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This meeting will come to order. And welcome to the september 25th special meeting of the joint city, School District, and city college select committee. Im supervisor haney, chair of the committee. Our clerk today is erica major. Madam clerk, do you have any announcements . Clerk due to the covid19 Health Emergency and to protect the City Employees and the public, the elective chamber and Committee Room are closed. Members will be participating remotely. This precaution is taken to the local state and orders and directives. The members will attend through Video Conference and participate in the meeting to the same extent as if physically present. However, Public Comment will be available on each item of the agenda. Cable channel 26, 78 or 99 as well as sfgovtv. Org are streaming the callin number across the screen. Each speaker is allowed two minutes to speak. And comments are opportunities to speak during the comment public via phone by calling the number 1 415 6550001. Again, that number is 1 415 6550001. The meeting i. D. Is 1462995419. Again, that is 1462995419. Press pound and pound again. When connected you will hear the meeting discussion but youll be muted and in listening mode only. When your item of interest comes up, press star, and then 3, to be added to the speaker line. The best practices are to call from a quiet location, speak clearly and slowly and turn down your television or radio. Alternatively you may submit in either of the following ways email myself, the joint city, school schict and city college select committee. And if you submit via email its forwarded to the supervisors and it will be included as part of the official file. Supervisor haney thank you, madam clerk. Are you finished the announcements . Clerk yes, would you like me to take roll . Supervisor haney yes, please. Clerk [roll call] you have a quorum. Supervisor haney thank you, madam clerk. Please call the first item. Clerk item number one is a hearing on the current services, programs and accessibility of Mental Health care for children and youth. Members of the public who wish to provide Public Comment on item number 1 should call the number 1 415 6550001. The meeting i. D. Is 1462995419. Press pound, and pound again. Press star, and 3 to get into the queue. The system will prompt you that you have raised your hand. The system will indicate that you have been unmuted when we get to Public Comment. Thank you. Supervisor haney thank you. Did you read the first the first item . Clerk i did, thank you. Supervisor haney great. Thank you, madam clerk. And im going to turn it over to the primary sponsor of this first hearing, president yee, who is with us. I want to thank you, president yee, for calling this hearing. You know, this is obviously a very challenging time for everyone in our country and in our city, but especially our kids who are young people who are struggling with a lot of uncertainty, who had their entire lives uprooted at a very vulnerable time. Who have in many cases lost the important connection that theyve had to the community, at school, and being there in person with supportive adults and their peers. And the challenges and questions around Mental Health and addressing the needs of Mental Wellness and Mental Health of our young people is something that, obviously, was of critical importance even before covid. I want to thank the School District and dcyf and everyone for continuing that commitment during this very challenging time. It is critical that we not only think about the academic needs of our students and youth in the city, but also their Mental Wellness and Emotional Wellness and physical wellness. So i really do want to appreciate president yee for calling this hearing and working so hard and making sure that we are also keeping this a priority at the forefront of our work. And so with that, before we begin the hearing and invite our presenters, im going to ask president yee if he has any introductory comments or remarks. President yee thank you, chair haney. And my colleagues on the board and also trustees shelby and commissioner moliga. I dont know the other commissioners anybody else is on, but thanks for being here and being part of this committee. I actually called this hearing it seems like centuries ago. This issue came up around december last year, and i asked i actually called for a hearing around that time. I wanted to give our departments and the School District some time to really look at the issue more carefully before asking who hold a hearing itself. And then the pandemic sort of hit. So i just want to give some background. It stems from the situation where there was it was brought into light that there was really a lack of services for the students there in terms of Mental Health services. And, of course, i knew that there was some services in our high schools at the time, but even with the high School Situation was a lack of services. And since december, i have spoken to several High School Students who have really articulated the need for even more than what they actually have in the School Districts the high school. And so it was through that challenge of probably not having enough services for High School Kids and almost having no services for kids that are in middle school. And, you know, its not anything new for anybody that with the children our youth, that is actually the toughest time of kids when theyre growing up is actually in the middle school stages. They have a lot of challenges to overcome, theyre growing, transitioning from being very dependent to almost independent in terms of different spectrums, all of these hormones going on and so forth. In reality we actually lose more kids in middle school, they wont go into high school mentally prepared. So its a big, big issue that we need to address. So at the time when i was thinking about this hearing it was more of lets figure this out. I mean, what do we really need . What are the best practices for our kids in school . And i want to also mention that Mental Health services the need for Mental Health services doesnt just start in middle school but its really intensifying. We need it in Elementary School, as you know. My professional career is in Early Education and in particular Certain Center centet we ran, that i ran as an organization in the tenderloin and in the sunnyside area, not sunnyside, but sunnydale. That we realized even at the preschool level we needed to make sure that theres Mental Health services for the children and their families. So here we are, now fast forward, basically 10 months later were having a hearing in which i started on one foot and now landing on the other foot and realizing that, oh, my god, this is not just about the longterm of dissecting the need in the long term, but as you probably already know with this pandemic, one of the things that have come up is, my goodness, the need for Mental Health services has increased like more than two or threefold. Im talking to i have spoken to people that do counselling, Mental Health services for adults, and these are independent people that have clients, and theyre saying that it doubled the caseload. And were hearing stories about what is happening in the homes, the stress thats going on there. And, you know, one of the things that im hoping that we could do today is to unfold that a little bit i know that this area initially was not about that, but i think its important that whatever information we have from our departments and the School Districts and the city college that we should really put it all on the table, look to the need now. I mean, in terms of the Immediate Response to whats going on with our kids. And also i want to say this hearing is probably needed to be done to focus our attention a little bit on children and youth. Really because weve in the city weve done a fairly good job, led by supervisor haney and supervisor ronen and several others to really point out that we need more Mental Health services for people on the streets and the homeless. And were looking at it thanks to those supervisors, theyre pushing those. And most of the discussions i have heard on the board of supervisors is about that. Which is a good thing. So what i dont want us to do is to use lose focus on our kids. You know, and to make sure that it takes us back into the awareness that it really does deserve attention. So today my goal and hopefully everybodys goal is to actually figure out what were actually doing for our kids, figure out whats the gap. Its really simple. Whats the gap, and how were going to fill that gap. You know, and i know that its been challenging. And i dont really expect that were going to come out of this hearing, you know, agreeing on heres all the money and heres all the resources that we will need and well take everything 100 . But we have to know that we have to take care of, and we have to know what direction we want to take this. We have to identify what resources we have now. And we have to identify new resources. We have to identify how to coordinate our services better. Were serving the same kids, whether its from the city, city college or from the School District, or from project entities. So thats basically what im hoping for. And i feel looking at the presentations that we could take some big steps today. So with that, i dont know if theres anybody else that wanted to any select Committee Members that might want to say something. If not ill go ahead and invite the presenters. So the presenters in this particular order, i will first ask the School District to present, and that is kevin hog hogan. And then d. P. H. Will be arah mann, the associate director of children and youth and families assistant care. And then ill invite the staff from city college of san San Francisco. And then originally she was going to present discussing and looking at the presentations that we are sort of duplicating everything and i asked her really not to present, to do anything formal, but shell be asked questions and shell talk about her the role in all of this. So without any further adieu then, lets get started. Kevin, are you there, the director of safety and wellness. Hi, i am here, supervisor. President yee hi, kevin. Can you all see the slides . President yee yes. Okay, there we go. President yee thank you. Thank you, supervisor, and thank you all for allowing me to talk for a few minutes about the services that we provide to our students in San Francisco unified. My name is kevin gogan and i work in School Health programs which is one of the programs and the student Family Support