covers everybody. Lawrence the fact they felt comfortable aIrIng thIs after such a nasty questIon to an amerIcan alberto out there. I mean, It just shows you that Its just become actIvIsm wIth theIr'>News DIvIsIon over there just because you buy a boat, you got to keep the boat, pay for It. Some people lIve on theIr boat. Such dIsIngenuous approach to people. Everyone knows, not just for rIch people, poor people. People In the'>MIddle Class. Number one Issue Is the economy. For her to say oh, okay, because you have a'>Boat T your concern doesnt matter. BrIan Im not concerned doesnt mean I dont care about other people lIke kIds comIng up or my grandparents. AInsley there Is nothIng wrong for. Ing to keep your own money. HardworkIng money. Steve the guys name, joe hannerer, a'>Trump Supporter obvIously, he made It clear. Im retIred. When you are retIred. You are on a fIxed Income. You dont have a lot of extra money. And as we have told you, ad nauseam, partIcularly for grocerIes. We are all payIng 22 more for grocerIes than two years ago. Joe got to pay more for grocerIes, gas and everythIng. He just got a certaIn'>Amount Pot of cash. BrIan he cant afford a shIrt. Steve that would be the lead. AInsley retIred mIlItary, deserves to be on that beach wIth hIs beer wIthout a shIrt and havIng that boat. She kept goIng. She saId to hIm grocerIes are probably a smaller partly of your budget than someone who Is worse off. Lawrence unbelIevable. Just actIvIst reporter. Steve they dId run It. They dIdnt have to run It. They ran It. AInsley thats true. BrIan I also saw when they went after trump hIs speech In front of the antIsemItIc conference. He came out and he saId, look, If you are a democrat, I dont understand how you could voted If you are a jewIsh person In amerIca how you could vote for a democrat. They are goIng to destroy Israel. Thats all they focused on. How could'>Donald Trump threaten democrats. He Is not threatenIng them. Is he tryIng to say Im proIsrael. You saw what I dId for four years. That was theIr angle on coverIng trump. Lawrence corrupt. All rIght, carley has some headlInes for us I certaInly do. EIght fIrefIghters are hurt after'>FIre Truck crashed on hIghway In orange county, calIfornIa. A ladder In the road caused the truck and another vehIcle to swerve. The'>FIre Truck actually hIt a guardraIl and then overturned. Just look at that the responders were on theIr way back from battlIng the 23,000acre aIrport fIre, whIch has been burnIng for nearly two weeks now. On to a fox busIness alert. The'>Port Of New York and'>New Jersey Is preparIng for a possIble strIke by the InternatIonal long shoremans assocIatIon. It would be the fIrst'>Work Stoppage there sInce 1977. The largest unIon In'>North AmerIca says Its members are prepared to walk off the job on'>October 1st If'>Dock Workers do not wIn a faIr contract, that Includes protectIons agaInst automatIon, a strIke would shut down 36 ports along the east'>Coast And Gulf coast, whIch would threaten the'>Auto MotIve Supply chaIn. It Is a very bIg day here at'>Fox FrIends. Today Is aInsleys bIrthday. Isnt she lovely carley we have a very specIal'>BIrthday Message for her, watch thIs, aInsley. Im so glad you were born. Says happy bIrthday, too. Carley how sweet. Take It away. AInsley I love you. Carley we have specIal guests. [cheers] aInsley thank you all so much. AInsley thanks, honey. Thank you so much. Steve happy bIrthday. Message from your daughter. That. AInsley that was so nIce. Thank you so much to everyone who coordInated all of thIs. They are lIke stand by, aInsley. Im lIke what are we doIng . Carley durIng my headlInes there was such a kerfuffle to my left. BrIan had to use all your professIonalIsm. Carley'>StompIng Elephants to collect thIs stuff. BrIan my shoulder stopped the cake. The cake was goIng over. Steve I slIghtly tIlted It and It went Into'>BrIans Coat and then It went Into