BROOKVILLE — In recognition of the need to protect the county’s older residents from abuse, the Jefferson County Commissioners have proclaimed Saturday, June 15 as “World Elder Abuse Awareness Day”
The new operator of Winter X Games is not releasing estimated attendance totals from last month’s event, although other data indicates that crowds were up from last year but still lagging the massive numbers seen.
This cost will supplement the original $200,000 in the PUD’s contract with Willamette, and is included in the $25 million cost increase for the new Service Center at Olds Station Road.
NORTHAMPTON When 2023 begins, the Daily Hampshire Gazette will operate from a new location for the first time in more than 47 years.The company’s move to a 7,000-square-foot building at 23 Service Center Road, only a few hundred yards from the 115.
NORTHAMPTON When 2023 begins, the Daily Hampshire Gazette will operate from a new location for the first time in more than 47 years.The company’s move to a 7,000-square-foot building at 23 Service Center Road, only a few hundred yards from the 115.