division. Our agenda for today next, please is to review our Mental Health and risk data for our students. Look at the services that are available to our students and to take a quick look at some additional Mental Health needs that weve identified with our partners in the department of Public Health. Next, please. School Health Programs is aligned with the district to provide each and every student with quality instruction and equitable support. And the Department Works primarily in the service of students and families so that our students can be safe and healthy and ready to learn and to be to participate fully in the 21st century. Our shared focus remains to keep our students safe and healthy and emphasizing our antiracist healing practice, and districtwide wellness checks and using our district coordinated care plan for wellness and partnership. Next, please. I wanted to thank our partners, including the department of children and youth and families and the department of Public Health as well as any number of communitybased organizations that really do work with us to provide the broad array of services that we are able to provide students during the school day. Next, please. So i wanted to look at the data. And the yrbs is administered every other year in San Francisco and we have been doing this now for close to 30 years in the district. We have this is the middle school data and id like to take a look at the percentage of the middle School Students who ever seriously thought about killing themselves. While it states that theres no change, that is a technical term, we are concerned by the number because it does appear to be going up. Its a quadratic change that our statisticians are saying doesnt count. 2,305 students were surveyed for this. It is generalizable to our student population. And its weighted data for us. So this is a number that were looking at. And that we that helps to us drive our programs and we also share this data with our city partners. Next, please. This is a snapshot of our high school data. And here are 2,169 High School Students surveyed. There are slightly different questions in high school, but if we take a look at the first question there the percentage of students who considered attempting suicide, thats a quadratic change and a bit of a leap for us. It causes us some concern. If you look at the third question, the percentage of students who felt sad and hopeless, almost every day for two weeks in a row, its gone from 26 to 31 in two years. We will be administering this survey again in the fall more than likely. We are slated to do it in the spring, but given Distance Learning were working with the centers for Disease Control to determine the best time to administer this to get valid data. Next, please. This is this aggregated databased on gender, ethnicity and the Sexual Orientation of our students who felt sad or hopeless for two weeks in a row. Theres been a rising number of filipino x students who have expressed sadness and hopelessness. So this is a number that and this is the subpopulation of our students that we are beginning to focus on even more in providing services, but also understanding what some of the critical needs that those students may need. And also we take a very close look at our African American students as well as our latin x students for this. And then, of course, while we do have Robust Services within our School District for our lgbt students, you can see that you are still twice as higher there for those students to demonstrate some sense of sadness or depression. Next, please. Within the department, within School Health programs, we have some mentor social workers as well as administration staff. And we have received last year until midmarch when we went into Distance Learning, 139 logged consultations that were broken down as followed. These calls came in from social workers or School District nurses directly into the department. Broken down 62 percent, a third of the calls by level elementary, middle and high schools. And you can see that its broken down here, general consultation being the highest with Suicidal Ideation next. And then general Mental Health, of course, is an ongoing concern at about 14 . Next, please. On this slide, you can see all of the staff that we have available to our students throughout the district. Whether we are in brick and mortar or in Distance Learning. We have 39 of our 65 Elementary Schools have at least a. 5 nurse at their sites. All k8, all middle and all high schools have at least a. 5 nurse as well. In our high school program, you can see that we have a more robust program, and this is a San Francisco model that has been touted as a best practice throughout the state and the country. Our High School Wellness programs. Social workers every school in the district has at least a. 5 social worker. Every k8 and middle school has a fulltime social worker. And every high school has a fulltime social worker. In addition to the Additional Team members shown there. Next, please. Our objectives during Distance Learning are to connect with all of our families through the Family Wellness checks. The first round for this year was just completed on september 18th. We also are connecting with students who were previously receiving services and supports and we are working with our school site coordinated care team for ongoing referrals. We link students with Community Providers virtually, thats been ongoing since we have been in Distance Learning. And we promote health and wellness activities for students and staff in either individual or Group Activities and were implementing lessons through our Health Education classings as well as social and Emotional Learning exercises in classrooms. Next, please. Ongoing were assessing the student need. Our social workers and nurses and school staff meet via Video Conferences and teams to identify vulnerable students and then to seek what supports are going to be best for those students. And, of course, to help to connect families for Family Wellness checks to also identify what those needs may be. Next, please. There are three primary ways that we reach our students via phone and text, Google Hangouts and zoom and social workers and nurses are providing Ongoing Services to our students and families in this way. We have our wellness checkins, again, with students and family. Mental and physical Health Assessments are taking place over computers. And we have brief shortterm counselling and mindful sessions, either individually or in small groups. And crisis counselling ongoing and continuing for our students. And we have an ongoing referral system to our Community Partners. Next, please. Much of our work has been focused during Distance Learning around Group Interactions and Group Services for students because one of the areas that students have identified is the need to connect with other students. All of our social workers and our Wellness Teams have virtual dropin times. But some of the groups listed here are ongoing or incoming sixth and ninth grade groups and our lgbt student groups which are a model across the country, and also sponsored by our partners in the centers for Disease Control. And our latin x student groups and our peer coaching and education groups. Mindfulness and wellness. Recently arrived immigrant groups. And our Pacific Islands groups. And our arab and muslim groups as well. Next, please. Recognizing our success, especially with our high school programming, weve been in discussion with department of children and youth and family as well as with the department of Public Health around what it would look like to pilot a fuller comelemen complement of s and were poised to do that in three sites where it is to expand to middle school sites with an emphasis on eighth grade students to focus on their success presently in eighth grade and to help them with the Successful Transition to high school. And you can see that this would guarantee a 1. 0 social worker and a 1. 0 School District nurse and a Community Health outreach worker and an additional Mental Health service provider. Next, please. Based on the hardships that weve identified within the district and in discussions with our Community Partners, there are a couple of areas where we have found a particular need, which includes an increase in psychiatric beds within the city for children located in San Francisco. Greater treatment opportunities for youth who are experiencing substance issues. And were already in process with the department of Public Health regarding dedicated Youth Crisis Services to assist with deeper level of assessment, which means suicide, self harm or harm to others. And also for the ability then to access longer term services. Thank you. For Additional Information we have Contact Information here and the chief of ssfsb, and our executive director of School Health. And im kevin gogan. Thank you very much. President yee thank you, kevin. What id like to do is to have other presentations go forward and then hold off on the questions to the end of this. Is that okay . Okay, thanks. Next up is from the department of Public Health. Im going to put you can you say your name . Hi, everyone, its sarah munn. President yee okay. Youre up. Youre the interim director and assistant director . I am. Weve been without a director for a permanent director here in Behavioral Health for two years. And weve been without a Deputy Director for one year. I was one of the assistant directors so i assumed the interim role about a year ago now. Actually president yee okay. I will question why that is later, but, go ahead. Can i just ask, i should pull up my screen, right, my powerpoint. Give me a second. Okay. Hi again. So im the interim director and a licensed clinical child psychologist with a deep passion and history of implementing schoolbased services in San Francisco county. And thank you for having me today and your interest in children and youth and family behavioral Health Services. I wanted to start with the frame that which we stride to lead our work. As you know, trauma is a Pervasive Health issue that not only impacts the clients that we serve, but also our Public Health workforce and system. And to promote the responsible relationships in a futururing environment, and theres a responsiveness with a focus on race. And for us this includes conversations between staff and the race equity lens in terms of our system, which is hiring practices and access and engagement in Clinical Services. Reflective leadership promotes the development of a relationshipbased organization. And this goes to a healing work plan