my coat. AInsley I know you dont'>Eat Meat but do you eat cake, brIan . BrIan for you I wIll eat In the break. Carley champagne balloon. AInsley break some open. Steve fulltIme for us to all say aInsley were so glad you were born. AInsley thank you so much. Hey to hayden. She saId momma, we dont keep secrets. I saId I know. She saId am I allowed to tell you . I dId a vIdeo for your bIrthday. [laughter] steve she spoIled It. AInsley thats okay. I love you sweetheart. Im so glad you were born. BrIan you are not supposed to eat It you are supposed to gIve It to carley. Carley no, Its her bIrthday. She should be eatIng It. BrIan she was up earlIer. Carley can I waIt. AInsley I love chocolate cake. BrIan I know Its all yours. You have been up earlIer been to bed at 6 00 and gets up at 1 00. Steve If you notIced the banks are closed today Its because Its aInsleys bIrthday. A natIonal holIday. BrIan happy bIrthday, aInsley. AInsley thank you to the producers I know a lot went Into thIs god bless you all. BrIan they have been bakIng throughout the nIght. [cheers and applause] when It comes to help,'>Nobody AssIsts lIke lowes. LInda asIstencIa. Well, almost nobody. ChoIce hotels Is a famIly of brands wIth a hotel for any traveler you want to be. LIke 1 chef dad, cookIn up a free, hot breakfast for the entIre famIly at a comfort hotel. Mom made thIs. Umm. I. Added. The garnIsh. Book dIrect at choIcehotels. Com. the darkness of bIpolar depressIon made me feel lIke lIfe was movIng on wIthout me. Then I found a chance to let In the lyte. dIscover caplyta. UnlIke some medIcInes that only treat bIpolar I, caplyta Is proven to delIver sIgnIfIcant'>Symptom RelIef from both bIpolar I II depressIon. And In clInIcal trIals, movement dIsorders and'>WeIght GaIn were not common. Caplyta can cause serIous'>SIde Effects. Call your doctor about sudden mood changes, behavIors, or suIcIdal thoughts rIght away. AntIdepressants may Increase these rIsks In young adults. Elderly dementIa patIents have Increased rIsk of death or stroke. Caplyta Is not approved for dementIarelated psychosIs. Report fever, confusIon, or stIff muscles, whIch may be lIfe threatenIng, or uncontrolled Muscle Movements whIch may be permanent. Common'>SIde Effects Include sleepIness, dIzzIness, nausea, and dry mouth. These arent all the'>SIde Effects. In the darkness of bIpolar I II depressIon, caplyta can help you let In the lyte. Ask your doctor about caplyta. FInd savIngs and support at caplyta. Com. Pete g. WrItes, my tween wants a new phone. How do I not break the bank . We gotcha, pete. XfInIty mobIle was desIgned to save you money and gIves you access to wIfI speeds up to a gIg. So you get hIgh speeds for low prIces. Better than gettIng low speeds for hIgh prIces. RIght, bruce . Jealous . Yeah, look at that. Honestly. Someone get a helmet on thIs guy. XfInIty Internet customers, ask how to get a free'>5g Phone and a second unlImIted lIne free for a year. SwItch today brIan leader of hezbollah. DevIces declaratIon of war. HappenIng over the last two days. MeanwhIle Secretary Of State'>Antony BlInken hopIng to lower the temperature contInue workIng toward a ceasefIre. Get a ceasefIre for gaza over the fInIsh lIne. We dont want to see any escalatory actIons by anybody. BrIan by all sources Its not close. Here to dIscuss Is retIred four star general jack keane. Is he talkIng about gaza. We are talkIng about lebanon. They saId the Idf pulled off the second largest offIcIal attack on hezbollah of the year last nIght leadIng up before that wIth these explosIve devIces. Israel ready to go war rIght now In lebanon . ThInk certaInly are preparIng for It. And theIr dIscussIons they clearly have a campaIgn plan. They have had some open dIscussIons where they have actually announced that they are gettIng closer to the realIty of that they have moved one of theIr elIte dIvIsIons out of gaza Into the operatIonal area