Delhi's Patiala House Court on Tuesday took cognizance of a supplementary complaint (charge sheet) filed against three Tihar jail officials, Mahender Prasad Sundriyal, Sunder Bora, Dharam Singh Meena in the matter related to jailed business Sukesh Chandrasekar in a Rs 200 crore money laundering case.
The Enforcement Directorate (ED) on Thursday filed a supplementary chargesheet in Delhi s Patiala House Court against three Tihar Jail officials in a Rs 200-crore money laundering case involving Sukesh Chandrashekhar.
The case is based upon a case registered by Delhi Police against Chandrashekhar and the other accused for alleged money laundering, , enforcement directorate, money laundering
Enforcement Directorate (ED) on Wednesday informed the Patiala House Court court that it will file a supplementary complaint (charge sheet) tomorrow in a 200 crore money laundering case involving Sukesh Chandrasekar and actor Jacqueline Fernandez and others.