where we have done work for last several years on respectful culture which focuses on the workforce and access and engagement which focuses on client and family care. So you will see in the presentation today that integrated programming that we have within the School District, Child Welfare and the criminal Justice System, many of our youth Access Services through these partnerships, in addition primary care is a big point of entry and with the community as well. We have programs that span the continuum of care from prevention, Health Promotion and early intervention, all the way through residential. And some examples of the prevention work is our early child work initiative. And our parent Training Institute that supports evidencebased family parenting programs for in our system. And Substance Use prevention. And innovation, and a collaboration with the School District, ucsf and us to work with immigrant youth and unaccompanied minors. We have Outpatient Services, including schoolbased services which you will see. We have areas that are our Outpatient Services that have a smaller portfolio of substitute services. We have Extensive Services that include Background Services for Child Welfare youth and other highrisk youth in our system, Therapeutic Behavioral Services and within foster care and criminal justice. In our hospitalizations, 65 85, is through our crisis clinic. We have access, again, which were very happy about with the stabilization unit and the hospital diversion programs and we have a 24 7 mobile Response Team that responds to crises that was previously just for Child Welfare and criminal justice issues that we have been able to expand as a response to covid, which ill talk more about. And a note about our residential placement, those placements are made by our assistant partners and the School District and Child Welfare and we support the Mental Health Services Within those settings. In terms of the areas for pros and gaps, i did mention in the youth presentation that we have we are working to address expanding Outpatient Services for Substance Use and higher levels of care for substance. And theres just a statewide crisis in terms of inpatient psychiatric hospitalization beds that particularly impact the bay area. We only have one inpatient psychiatric and its just for adolescents in San Francisco. A lot of them are out of town and its sometimes a struggle to secure beds for our youth. And we always strive for access and better understanding of how families can navigate our system and were partnering on Clinical Research to develop a system Navigation System for our system. And we work in partnership with our system partners, and we have incredible support from our joint funders like bcyf, and Child Welfare. At the state level meetings, we are a model for the state in terms of our integration and collaboration with our partners, particularly Child Welfare. And indiscernible we also contract out to about 35 to 40 communitybased agencies that have multiple programming across the continuum of care. We utilize our private Provider Network and the local, state and federal tag lines. In terms of the Civil Service clinics, we have direct oversight of our outpatient clinics. One in chinatown and one in the mission and two in the southeast sector. We have two comprehensive clinics that serve children through adults on sunset. And we also have Community Programming and services in addition to our comprehensive crisis which i have mentioned and our Mental Health clinics, and the Child Welfare system and supports treatment and care. And the project for intensive Case Management clinic that provides services for high acuity kids and kids at risk of out of home placement. Legacy is our peer parent Specialist Program with caregivers and youth with lived experience that support families and Family Support night in our Community Advisory board. And you will learn more about it in the presentation, a clinic of behavioral clinic within Juvenile Hall and works with probation to support the youth that is a communitybased providers. And the new kid on the block is our Psychological Assessment services program. Were taking over the function of sik psychological testing win the Child Welfare and criminal justice referrals, to provide better oversight and Quality Assurance for those required to expand, and to indiscernible and to conduct these psych assessments and to have referrals for Mental Health and internship programs. Were also involved in a lot of initiatives and collective impact efforts and to the Hope Wellness Center which serve a wide range of families. Families rising was initiated by the late mayor, and spearheaded by h. S. A. , to have coordinate services for pregnant mothers and mothers with very young children. I oversee this effort. Im on the executive Steering Committee and we expect justice for our children and our families and we continue what should be a databases that is a database that flags highrisk youth and the childrens Behavioral Health and the Child Welfare to better coordinate care. Precovid we were working on a pilot to support young youth in the School District that were atrisk and to prevent them from hitting the systems like Child Welfare, and so we continue those efforts. In terms of our funding structure, the Mental Health budget is just over 90 million. The majority of that, 78 , or 70 million comes from the federal service for fee medical that we use and matching the general county funds. Work orders make up about 12 million of our budget with orders from bcyf and Child Welfare, and we have grants that make under about 7 million. And Grant Funding is just about 840,000. In terms of our Substance Use budget, its under 3. 5 million and the majority of which 2. 5 million goes to prevention and about 1 million to outpatient treatment. This is the data snapshot of who was open in this system on august 21st. This is a small sliver of our services. So i just kind of talked about a broad complement of services but this is a small sliver of our treatment providers that provide services in our Electronic Health records. Its 7,948 clients and some are served by multiple programs like an outpatient and an i. C. M. Wrap around and so thats why it is higher. In terms of the demographic trends, the fiscal year data remain the same in terms of the trends and over the course of the fiscal year we typically serve 4,000 youth. In terms of the race and ethnicity, we have always served the highest proportion of latin x families, and African American and then a. P. I. And historically we have the lowest penetration rate of medical eligibles for our communities. So theres been a lot of effort to address that work. In terms of the age range, we offer more services for the population, its not necessarily just entered in our e. H. R. Im not quite sure why theres data through 26 and above. We primarily serve under 18 and we definitely cut off when youth become 21 and transition with our partners in the adult system. In terms of the language, you can see that predominantly spanish and then cantonese. However, the caveat for this information is that the Electronic Health records catches the clients data and theyre typically bilingual but the caregivers are monolingual. So we have much higher language prevalence when we think about working with whole families. So were working to get that data into our e. H. R. In terms of the gender, a slight increase and i want to acknowledge that the leadership is moving away from these structures and on transgender identity, however, for this use its unreliable at this time because were working on e. H. S. Policy and how to protect youth privacy. Im going to quickly go through some of our system partners and the services the Service Array for them. When you look at the schoolbased service portfolio, while theres always areas to improve and to do better, we do have schoolbased Mental Health portfolios with the School District that span prevention all the way into intensive services. The Early Childhood Mental Health consultation initiative provides Mental Health consultation for lowincome and atrisk children, due to the child care programs and Family Child Care home and homeless shelters and funded by d. P. H. We have a large portfolio of outpatient providers in the Elementary School and middle school and high schools. I have a spreadsheet and if i get my analyst back in employment, i have a spreadsheet that is outlining all of the outpatient providers that we have in various elementary and high schools so i can follow up with that data to show you where were at. And there are the integrated Wellness Centers in the high schools, but there are a lot of outpatient providers also in the middle schools. We have portfolios in there, we support the education related Mental Health services and i. E. P. S for the school and the Department Health and the classrooms for youth as well as the treatment and therapy, the support for wellness and other activities. In terms of our integration with foster care, robust again and all of the kids are linked to services. We have a network of providers and intensive wraparounds. We have therapeutic Visitation Services for foster care youth and their caregivers, and treatment foster care and short term residential and emergency foster care placement through the hub and our 24 7 mobile Response Team that i had mentioned. And then in terms of the criminal Justice System theres been a lot of focus on j. P. D. Services and we had representation on the mayors Blue Ribbon Panel and also have two staff on the board of supervisors work group. And the Mental Health group. Our goal is to really ensure that the behavioral and the medical health needs of youth are met wherever that setting is after december 2021. Its located inside Juvenile Hall that provides an array of medical Behavioral Health, central, and Health Education and works with probation and identify and integrate and match the assessments and to support the linkage. The various services with Mental Health, a Family Therapy model. An intensive Wraparound Service and collaboration with probation. As well as outpatient providers and other providers. In closing i want to just start by saying that children and youth families have maintained all of our outpatient Clinical Services, and we have maintained our services throughout this pandemic with the predominant shift to telehealth. And the racial inequities going in the world and the poor air quality all has an impact on families that we serve and on our workforce. Were seeing increases in acuity among our children and youth compared to the