Into the north. They have not mobIlIzed referrIngs for that partIcular mIssIon. If they were goIng to do a large scale ground assault, whIch lIkely would need to be taken, they would use reserves, but they could start wIth a surprIsl wIth the operatIons they have done not goIng to stop attackIng. Started october the 8th. And contInued It ever sInce. Set leader of hezbollah. And the realIty Is so our vIewers understand there Is 70,000 IsraelIs that are dIsplaced from theIr homes In northern Israel. And for them to go back to those homes, the hezbollah mIlItary organIzatIons have to move back across the lItanI rIver, whIch Is about 20 mIles away from the border. So that they can no,'>Maam Bomb or reach those homes. Rockets wIth artIllery and wIth mortars. So thats what thIs mIlItary operatIon Is all about. Others would say just leave It as It Is Israel, why start another war openIng up another front wIth thIs war . If they leave It as It Is. We are redefInIng the border of Israel. Thats the realIty of what Israel Is facIng here. Thats unacceptable to them. And I certaInly agree wIth that. I thInk mIlItary operatIon Is comIng. Thats the realIty of what we are dealIng wIth. They started hIttIng Israel rockets october 8th. 7th. Unprovoked. They destroyed 100'>Hezbollah Rocket ladIes and gentlemens and A Thousand rockets. ThIs Is Israels conundrum. Every day that hezbollah Is allowed to stay there. They just seem to get stronger. And they have to ask themselves, are we just delayIng a fIght that wIll be harder to wIn In two years . Why dont we do It now because they are not goIng to stop. But, let me ask you what It means for gaza because the word Is If you read the'>Wall Street Journal today, they say bIden gettIng a'>CeasefIre Deal has escaped hIs grasp. Its not goIng to happen. What do I hear . I heard the same and heard the same for weeks. Remember, I thInk the admInIstratIon, I hate to say It. I belIeve they were hypIng thIs thIng. I belIeve we were closer and closer. Got 90 of the deal Is already done. You talk to sources. And not even close. And they knew where sInwar was. SInwar'>Wasnt Close to any kInd of a deal. SInwar the leader of hamas InsIde of gaza. It never has been close. It never has been a realIty. SInwar, what does he want . He wants hIs permanent'>SavIor CeasefIre and IsraelIs out of gaza. Thats unacceptable to netanyahu. Is he not goIng to do that. The realIty Is hamas as a mIlItary organIzatIon has been rendered somewhat IneffectIve. They stIll have thousands of fIghters fragmented, certaInly, not fIghtIng as mIlItary coherent organIzatIons anymore but fIghtIng In small groups, quungteddIng attacks agaInst Israel ambushIng them Ied type attacks. Same thIng We Saw In afghanIstan and Iraq. Thats what IsraelIs are facIng. They are goIng to stay there untIl they stabIlIze that sItuatIon. Dont need as many forces to do It. That would certaInly release some forces to conduct an operatIon In the north. I thInk that Is where they are gettIng to. You know, the operatIons In gaza are dImInIshIng sIgnIfIcantly. They have more operatIonal forces avaIlable to them, naznasrallah the head of hezbolh not backIng away and forcIng the IsraelIs hand. He attacked Israel on october the 8th. Nasrallah and hezbollah and have been doIng that ever sInce. What do we really expect Israel to do here, just contInue to take thIs . Were almost a year Into thIs. BrIan Israel Is reestablIshIng how formIdable they are and how InnovatIve they can be wIth defIcIt statIng attacks In hezbollah and relentless In gaza. Thanks so much, general, always great to talk to you. Have a fantastIc weekend. Yeah, you guys have great weekend. Happy bIrthday, aInsley. BrIan absolutely. Thanks so much. MeanwhIle, let me tell what you Is comIng up thIs weekend at 9 00. Great show. PresIdent trump Is goIng to be wIth us. Robert dobkIn Is goIng to brIng down hIs stance when It comes to thIs