There. Thank you very much. Thank you, caller. Supervisor peskin any other members of the public for general Public Comment for todays meeting . Seeing none, Public Comment is closed and were adjourned. Thank you, chair. Please remember to remain on team. Sfgovtv and producers, getting ready for timm this meeting will come to order. And welcome to the september 25th special meeting of the joint city, School District, and city college select committee. Im supervisor haney, chair of the committee. Our clerk today is erica major. Madam clerk, do you have any announcements . Clerk due to the covid19 Health Emergency and to protect the City Employees and the public, the elective chamber and Committee Room are closed. Members will be participating remotely. This precaution is taken to the local state and orders and directives. The members will attend through Video Conference and participate in the meeting to the same extent as if physically present. However, Public Comment will be available
Madam clerk, do you have any announcements . Clerk due to the covid19 Health Emergency and to protect the City Employees and the public, the elective chamber and Committee Room are closed. Members will be participating remotely. This precaution is taken to the local state and orders and directives. The members will attend through Video Conference and participate in the meeting to the same extent as if physically present. However, Public Comment will be available on each item of the agenda. Cable channel 26, 78 or 99 as well as sfgovtv. Org are streaming the callin number across the screen. Each speaker is allowed two minutes to speak. And comments are opportunities to speak during the comment public via phone by calling the number 1 415 6550001. Again, that number is 1 415 6550001. The meeting i. D. Is 1462995419. Again, that is 1462995419. Press pound and pound again. When connected you will hear the meeting discussion but youll be muted and in listening mode only. When your item of i
This meeting will come to order. And welcome to the september 25th special meeting of the joint city, School District, and city college select committee. Im supervisor haney, chair of the committee. Our clerk today is erica major. Madam clerk, do you have any announcements . Clerk due to the covid19 Health Emergency and to protect the City Employees and the public, the elective chamber and Committee Room are closed. Members will be participating remotely. This precaution is taken to the local state and orders and directives. The members will attend through Video Conference and participate in the meeting to the same extent as if physically present. However, Public Comment will be available on each item of the agenda. Cable channel 26, 78 or 99 as well as sfgovtv. Org are streaming the callin number across the screen. Each speaker is allowed two minutes to speak. And comments are opportunities to speak during the comment public via phone by calling the number 1 415 6550001. Again, that n
I am commissioner martha knutzen. This Commission Meeting is being conducted pursuant to the provisions of the bryant act and recent executive orders issued by the governor to facilitate teleconferencing to reduce the risk of covid19 transmission at public meetingful ordinarily, the brown act has strict rules for teleconferencing. The governors executive order has descended those rules. It requires that we continue to notice meetings in advance. The department has met all of the applicable notice requirements. As noted on the agenda, members of the public may observe this teleconference meeting via sfgov tv and may offer Public Comment by calling the published comment phone number. Id like to welcome the members of the public and staff who are watching us live on sfgov tv. The Commission Asks and thanks you for your patience during these unprecedented times. Conducting the meeting through teleconferencing has only happened once last month in our history. That being said, we hope the pu
Knutzen. This Commission Meeting is being conducted pursuant to the provisions of the bryant act and recent executive orders issued by the governor to facilitate teleconferencing to reduce the risk of covid19 transmission at public meetingful ordinarily, the brown act has strict rules for teleconferencing. The governors executive order has descended those rules. It requires that we continue to notice meetings in advance. The department has met all of the applicable notice requirements. As noted on the agenda, members of the public may observe this teleconference meeting via sfgov tv and may offer Public Comment by calling the published comment phone number. Id like to welcome the members of the public and staff who are watching us live on sfgov tv. The Commission Asks and thanks you for your patience during these unprecedented times. Conducting the meeting through teleconferencing has only happened once last month in our history. That being said, we hope the public has patience. We are