same time period last year. A 10 increase in suicide risk among our youth clients referred for crisis. And more referrals to our programming. But we continue to manage our system very well for our children and youth and have been able to intervene with appropriate services to prevent mental harm. Our providers responded to the need to shift our services to telehealth. From 30 telehealth at the start of the pandemic to 70 within two weeks and now maintaining 75 . While still doing inperson services to respond to the highest need families, our families not effectively engaging in telehealth. We monitor the engagement of clients and anyone already in our care, and our analytic director is producing regular reports to show how were doing, broken down by the services to c. B. O. S. And i have to say a huge shout out to our clinlic, they are doing exceptionally well to maintaining access to new clients and encounters with their client, despite the high vacancy and the significant deployment theyve had to support for the county in the Community Command center. In response to the increase in clients, we have expanded our 24 7 mobile Response Team that was available. And we are able to early on in this shelter in place, we were able to expand this service as a referral for all of Behavioral Health providers at family shelters, and they work in coordination with the comprehensive crisis. We had attempted to secure funds through m. H. S. A. And the Mayors Office, and with the School District support. And i believe that we are there in term its i believe that were there to be able to expand this and to secure the funding and expand this to the School District youth, medical youth. We have also worked with the School District to staff their Family Resource hotline that has a physical and Mental Wellness line and to work with the staff as a liaison to the learning hub to support the linkage, especially to Mental Health services. The and we have done a ton of practice efforts to work around telehealth and how to adapt practices for providers. So we can ensure quality of care. Covid19 and ongoing racial injustices in our country are contributing to burnout and low morale. This is magnified by high vacancy rate, about 28 , and the stress of deployment. And its impacted as our work is rooted in relationships and these are youth that are already negatively impacted by disruptive detachment. While we have other therapists to cover cases, its not always. And by having vacant positions and our director and our Deputy Director and we lost our Substance Abuse manager and we have a clinic manager at our clinic and several positions vacant and theyre doing an incredible job and im so proud of our management and Leadership Team for how theyve been able to support our community during this time. Thank you. President yee thank you for your presentation. I overstated who else was going to speak. So the representative from the city College Cynthia actually is supposed to address the next item. So shes not going to be talking here. The director of dcyf any statement . I will go quickly over some joint partnerships that we are doing with sfusd and d. P. H. You want me to quickly go through that. President yee sure. Okay, i was going to share my screen. Okay. So thank you, president yee, for calling for this very important hearing on Mental Health services. And as you know, dcyf understands the physical and mental and emotional needs of our children and we know that is a foundation for our children to thrive. Particularly as our city is going through major disparities around discrimination and poverty and violence and trauma, we know that to stem all of that we do need to ensure that health and wellbeing for children are secured. I was going to talk about just all of the investments that dcyf makes within this system, but i realize that what is more important for us to talk about and for us to share is just how should we coordinate. And the coordination of this work is really, really important. As you have already heard from our colleagues over at d. P. H. And at the School District, the need is there. The desire is coordinate is from. The funding is slightly lacking. So how do we do that . How do we get the need to meet the resources or actually how do we get the resources to meet the need. And so i wanted to share with you some preliminary thinking that we in the city have done to try to figure out how do we drive down the additional dollars that are available to us up at the state and federal level. I wanted to just reiterate what president yee shared earlier that the number and actually dr. Fahraman shared that before covid we already had a Mental Health crisis for children and now, of course, postcovid, its even worse. These are some data that is from our state, state level, where theres this increase in patient visits, particularly for suicide attempts and ideation. Increase in Mental Health hospital beds. Just increase in selfreporting of children struggling with Mental Health needs. And we needed to do better and we should. Now living in covid, covid has significantly disrupted the access for care for children and families. With school closures, you know, youve already heard from kevin gogan that a lot of our children were receiving services on school sites but now were shifting over to remote support. Social distancing has impacted Clinical Services because we are moving towards telehealth and telemedicine. And so the difficulties of coordination within the system is even greater. But its more important now than ever before. So i just wanted to share, again, the other ends of the disruption and can the destabilization of the system. As you can see here, the Mental Health needs within the within our country has grown significantly over the past year. And the increase in telehealth and telemedicine has increased as well. Our system in the city relies on our partners with communitybased organizations. And with whats happening with covid, it is destabilizing this very Fragile Network of providers. Not only are we talking about revenue loss for the providers, but alluding to what the doctor addressed which is the workforce challenges. We have staff who are overworked, who are stretched really, really thin, and as a result we need to figure out ways to support our staff and support and to bring in Additional Resources to support our nonprofit agencies. So what weve done is looked at different funding opportunities up at the federal level and at the state level. What we are doing is partnering with a Consulting Firm called the california childrens trust, who are experts in figuring out and supporting the local municipalities to drive down additional dollars to draw down additional dollars from state and federal and medical systems. We have started some of these initial conversations with them and theyve helped us to identify where we can bill the state to draw down some of these medical dollars. However, a lot of the Building Structures for this is very complicated and its going to take us a while to figure out, to train up our staff to bill and then to create a funding stream that well be able to expand and address the Service Needs that youve heard just now. I just want to say that San Francisco is working really hard in trying to make sure that the system that we have meet the needs of our children and families. We are trying to pivot very quickly to using technology to address the needs. Were trying to adjust how we allow our c. B. O. Partners to build and train to move quickly to increase services to address the demand. I think that i just went through all of this. So then i just want to talk about just what is next. The next thing for to us do is to prioritize figuring out how we as a system work to do more targeted building for medical funds at the state level, partnered with San Franciscos schools to align im sorry i wanted to say elementary and middle schools to align with c. B. O. S so that we can then blanket our system with providers inside the schools as well as outside the schools. And then, of course, to prepare for the increased demand. Unfortunately, as covid is demonstrating, we actually have not only a health pandemic, but we also have a huge economic downturn and we need to figure out ways to diversify our revenues to meet these demands. And then we need to come together as a city and family to discuss ways to coordinate the system of care. And i feel that we are well poised to provide that support and as you have already heard that we are working very closely with partners from d. P. H. And from the School District. President yee thank you, maria. Theres so much to unpack and i have some more from city college, elizabeth, she actually wants she represents city college and some of the Mental Health services that theyre involved with. Because, you know, were basically a village where the kids go from preschool all the way to city college and these are the same ones that go through the system. Whatever were not able to manage or not manage wrong word to capture in terms of the Mental Health issues that the kids go through, whether theyre in preschool or high school, that eventually many of them go to city college. So i would like to hear from city college if possible. Is that okay, chair haney . I know this is going kind of long. Is she available, Elizabeth Corea . Clerk supervisor, i sent her the information so maybe if you want to move to your questions, ill try to get her online. President yee okay, sure. Just let us know. I could start its probably going to take a while. So are there others that wanted to go ahead and jump in and start asking and then ill try to not duplicate your questions. So i dont know supervisor fewer, i see you on the roster. Supervisor fewer thank you for the presentation. I think that some of the numbers are startling and actually disturbing. I think that as we go further into this covid, deeper over a period of time about this covid time, i think that were going to see much more depression. I think that a lot of what our families are, you know, considering who we serve in this city and all of our sfusd and we are working with a community that is actually a community of color, a low lo lot of lowincoe families and these are the families hardest hit. So some of the questions that i have are to understand the full scope of it. Because i think what we see so some of the presentation really showed that what were doing sort well, we have a lot of stuff covered like some clinical stuff, i think that we do an assessment through the schools as said and what our assessment tells us, what other assessments