electIon and from hollywood the legendary actor. TrIstan harrIs on the dangers and pluses wIth aI. A'>Zoo RaskIn goIng to tell us a lot about It and Pete You Hegseth wIll break down the medIa moments of the week. Trump laggIng behInd harrIs In pennsylvanIa. Could thIs be the presIdent Ial electIon when the commonwealth goes red . WIll Is askIng the voters In beautIful'>VIrgInIa Beach. Plowed that earth th Ings the rIght way. The delIverIng promIses on tIme, every tIme, way. We all Know Costs are too hIgh. But whIle corporatIons are gougIng famIlIes, trump Is focused on gIvIng them tax cuts. But'>Kamala HarrIs Is focused on you. BuIldIng up the'>MIddle Class wIll be a defInIng goal of my presIdency. Shell make grocerIes more affordable by crackIng down on prIce gougIng. And'>Shell Cut HousIng costs by takIng on corporate speculators. MIddle class famIlIes buIlt amerIca. We need a leader who has theIr back. Im'>Kamala HarrIs and I approve thIs message. Cordless outdoor power, brIngs you the ego power blower. ReachIng an IncredIble 765 cfm, Its more powerful than gas. And at speeds of up to 200 mph, Its the most powerful'>Ego Blower ever. FeaturIng egos patented 56volt'>Arc LIthIum Battery technology, It runs up to 90 mInutes on a sIngle charge. Plus, the same battery powers all ego tools. ExclusIvely at lowes,'>Ace And Ego authorIzed dealers. Scout Is protected by sImparIca trIo and hes In It to wIn It sImparIca trIo Is the fIrst chew wIth trIple protectIon. Whoa fleas and tIcks IntestInal worms whoa heartworm dIsease no problem wIth sImparIca trIo thIs'>Drug Class has been assocIated wIth neurologIc adverse reactIons IncludIng seIzures. Use wIth cautIon In dogs wIth a hIstory of these dIsorders. For wInnIng protectIon go wIth sImparIca trIo. Some days, you can feel lIke a spectator In your own lIfe wIth chronIc mIgraIne, 15 or more headache days a month each lastIng 4 hours or more. Botox® prevents headaches In adults wIth chronIc mIgraIne before they start. And treatment Is 4 tImes a year. In a survey, 91 of users wIsh theyd started sooner. So why waIt . Talk to your doctor. Effects of botox® may spread hours to weeks after InjectIon causIng serIous symptoms. Alert your doctor rIght away as dIffIculty swallowIng speakIng, breathIng, eye problems, or'>Muscle Weakness can be sIgns of a lIfethreatenIng condItIon. SIde effects may Include allergIc reactIons,'>Neck And InjectIon sIte paIn, fatIgue, and headache. Dont receIve botox® If theres a skIn InfectIon. Tell your doctor your medIcal hIstory,'>Muscle Or Nerve condItIons, and medIcatIons IncludIng botulInum toxIns as these may Increase the rIsk of serIous'>SIde Effects. ChronIc mIgraIne may stIll keep you from beIng there. Why waIt . Talk to your doctor about botox®. And get In the pIcture. Learn how abbvIe can help you save. Carley we are back wIth headlInes a'>FlorIda Company called space specIfIc Is one step closer to takIng thrIll seekers to the edge of space. They just completed a flIght sImulatIon of theIr'>SpaceshIp Neptune Capsule whIch Is a gIant balloon that can travel as far as 18 mIles above earth. The capsule can fIt nIne people but cost 125,000 per seat. The company wants to start commercIal flIghts by 2026. And'>Fox News medIa takIng tIme to recognIze Team Members who went Above And Beyond In 2023 at our thIrd annual spotlIght award ceremony. Ceo'>Suzanne Scott and presIdent'>Jay Wallace hIghlIghtIng the Important'>Role Everyone plays In the companys success. They spotlIght wInners you are here because your colleagues belIeved you should be here and recognIzed. You are the Best Of The best. And we are all so proud of you. Carley the'>Fox News'>MedIa LIghtIng Department takIng home the Innovators of the'>Year Award presented by'>Judge JeanIne pIrro. Judge jeanIne you know, InnovatIon can be mIstaken for mIracles. And the'>LIghtIng Department pulls off mIracles every day. [laughter] our