I came away with a couple different impressions. First of all Artificial Intelligence was everything. Every panel, every roundtable, every discussion centered around Artificial Intelligence. People like to raise Artificial Intelligence really when its not even speak as we believe this but you can finishwatchingd take you live to discussion of the Banking System and Financial Services sector with Bank Executives and former regulators. You are watching live coverage on cspan2. 1300 bankers state Association Leaders independence day. Even more watching on our liveke out of your busy schedules to add your voice, your advocacy efforts. I also want to walk members of the media who are joining us, and i would like to extend a special thanks to the members of congress, regulars and other es our program over the next few days. This event is all about advocacy. Its about dimmest setting to the policy community that bankers are committed to working constructively toward a policy environment that
Before the loma linda architectural you came here to get a city job the city clerk with the nervious center the Civic Service department and the what is the highrise department the lifeguard i didnt think that existed packaged what index cards and the place where we kept all the records about all of our City Employees where we councilmember del prado the records but the architect happened and every chain in the building has been opened up in the beautiful civic building that is it is today and department of Human Resources and all of our hiring and career support work were thrilled to be back here. Um, we are coming back but not bringing the note cards and not filling up the space as you can see it is open and modern we have a lot of investment in the system were going coming back with a lot more flexibility i think a greater commitment to the job seekers and open up the opportunity for more city employment. We have launched a new. Accessible and Responsive Software tracking system i t
The collaborations on communications security. Communications is essential, i would say to our modern economies as the demand for flow continues to increase. There are, of course, aut the a university of telecommunications infrastructure, whether its cables■s■q, satelles, various technologies such as open ram and the security, Cyber Security throughout these systems. Weve pulled together an excellent panel today to talk about these. Folks from us and japan who are experts in this field and diverse expertise in in field, i should say, coming from various different agencies and organizations and so, what well do, ill give just their brief introductions and then share their wisdom. Well open it up to questions from the audience and everybody can start thinking about it here. And first the Deputy Director general for the global japan min city of affairs and communications. Next to him is mark, the director of bilateral and Regional Affairs in the information Communication Policy Divisi
We okay . Can you tilt it down a little bit, control room, please . So that we can see the interpreters hands . Okay. Okay, i think we are ready to start. Thank you for your patience everyone. Go ahead cochair madrid. Good afternoon and welcome to the Mayors Disability Council friday march 15, 2024. This is an inperson and virtual hybrid meeting. [indiscernible] okay, go ahead. Thank you. Thank you control room. This meeting is broadcast to the public on sfgotv and open captioned and sign language interpreted. If you need any accommodations or have difficulty attending these meetings, please send an email to mod sfgov. Org or call, 4155546789. The Mayors Disability Council holds 10 Public Meetings generally hold on the third friday of the month. For information about past or upcoming meetings, please visit mod website at www. Mod. Sfgov. Org mod. Our next regular meeting will be on february 19, 2024 from 1 to 4 p. M. And will be also hybrid meeting and broadcast on sfgovtv. Thank you f
Im elizabeth howell, a professor in the department of history. Im here as guest lecture today in labor history. Id like to welcome to my world and to talk a little bit about 1970s in many ways, the 1970s is our probably the most contested historical turf right now. As we talked about before, historians their minds, they find new evidence they find new arguments and new takes on the decades they study and the 1970s is really no different. I think originally the culture we tend to think of them as of the rebellion light decade in which would focus disco and focus the conservative backlash. But in fact theyre one of the most important decades for the american working class and in labor htory. So today, title the times they are changing apologies to bob dylan is really aut how this decade was a of fundamental in the workplace in the workforce and in work organizations. It also was a change in the context in which all of those three things operated. So focusing on worker militancy, the dive