say. I think that what im trying to wonder is, like, where these gaps are. So do we have enough coverage for case managent in managementt level intervention and second level intervention . As we go deeper into what mr. Gogan said, do we have all of these other interventions and kids who need deeper services. So i think that what would be helpful for me also is to see where these gaps are and as we see that students need more intervention, do we have the services to actually to deliver on that . So i think that there are students that we can identify and we can do counselling with and then we might need deeper services and then for those students that actually that we are actually at risk of actually getting deeper into depression or deeper into Mental Illness and Behavioral Health and our interventions are not working, what do we have for those students too. So i guess that my question is, so where do you find, like, to our gaps. And then my second question, i hope that we can ramp up on some of these openings that we have, because it means that theres a huge gap in our system too, and not having enough people there and the resources to actually do the work. So i hope that was clear. If not, fill free to ask deeper questions of me about what im asking for. President yee i think that it was real clear, supervisor fewer. Its what were trying to get to. So, departments, people that want to respond . I can jump right in if i could. So looking at the tier one intervention, so that includes whats going on in our classrooms. It would also include our broadbased student outreach activities that happen onsite and all of our Youth Leadership activities. So all of those are there and in place. I think that part of our discussions about finding where we have some cracks in the system is why were looking at how we can expand the services in our middle schools. I think that to the to the benefit and to the credit of our children in San Francisco, they they are quite literate with expressing what they need when we give them the opportunity. Which is why were looking at expanding the middle school programs, because our students have told us that they want to be able to talk to someone. We also have learned as maria notes from our earlier discussions many years ago around our High School Wellness programs, our students want to have the services in school. And we to refer a student after school it is just not as viable, its harder for the families often times to get to the student there is. So thats what were constantly balancing. Youre right, you know, supervisor fewer, our students have critical needs. We attempt to meet our students where they are and provide those services. And, you know, we do have communitybased organizations that help us to do this that provide language specific, cultural specific outreach, education service. And then, of course, our partners in d. P. H. Help us to do that as well. And youre also right though that the need has increased. And as dr. Fahraman said theres an acuity level that has changed over the past several years. Ill let dr. Fahraman to jump in at this point. Hi, everyone, yes, theres definitely significant needs. But the big gap that i want to emphasize from the presentation, there is a need for more subassistant us subassistante stance use services and we need higher levels of care. In terms of residential treatment, its something that is a shortage for medical youth, that is going to take a lot of effort. Theres not a lot we tried to contract with honey hills and up indiscernible but they ended up closing theres just a shortage of high level treatment that exists and the inpatient psychiatric bed shortage. So thats the other thing. We only have colleagues inside of San Francisco and the other kids that are younger and other beds are out of county. And theres often waits to get into those placements. And so its a year or a year and a half without, and that does not necessarily replace the need for inpatient psychiatric beds. It would be wonderful to figure out from the experts that i talk to on my team and the folks who know more about it, but what would be helpful would be a crisis residential level of care within San Francisco that we could even collaborate with other counties on. But thats the shortage, the inpatient psychiatric bed is a shortage across the state and all of the ones in the bay area, and the medical are competing with kaiser and others to get those beds. I got a text from my manager at Juvenile Hall and i got a text this morning that a kid is in San Francisco General Hospital waiting for an inpatient psychiatric bed. When kids from that are incarcerated, its even trickier in terms of the setting. So those are major gaps. And we need to staff up. Im saying that treatment needs to be expanded but we just last week had to transition our assessment use manager on our management team, took a wonderful job with primary care Behavioral Health, and were so excited for her, but were really low bandwidth and theres a lot of work to do and we need the leadership positions to be able to get that work done. In terms of the workforce, one of our equity and healing plans we have done a lot of look at the data in terms of our workforce and the racial and demographics of our workforce in comparison to the families that we serve and in compareson to those eligible in San Francisco and we need to do a better job of recruiting and retaining black and African American therapists as well as latin x therapists. And we need to do better at paying bilingual staff. We have a shortage and we really need our spanishspeaking or cantonese speaking and our professional languages and we have a hard time. We keep losing people to kaiser. Those are some of the things that i feel kind of rise to the top. President yee so, i looking at the screen and the next person that was up is going to be trustee shelby, and then commissioner collins and then commissioner moliga. But before i jump into that, im going to push just a little bit in terms of the staffing at the department of Public Health and in terms of your department division. This is what youre describing is really alarming. And this did not start with covid19. And you have been interim for how long now . And these other positions i dont get it. I mean, im sorry. You know, i dont know if dr. Colfax is on there or whoever is making these decisions, but it seems im not blaming you but it seems that theres a lack of attention for our children and youth period. I mean, and besides missing these leadership positions, its telling me something. Thank you, i really appreciate that, president yee. I want to acknowledge that the leadership has been working hard and dr. Hammer is on the line so ill let her unmute herself and speak to that too. But i just want to say that i want to emphasize that were a really strong team and we have been committed to maintaining the highquality services and the improvement, and the work that we do is above and beyond in terms of our workforce development. We have built specialty clinics in our system so that our kids can access the same Gold Standard treatments that is provided. And we have built that in our system and we continue to do that despite these leadership gaps and despite workforce really president yee thank you. Im not feeling like you guys are not doing 150 or 200 . I guess that im coming from the point of view is that from if you were fully staffed up in your management team, how much more we could do. Yes, absolutely. President yee its to my point. Dr. Hammer, do you want to unmute yourself . Good morning, supervisors. Hallie hammer, the director of ambulatory care for the San Francisco Health Network. And i just want to respond, supervisor yee, to what you just said and confirm that this is a huge concern in the department of Public Health. And that we are in ambulatory care we have prioritized this position that were discussing, and were concerned about how long its taken to fill critical manager positions. And were working on it. And i want to reiterate what farrah has already spoken about, which is that we have pivoted and deployed a number of staff, even leaders in children, youth and family system of care to our Covid Response. And thats depleted us even more at the same time as she showed our shift to doing as many of our encounters over telehealth, and really looking closely at where we needed to focus our limited resources within our existing clinics and programs. I think weve done i think that farrah and her team have done a phenomenal job of it. And we are staffing, you know, providing Behavioral Health staff in a number of areas of the Covid Response. Youre right, that these problems predated the covid19 public Health Emergency. And our need to activate staff to this new issue. And i think that we just got we got far behind in making sure that our all of our vacant positions were filled. And then covid hit and those management positions required a test. Those were put on hold. I do see some hopeful signs ovel signs that would be in the last month and as moving forward on filling these critical leadership positions and also prioritizing clinicians. President yee thank you, miss hammer. This is great. I really want us to have a plan to hire up. And can you can you can you commit to coming up with a plan within the next month to show us that, you know, that you actually are going to be focused on this not you but the department . That would be really helpful because we cant keep on letting it go, is to my point, and we need to be aggressive about this. I dont have the stats, but i am just feeling like this issue is going to be bigger than what it was. Certainly. We can we can share with you our plan for hiring both clinician positions, including children, youth and family positions and our manager positions, so we can share that with you. And, again, i completely agree and i really share your concern. President yee thank you. To share with the whole committee. Okay. President yee trustee selby. Go ahead. Thank you, president yee, and i would like to do, if its okay with you, is to speak later but to have Elizabeth Corea, who it looks like has now joined us. If that is correct . To have her speak first. And then id love to follow up if i could. President yee okay. So im sorry go ahead and get started. What is your name again . This is Elizabeth Corea. Can you hear me okay . President yee yes, go ahead. Im sorry, we have been on this for more than an hour. And hopefully your comments wont be too long . I can make this as short as i can. President yee thank you. Sure. Im not able to see anyone