vIewers would never know thIs, but Im actually 97 years old. [laughter] because of you, I am always ready for my closeup. Carley the team payIng trIbute to beloved'>LIghtIng DIrector'>Joe Rosta to passed away last year. Our famIly Is forever changed wIthout joes spIrIt. HIs smIle, and hIs easy laugh we mIss hIm more each day. We accept thIs award knowIng that we wouldnt be here wIthout hIm. And that he Is here wIth us In spIrIt. Carley he was a great man and we all mIss hIm. BIll hemmer,'>Lawrence Jones,'>Dana PerIno and'>Lauren Green also presentIng awards for category unsung hero, rIsIng star, and an award for communIty servIce. We would lIke to congratulate all who won and we cant waIt to see what they do next. How about that, guys . Great celebratIon. [applause] bIg round of applause to everybody. Lawrence, you were there. Lawrence good crew. The speech that was gIven was IncredIble honorIng our frIend. Steve terrIfIc. And hats off to all the professIonals In front of and behInd the camera. There Is joe rIght there. All rIght. ComIng up. Lawrence now to thIs pollIng shows former'>PresIdent Trump traIlIng'>Kamala HarrIs by 7 percent In vIrgInIa state. He lost both In 2016 and 2020. Steve but, wIth the'>Governors Race and key congressIonal seat goIng red last electIon, wIll'>Donald Trump be able to flIp the common wealth In 2024. AInsley fox'>FrIends Weekend Cohost wIll caIn Is gettIng reactIon from vIrgInIa voters. Hey, wIll. WIll good mornIng. Welcome back to'>VIrgInIa Beach, vIrgInIa. The belvedere'>South DIner rIght here on the beach. And to your poInt, steve, If vIrgInIa wIll be a battleground state, early votIng starts today, the'>Number One Issue wIll be the economy. Not unlIke every other part of the country but I was havIng coffee wIth jack here earlIer and jack Is In the constructIon busIness. Just share wIth me what you were talkIng about how you felt about the economy lIterally your busIness and projects 3, 4, 5, yearsIng a versus today. 16 weeks out wIth four drug abuse. And we have got good ratIngs. 30 years experIence. And so, you know, now we are down to one crew four weeks out. WIll what changed . Why . I thInk everybody Is holdIng on to theIr money, you know . WIll same thIng, everywhere across the country, IncludIng vIrgInIa, the economy Is'>Number One. Were goIng to have'>Governor Glenn YoungkIn come and joIn us In a'>Element Movement we wIll ask hIm about that. If everybody cares about the economy, why Is'>Kamala HarrIs stIll leadIng In some place lIke vIrgInIa . Do you have a good answer to that . Carolyn has been dIrectIng my show the past 20 mInutes tellIng me exactly where Im goIng to gone on tv. Where Is your moment. You know thats not true. WIll do you know why'>Kamala HarrIs Is leadIng In vIrgInIa, accordIng to most of the pollIng If the economy Is'>Number One Issue to vIrgInIans . I thInk probably what they are hearIng on the news that everybody Is just has a dIfferent opInIon. One opInIon Is pushed more than the other. The bottom lIne Is trump,'>PresIdent Trump Is wants to make amerIca great agaIn. And, more than that, he has taken care of the economy. EverythIng was better under hIm. Economy, needs to be straIghtened out. ImmIgratIon Is a bIg problem. WIll carolyn has poInted out as many people know and I have mentIoned thIs mornIng, early votIng. ThIs has started'>ElectIons Season now In vIrgInIa. Anna bell Is In the hospItalIty busIness. You have fIrsthand experIence wIth the economy over an extended perIod of tIme meanIng thIs admInIstratIon and the prIor admInIstratIon. Yeah. And I just want to say that we have got to do somethIng about the prIces. When you go to the'>Grocery Store and Its rIdIculous. And thats what thIs electIon Is all about. We got to get rId of the chaos. But, by the way, I just have to say hI to'>Moo Moo In florIda. WIll hI'>Moo Moo, there you go. Let me Introduce to you squInch. NIckname he has had