These are all the elements that compose the cit and involve the commissioners and Mental Health providers, police officers, the chief here who has been gracious enough to attend the training with us serving the community. What is going on with cit . We two years ago we had [inaudible] in 2012 and right now we have 312 and which is great and a long way. We are 22 of the patrol force is c it trained including sergeants and have three, four classes scheduled for this year and the next is in march. Under the training [inaudible] expressed last time he was year. I am glad to say were having training tomorrow. We have officers and willing to come to the training and others that were asked to come to the training and its going to be a two day training. Basically theyre focusing on Suicide Prevention which is part of cit. So its a great endeavor and now its reality so were moving on with that. We are still working some issues. I know you had a young man jessie who was here six months ago worki
Line item 2d schedule announcements and items for consideration at future commission meetings. Commission president to appoint commissioners to the following rotating assignments. Action. Firearm discharge review board. Monitor compliance of requirements qawrkterly rotation. Crisis intervention training. Limited English Proficiency smpses. Early Intervention Services and quarterly rotation and safe streets for all working group. Thank you inspector. This was mentioned at the end of last year. A number of assignments we have shared duties of and there are other assignments that involve some of the priorities of the commission that have been articulated previously. Theyre existing working groups. Its one of the ways that we do things differently in San Francisco which is oftentimes its officers and the Police Commission and members of the public working through issues together so i wanted to go through these particular ones and make sure what the assignments are and what folks interest i
Its wonderful the fact that 22 of the officers are trained is impressive. This is a volunteer program. They put in the extra hours, extra time so they want to do this and i think that is fabulous and i would like to see that grow and i think it will grow and the chief discussed it last night at the Community Meetings and great statistics and speaks volumes for the officers involved in the program. Six months ago you put a training or schedule together for applied suicide intervention skills training and that is really i mean as we see from sunday its really needed and the fact that were going to have this kind of training is fabulous. I think thats the hardest thing to do when you have to face another person suicidal person and not know what is going on back there but the idea if you can train people it to intervene and the skills and its above and beyond and really needed and i think First Responders its so important and i want to commend you on the training and i want to attend if i
Academies do volunteer work both as part of their academy work and that they volunteer their own time aside from working specifically with youth, so this class worked with the youth in the Housing Project in chinatown, also with John Muir School in the western edition and with youth and time paid and a requirement that they volunteer and that came across loud and clear. I also think i have said this before, the chief and his remarks specifically spoke to the changing in culture around mentalityal Health Crisis and what lieutenant molina talked about and sometimes you have to go in and things take fast and sometimes you need four hours to get the woman out of her home and i think the chief categorized it sometimes youre a first responder. Sometimes youre a social worker so i think really the opportunity for a lot of change comes in how we train the new officers and what we do and i just want to reflect to all of you again having before there on behalf of the commission a lot of what was
Enough to attend the training with us serving the community. What is going on with cit . We two years ago we had [inaudible] in 2012 and right now we have 312 and which is great and a long way. We are 22 of the patrol force is c it trained including sergeants and have three, four classes scheduled for this year and the next is in march. Under the training [inaudible] expressed last time he was year. I am glad to say were having training tomorrow. We have officers and willing to come to the training and others that were asked to come to the training and its going to be a two day training. Basically theyre focusing on Suicide Prevention which is part of cit. So its a great endeavor and now its reality so were moving on with that. We are still working some issues. I know you had a young man jessie who was here six months ago working and i will get together with him sorry. I will get together with him and work on the numbers he has come up with. I know the department provided certain data