on there but if my slides are up, or if i can share my screen . President yee we see your clerk yes, well give you privilege to present. It should be up. Its just a matter of miss corea sharing. S clerk so youll need to just press the share button on the bar that is floating and go ahead and give your presentation. There we go. Perfect. Thank you very much. Okay, so, good morning, thank you, my name is Elizabeth Corea, with Student Affairs at city college of San Francisco. Im here to provide you some information in regards to our student Health Services. Our Mental Health clinicians and services that we have been offering at city college, we have eight Mental Health clinicians and theyre licensed clinical social workers and we do individual, couples counselling, Group Therapy and workshops. We also have one Health Consultant and we have referrals for longterm Health Services and we also system with the navigation support. To apply for cal fresh or medical or healthy San Francisco. Our students pay 20 per semester for access to the mental and Health Services. As far as ease of access during this Remote Services situation, beginning in march 2020, we went to shelter in place and all therapy sessions moved to a zoom and or phone, depending on the students preference. Students with connect in multiple ways. We do have our zoom, which is our Virtual Health counter, mondayfriday, and they can also Contact Services via phone. They can also email our Student Health office and then we have the website, we have a Patient Portal and through that portal the students can navigate and ask questions, they can download the forms and they can get access to information that they need specifically in a secure manner. This was Patient Portal that was newly launched in summer 2020 in response to our current remote situation. And they can also book appointments through the portal as well. Some of the outreach that we have been focusing on to be sure that the students are aware of the Services Available during this remote situation as it is critical at this point to be able to Access Services so we have done presentations, including in the virtual environment. We have a monthly newsletter and e. U. Town videos that go over the Services Available, instagram, reach out through social media, and we also have announcements through canvass and our Department Chairs as well to make those contacts. And as far as the numbers for the 20192020 academic year, the total number of students that were screened for Mental Health Service Needs were approximately 5,146 students. Mental health screens take place for any students accessing the services for both mental and medical Health Reasons and including the Patient Health questionnaire and standardized screening for depression and suicide screening and emotional health. Total number of students receiving Mental Health services unduplicated was approximately 2,015 students. Counselling sessions and Group Therapy or workshops. Weve also had a number of students seen for system navigation support which is around 298 students. And the number of students successfully linked to services outside for more longterm care was approximately 124 students. And that is the brief presentation i have. Any questions . President yee just a quick one. Theres quite a few services and public High School Students that actually take courses at city college. Do you have does your so do your Services Interact with these students . Yes, if there are students at ccff, they would be able to be assisted within our health clinic. President yee but do you know if youre seeing any of those High School Kids students that are accessing . At this moment i i dont have that information with me, but i can find out. If the students have reached out to our student Health Services for se assistance, we have provd it. But i can find out what those numbers are of High School Students. President yee yeah, im not personally that interested in the numbers, whether its a thousand or whatever. I think that the question that im leading up to for this is if they are accessing your services and theyre basically taking one course at city college maybe, maybe two at most, and so most of the time theyre still back at their high schools. So how do you sort of coordinate those services with the high schools . Well, we dont normally as well as the student pays a health fee is how well eval a student to receive the services. But in this case as far as the Health Services are concerned, because there is a repoire there with unified, then the student would be able t to doing more. And i can get all of the details specifically, but if theyre inquiring on just needing some services we can connect them with services that they need. And i can give more details on those specifics. President yee trustees . Chair . Thank you so much, president yee. And thank you for helping us out with this super, super important topic that is very near and dear to my heart. Its a huge concern at the city college level. As you know, im really happy, president yee, that youre interested in focusing on middle school. You know, i have two kids, one of whom the majority of his difficulties in middle school and i dont think that is unusual as you pointed out. But i will say that for city college that theres been several surveys that have been done, and the surveys are not good. Because in addition to the anxiety and the stress that we are all feeling, i think that they have the issues that of not being able to pay for food a lot of income issues that our students are suffering from right now, not being able to pay for rent, a lot of insecurity. A lot of students are leaving school because they feel its more important to take care of their family than and these are First Generation Collegegoers who are leaving school because of covid and because of concerns of Mental Illness and theyre not coming back. And this is a huge concern to me that our most disadvantaged students are the ones that are going away and not coming back. And ill just give you one of many, because i dont want to take up a lot of time that 82 in a survey that was done are concerned about taking online classes. 73 are concerned about their personal financial situation. And 71 are concerned about Financial Hardship in their family. So i just say i just point that out to say that weve got weve got a huge frightening potential cliff that were also coming up with and i guess that my question which im stealing some extent from supervisor fewer for city college here and i dont know that you have the answer and i wouldnt expect you to necessarily. But are we filling the needs of our students . Are we leaving students out . Do you have a sense that x number of students went, but how many students werent able to go . Do you have any kind of a sense about that . Is there anything that you feel, having heard from these other wonderful professionals about the various resources that theyre lacking, or, you know, what could really make a difference in terms of better serving and supporting our students during this, you know, crisis, this Mental Health crisis. Are there any other resources that we might ask for at city college to help us with our students . Certainly, thank you, trustee selby. As far as the resources are concerned, we can never have enough resources but specifically for our students we have a Large Population of Mental Health students that need those services. For this particular year, the state transfer office are funding allocation for Mental Health services that will be expiring at the end of this year. So well have to be looking as to how to continue to supplement, you know, that funding. So any resource that we can get specifically with that money going away, wed have to really start looking into what additional resource we can, right. With eight clinicians on site, we have a lot of population needs so we need to fill that gap. As the need right now in this covid situation, the Mental Health services is a huge service that is much, much, much needed by our students at this time. Thank you. President yee commissioner commissioner collins. Commissioner collins thank you so much. Again, i want to say a deep gratitude to president yee for bringing this before the committee and as a parent of two adolescents, and im staying with family members and so i i guess that theres two buckets of questions that i have and also comments. Theres one that specific to San Francisco unified and the other is to the city at large in terms of how and i appreciate this idea of, you know, how are we all working together both City District and communitybased organizations to partner with families in order to support children in our city. And but specific to the San Francisco unified, i want to be really clear, i know our educators are working really hard to create new systems. There are systems in place that weve never had before. And yet there is still no Clear Communication with parents about how they can connect with so many of these really important support services that commissioner moliga and other commissioners like me have been fighting to make sure that are staying in our schools. So currently as a parent, there is no consistent place that if i need to contact the school nurse or the Wellness Coordinator or the social worker, or the counsellor, im getting emails and texts from parents all of the information is in different places. Some schools are being very clear about sharing this information and some are not. And we have no clear structures for doing that. And so on a really basic level, like, forgetting about even what happens when parents do, you know, reach these services if theyre robust like, they dont even know when theyre looking how to find them. And so that is a real concern for me. And its a consistent, you know, refrain. And, honestly, i have been asking for over a year, which is before covid. So theres and i guess that the other piece that is connected to this is, you know, with coordinated care, which is a really great i think it sounds like a really Great Program its another program that the district is kind of developing. And parents im sure that most parents dont even know about it. So what im concerned about is that there is, you know, always a need for more resources and money. But if were not partnering with partners in the development of new programs, were going to make, you know, what is frustrating for me constantly is that im a parent so i get to see what the communication is with families. And so we can have a program, but if parents dont know about it, it doesnt have an impact. Or if its messaged