hIs entIre lIfe. BesIdes me gettIng your name rIght here on natIonal televIsIon that Its scwInch. What Is Important to you thIs'>ElectIon Season . Let me preface my answer wIth sayIng that Im a'>World Traveler and I love culture. I love World Cultures I have to say that the border. You have Illegal ImmIgratIon Is just out of control. And I love ImmIgratIon. I thInk Its well, Its what we were founded on. I love It. But Its got to be In control. I lover that thIs beIng out of control, I thInk Its really doIng a dIsservIce to the ImmIgrants themselves as well as the people who lIve In thIs country. I thInk that our the country were havIng to splIt our resources wIth and we are neglectIng a lot of our own cItIzens. About what had you to say. You travel. You apprecIate cultures. One of the thIngs that allows you to do If you have that great experIence Is to preach the your culture. To say apprecIate amerIca. Because you have context to understand what makes thIs place specIal, amerIca. All rIght. Thats goIng to be It rIght now from the'>Belvedere South. In a lIttle bIt'>Governor Glenn YoungkIn rIght here In the dIner comIng up on'>Fox FrIends. Steve all rIght wIll and scwInch. FIrst squInch I ever heard of. BrIan maybe Is he out In. Steve It could be squInch In a pInch. BrIan fIllIng In. Steve check In wIth adam the foxcast. Adam very pleasant weather on fox square. Actually goIng to be talkIng about'>Cooler AIr slIppIng Into at least part of the country where the other half Is stIll dealIng wIth summer lIke temperatures. See that bIg area of the country 70 fallIng down to 62 In november that san area we soldIer aIr. Really temperatures across the plaIns. SlIghtly above average. All of that blue funnelIng In. That Is where we are goIng to see a change In the days ahead. PartIcularly by the tIme we get Into the Back Half of the weekend Into early next week. Here Is what the temperatures look lIke saturday, ultImately Into sunday. See that'>Cooler AIr funnelIng In contInuIng to cool off a lIttle bIt on monday. Here are the weather headlInes for now tossIng It back need to you dIes. AIns. BrIan wake second assassInatIon attempt. EyeIng secret'>ServIce ProtectIon for all presIdent Ial candIdates. AInsley congressman'>MIke Lawler tells us about hIs bIll and reacts to the contInued attacks on the former presIdent. For effortless protectIon. Zevo. PeoplefrIendly. Bugdeadly. A perfect day for a famIly outIng shIngles doesnt care. But shIngrIx protects. Only shIngrIx Is proven over 90 effectIve. ShIngrIx Is a vaccIne used to prevent shIngles In adults 50 years and older. ShIngrIx does not protect everyone and Is not for those wIth severe allergIc reactIons to Its IngredIents or to a prevIous dose. An Increased rIsk of'>GuIllaInbarre Syndrome was observed after gettIng shIngrIx. FaIntIng can also happen. The most common'>SIde Effects are paIn, redness, and swellIng at the InjectIon sIte, muscle paIn, tIredness, headache, shIverIng, fever, and upset stomach. Ask your'>Doctor Or PharmacIst about shIngrIx today. Whenever heartburn strIkes, get fast relIef wIth tums. Its tIme to love food back. Also try new tums gummy bItes. House of representatIves set to vote today on new'>York Congressman'>MIke Lawlers bIll lookIng to gIve secret'>ServIce ProtectIon to all presIdent Ial candIdates. ThIs as house democrats refuse to abandon theIr threat to'>Democracy Attack LIne agaInst'>Donald Trump. I wanted to know If you thInk Its tIme for democrats to stop callIng trump a threat to democracy. No. The fact of the matter Is that he Is a threat to democracy. No. I thInk we should be clear that he Is a threat to democracy. Do you thInk that the rhetorIc though needs to be toned down. Because rhetorIc should be toned down, absolutely. LIsten, these are the facts. Is he a threat. PerIod. PoInt blank. Steve thank you very much'>HIllary Vaughan for those questIons In the hall. MeanwhIle from another hall In the capItol, new'>York Congressman'>MIke Lawler whose bIll Is they are goIng to vote on today from statuary hall. Good mornIng, steve, thanks for havIng me. Its great to have you too. ThIs Is one of the rare tImes In washIngton where thIs bIll Is goIng to pass and Is bIpartIsan. No questIon. I Introduced thIs bIll In the aftermath of the fIrst'>ShootIng Attempt on'>PresIdent Trumps lIfe wIth'>Congressman RItchIe torres, a'>ProgressIve Democrat from the bronx. Because we both recognIze that In amerIca electIons should be determIned at the'>Ballot Box and not by an aas sIns bullet. And the fact that the secret servIce dId not gIve'>PresIdent Trump the hIghest level of securIty In the aftermath of the fIrst shootIng Is outrageous. So we Introduced thIs bIll. And obvIously In the aftermath of the second shootIng, were goIng to vote on It. The secret servIce has sInce gIven the presIdent the former presIdent the hIghest level of securIty. But It shouldnt have come to thIs. Steve rIght. We have a responsIbIlIty to ensure the'>Safety And WellbeIng of the candIdates runnIng for presIdent. On january 20th, 2025, eIther'>PresIdent Trump or'>VIce PresIdent harrIs are goIng to be presIdent and we need to ensure theIr safety It would be catastrophIc to have an assassInatIon and certaInly In the mIddle of a presIdent Ial electIon, and thIs Is our responsIbIlIty as a government to ensure that doesnt happen. Steve Indeed. And'>Donald Trump, because he to your poInted, could be the next presIdent of the unIted states, he needs current'>PresIdent Level secret servIce. You know, jImmy carter, a former presIdent , has secret servIce. But, you know, Its not at the same robust level that obvIously'>Donald Trump who Is stIll doIng a lot of rallIes needs. MeanwhIle, we just saw'>HIllary Vaughan, a great reporter on'>CapItol HIll askIng some of those democrats whats the deal wIth callIng hIm a threat . Because, when you call'>Donald Trump a threat, mIke that, Is a go sIgn for some people. Oh, hes a threat. I got to do somethIng about hIm. They dont get that. , no questIon. Even'>Joe BIden has saId we need to put a bullseye on trump. You have had'>Kamala HarrIs and'>Nancy PelosI and many leanIng democrats say thIngs that certaInly are not. Everybody needs to tone It down. CallIng hIm a threat to democracy Is rIdIculous. Our democracy wIll endure as It has for 248 years. Were goIng to be fIne, no matter who wIns the electIon. Steve rIght. Okay. I thInk to contInue to do that by the way at the same tIme gaslIght the natIon for an entIre year about'>Joe BIdens cognItIve abIlItIes and then undermIne 14. 6 mIllIon democratIc prImary voters and throw hIm out and Install'>Kamala HarrIs. You cant really talk about threats to democracy when you do thIngs lIke that. Steve Indeed. Congressman, thank you very much for joInIng us lIve. Good luck wIth the bIll today. Thank you. Steve were steppIng asIde. The governor of the commonwealth of vIrgInIa,'>Glenn YoungkIn comIng up. Cement we could trust. Vo schedule free'>MobIle ServIce at safelIte. Com. SIngers safelIte repaIr, safelIte replace. [coughs] when carolIne has a cough, she takes robItussIn. So, she can have those one on ones agaIn. Hey jIm can we talk about casual frIdays . Oh sure. Whats up . Get fast, powerful'>Cough RelIef wIth robItussIn, and fInd your voIce. RobItussIn the future Is not just goIng to happen. You have to make It. And If you want a successful busIness, all It takes Is an Idea, and now becomes the future where you grew a dream Into a realIty. The all new godaddy aIro. Put your busIness onlIne In mInutes wIth the power of aI. FInIsh your'>BusIness Degree faster and for less wIthout startIng from scratch. Whether youre In school or pIckIng up where you left off, unIversIty of phoenIx wIll help you get every elIgIble'>Transfer CredIt you deserve. 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