in a way that parents dont understand how to access especially with communities that are monolingual communities or communities that have been traditionally, you know, underserved by our district theyre not they dont know to ask questions about the services they dont know that exist. So i wanted to ask, you know, what are you doing to ensure that each and every parent and each and every student knows who is the dedicated nurse, social worker, resource specialist, counsellor, at their school for them to go to if they do need help and what are the specific services that those different folks provide . Well, thank you for your comments commissioner collins and for your question. So one avenue, which i believe that has been publicized is our student Family Resource link. please stand by theres no place to list what ive been asking for since last year, a Student Support team. If im a parent and i have a student with emotional needs and they need support with academics, they need coordination with a nurse and they may need support with a Wellness Team and that information is not listed in parent view. Parents cant just walk in the school anymore like they used to, say hey, i need help. We have now Technology Creating a barrier for families and actually actively seeking help. This is also parents thats not counting the parents who dont know they can ask for help. I love these advisory wellness checks. The people who are doing wellness checks in the high schools are just regular teachers. They dont have the capacity to kind of ask these questions. Im getting calls from my teachers like are you okay. My response is yes. They dont have the capacity to say, if your kid is feeling depressed, these are some places you can go. Those kind of conversations do happen at some schools and those are Community Schools. Those are the schools that are staffed with Community School coordinators. They are the ones really good with integrating those services and making sure direct communication is happening. Im interested in central services. Im also interested in what is a parent experience at a school . I would like to see unless you can tell me we have something that im not aware of as a parent. Im asking for specific places for parents to find information. Im also asking this is a question how are we are healing in our hands . It was a resolution that was i love for commissioner moliga talk about it he was instrumental working with chinese progression organization. To make sure that students are also involved in supporting in Mental Health in terms of Community Well being. What i heard from my children and other youth is that kids arent sometimes more likely to seek out help when they are referred or when they understand about Mental Health issues from their piers. This is where commissioner moliga was a big proopponent of this. I was the coauthor. How is that playing in, now is student advocacy and Student Agency playing into really the outreach efforts that were gong to doing to connect student with services. I was going to bring it up what was mentioned earlier a parent engagement in education. I was going to suggest that part of working with parents is whether its through workshops and just discussions, of how one would recognize how would a parent recognize when their child needs help . Once they recognize they need help, where do they go . I think its something thats useful to really talk about in terms of school board of trying to have that ingredient. It could be at any level. It can be within the schools itself. It can be anywhere. I want to give commissioner moliga a chance. Commissioner . Commissioner moliga thank you. Did staff respond . She asked a few questions. I will be open to giving them some space to respond . Thank you commissioner. Ill try to be brief and thank you commissioners for your questions. What im hearing and what were trying to move toward is a more proactive way of communicating with families and getting the information out. We have lot of system nas are more relatively passive. You can find it here and there. How do we continue to build our capacity, our Central Office and all our capacities for that twoway communication thats proactive . I will be honest. I think we fall short in those areas. As were looking at our division and the resources that we have in are able to influence, thats what were looking forward to build better. We have a lot of that information. I can give you a list and say you can call here and do there. Were looking for more proactive and were falling short most definitely in the Distance Learning world. Were continuing to try to its iterate. We have staff and things like that. Were trying to pivot as quickly as possible. We are right to really bill out what were calling our partnership in education, part of our division where we have places where families have more regular space to come and be able to speak on systems that were building. Were looking at youth advocacy voices. I wont tell you that it will happen by december. That is where were consciously building our efforts toward. I appreciate the questions that you have. I really hear the desire both from me, my staff and commissioners and families, for us as a School District to really build our capacity and be more proactive in communicating with families. Then secondly, i want to note that in our presentation, we failed to mention the reason why specific islander data was not part of it. Thats another area that were trying to improve on. When we do the Youth Behavioral Risk surveys, we dont have enough response from a particular group. What we need to do is oversample, like ask for students to implemen complete t. Thats something well do better at when we do the next survey. Which may not happen until next year. We recognize that and we want to say that thats an area that you all are looking for. We will do that better as the next survey. I will turn it back to you. Theres some people that want to make Public Comments. Theres other agenda items. If you could focus really quickly and i will try to wrap it up once we head to Public Comment. Im sorry, i feel guilty making this too long. Go ahead and especially if you have questions where it overlaps and how we can work better together, would be really useful. Thats why i called this. Commissioner moliga outside being a commissioner, im a clinician. I want to highlight that we are working as a clinician, were short staff, trying to find kids beds. That is a real issue. I want to highlight that. Couple of things for me moving forward, the thing that i want to target is, were doing all these efforts but the question for me is, the engagement is just not there. The issue again for me is, we havent talked about it yet, lot of stuff is virtual. Its been virtual. How do we create some kind of system that were putting [indiscernible]. Folks doing wellness checks and everyone doing wellness check, we have to pivot and figure out what it looks like for the students. I say that because im looking at the data. Couple of questions i wanted to ask, if you look at the data that were presented with, it seem like, if you took sfusd population, which the data you guys are presenting are not just sfusd kids, thats citywide. You will be focusing on 5 of the population. If you think about the latinx community, large grupp of those group of those kids [indiscernible]. The numbers that you presented are these medical kids. Do we have understanding how many kids are medical eligible . Whats been our strategy to outreach and make sure that these folks are getting the services. Also, i heard you say thing around the kaiser stuff. What does that look like . My last question is, the thing for me that also maria brought up, i think is something that we are like tracking back on but we should have probably done earlier. The medical building. Ive been talking with the School District about this. We need a streamline medical billing process. I want to be able to push the envelope on that information. Im in the process of writing a resolution. I think thats something that would be good for us to have as a conversation as a city as a whole. I appreciate all the works folks are doing. I made bullet points. I hope i caught everything. In terms of the data i presented, those are correct. Those are the kids. Its the level of kids that are entered in [indiscernible]. We have other reports that would take a lot of work. Those were limit to the kids we bill in avatar for. In terms of the number medical eligible. We do look at that data. We look at the penetration rate the number of medicals are eligible for in the county. I cannot list off the top of my head the specific data thats eligible. I can follow up with that. I do toe that the year after year, the area where we are making where we have the lowest penetration rates in terms of engaging compared to whos eligible is for the apiu. We have worked with Community Stakeholders to provide services to help to do more outreach to build those relationships to engage those families to destigmatize Mental Health and help support pipeline to treatment for the family thats needed. We are working on that. I could not tell you the exact date. You asked a question about the josepoverlap with the sfusd. I would have to pull the data for that. Around kaiser, its really around our workforce. Were losing people to kaiser. They are paying psychiatrist whole lot of money. Theyre playing clinicians a whole lot of money. Even though we do have good pay compared to the communitybased organizations, kaiser is just a machine that is basically taking our workforce away. We do partner with go ahead commissioner. I appreciate that. The question that i wanted to know was, what is our partnership with kaiser, in terms the thing that i am concerned about are the kids. Do we have eyes on our kids that are going to these different hospitals . Yes, thats a great question. We have a partnership with kaiser. We do have folks that are working closely with kaiser where we coordinate care. The Affordable Care act, theres been an expansion. The kaiser medical use, were still serving. We work with we partner with them in those ways. In terms of the hospitalizations, we did i dont know if i can answer your question specifically we do work with the actual hospital to try to increase our rates so we can get support. We have worked with kaiser in terms of the c. S. U. To try to partner around how to support funding for that. Weve had meetings with kaiser. Thats an area that we would need further strengthen or i cant speak to what my level in terms how the Health Network is partnering with other private insurance. Iin addition to the Revenue Generation projects that were going to be doing, at the state level, i was on a meeting yesterday, there was a big focus on children youth and families and freedo streamlining lot of bureaucracy that takes place because all of the requirements around medical necessity. There has been discussions about lowering thresholds for establishing necessity for foster care youths. Theres a lot of work thats happening at the state level thats going to be able to help support our ability to reduce some of the bureaucratic paperwork and barriers to help more families. Thank you, commissioner. I dont know how many people making comments. Clerk can you see if there are any callers in the queue . Yes, mr. Chair. If you have not done so already, please press star 3 to be added to speak. If youre on old, please continue to hold. James, can you confirm if we have any folks that are ready to speak . Nobody has entered the queue yet. Clerk all in number is 4156550001. Press pound and pounce again. Once youre on, just press star 3 and you can be added to the queue to speak and well unmute you. Do we have any callers . Nobody has gotten in the queue. Clerk lets close Public Comment. Sorry, one person just raised their hand. Two minutes. Hello, can you hear me . Yes. My name is jenny, im a parent and im parent member. I want to chime in. Im a mother of three kids with a nephew that also needs Mental Health. We have seen with the parents in the community is the mission, visitation, valley excelsior are struggling. These kids from Elementary Schools, they really need the help. I also have a child that because of everything thats going on, will be first to go to a university and had to stop it because of this whole covid19. Its a shame because the help is not out there. I do want to let you know that the struggle for economics over here, we have our kids dropping off because theyre helping their parents. I have a nephew thats struggling with Mental Health and its hard to get them services at High School Level right now. All these stories that were hearing from parents struggling trying to get these i. E. P. S going for Elementary School. Its a big necessity. Im pleading for you guys to hear us out. Its very hard for the children to get in the classrooms with internet. These kids with i. E. S are left in the breakout rams. Thats all theyre offering for them. Theres no help for them now. Theres no followups. Elementary school kids are really struggling. To put a child whole day on a breakout room because you dont know how to handle their i. E. P. S or 502s, its a shame and its sad. Were hearing parents cry out for help and yes, lot of parents out there that dont know how to use the system. The system is not updated. There are some schools doing very good. But there are some schools that are not. Those are the ones that are struggling now. Parents are crying out and really we dont know what to do anymore. Were not blaming you guys. Im thanking guys for everything youre doing. But theres a lot more to do because the struggle is out there and the suicidal rate is up high. Thank you for your comments. Any other callers in the queue . One more. I want to appreciate the forum this morning and raise couple of issues. First, on Mental Health, one of the dynamics that we seen was addressed in the sfusd black lives matter resolution. Police are dispatched on Mental Health calls. This is an issue that families spoken out against. It creates a dilemma where staff has to weigh the benefits of Mental Health call with the risk of police violence. Especially impacting black, latinx and undocumented families. Im also interested in circling back on conversations the data site to be updated so we can continue to have transparency. Including information about cases and disaggregation around rape. I like ask that the new cases that schools be opened to the site. Thank you. There are no more callers in the queue. Thank you. I will now close Public Comment. Sorry, another person just came on. Sorry about that. I will revoke that and allow this additional person to speak. Thank you for allowing me to speak. Im andrea, im a youth organizer. I wanted to make sure that lot of our young people are struggling with Mental Health issues. They cant go to their parents. They dont feel comfortable talking to their parents. Weve seen lot of Domestic Violence issues going on in the home. They dont feel safe calling cops. We are implementing the resolution that was passed. Weve been working with c. A. P. And coming up with a plan to get young people into the plan. We want to make sure young people are hurt and they want to have a place to feel safe. They need to build allies. There is no interaction in their classrooms and how that impacts young people. We need to make sure we have bases to hear young people loud. Im grateful for this hearing and want to make sure this work continue and were working together with community partne partners. Thank you for this time. We have two more callers. I am speaking in a way that Mental Health services are provided to students, especially students who dont have access to internet. I feel like theres a gap in transparency and accountability on behalf of the city. Moving forward, i like to hear or receive more data and more information about how you guys plan to move forward with this. Thank you. Hi, im advocating for Mental Health at my school. We really need the help. Were struggling right now. We really need this. Thank you. That was the last caller. Are you sure . [laughter] thank you everyone who called in. Public comment is now closed. Supervisor yee when i first wanted to have this discussion, i wanted to focus on middle school and today, you get to see the issue is much broader than middle school. We need to focus on middle School Little bit and this shows you that one hearing by itself is not going to be enough. You can break down this hearing into probably five different hearings to really focus on certain issues and so forth. I want to honor our time here. Number one, starting to identify the gap as supervisor fewer was mentioning earlier. I dont know if we actually finish identifying the gap yet. I saw a lot of presentations and lot of circles and lines and everything else. We want collective impacts. I think thats why i wanted to of this hearing. It is about how we Work Together to have this checkive collective impact for our students and families. In regards to whether a School District or Public Health or the community, do we have a place where they can come together to try to coordinate these things . If not, i think its lacking. We need to do better. Again, were talking many of kids feel comfortable going directly to the services at the school. I know that some of the kids arent comfortable to Seek Services at the school. Where do they get it . How do we coordinate those pieces . Theres a lot of coordination that needs to take place. Theres a lot more to think about how to get them those dollars from medical. Seems like theres interest this that. I know you talked about it months ago and youre making an effort. Your role in trying to get it from one system to another system is crucial. Its freeing up money to take care of certain kids thats used to take care of more kids. Theres a lot to think about in terms of systems. What is the collective impact and how you get the resources. This longterm, right now, say that, i dont feel comfortable that were doing enough with whats happening in peoples homes with the kids and doing the virtual stuff as commissioner moliga was saying. Its not going to work for everybody. I dont have the answers. How do we find these answers . How do we use our nonprofits to get them connected to Mental Health services . Lot of questions that i dont have answers. Lot of things need to be done over the next three months and how do you address the covid situation. Chair haney, im hoping that in the future that this topic does not get lost and you bring it up over and over again. It needs to be discussed. It needs to get to the rest of the policy decision makers. Supervisor haney thank you president yee you have my commitment that well bring this back. Each of the respective bodies here are focused on this. Im sure theyll followup as well. Its great to hear about some of the other resolutions and efforts that have been taking place at sfusd and maybe you can invite d. P. H. And others. I know its an unusual thing. Seem like theres such a need for crosscollaboration thats inviting folks from the city to be part of the efforts as well as sfusd, its something we didnt do lot of when i was on the board. Probably should happen more often. Sound like one of the things that were doing here is recognizing how much more we need to be collaborating. With that, i saw supervisor fewers name. Supervisor fewer thank you supervisor. I wanted to mention that we may want to have this conversation when were speaking about Mental Health. As far as i know, Mental Health sf doesnt include our youth. Im wondering if we should be looking at when were looking at revising the whole Mental Health sf system, if we should also to be serving the students under the Mental Health sf program. Youre an author of it. Thats why i bring it up to you. I think thats a good idea. We could prevent maybe a youth from going deeper and deeper into Behavioral Health and Mental Health services. Supervisor haney we have a Mental Health sf implementation grupp and having them more intentionally about the connections with the system for youth is really critical. President yee, would you like to make a motion on this item . I can make a motion to continue this item. Supervisor yee is not a standing member. It needs to come from a standing member. Supervisor haney would you like to continue this item at the call of the chair . Yes. Supervisor haney all right, i will make a motion to continue this hearing at the call of the chair. We have a second . Second by trustee selby. Do we need a vote for this . Yes. [roll call vote] i have five ayes. Supervisor yee i want to thank them for joining us today and helping us with robust discussion. Thank you very much. Supervisor haney thank you for your leadership. We apologize that it took a long time to schedule. With that, madam clerk, can you call the next item . Clerk item 2 is regarding how covid19 has impacted the schedule, policies and services for San Francisco unified School District. The approacmembers of the publih to provide Public Comment should call the number streaming on the screen which is 4156550001. If you have not done so already, please press star 3 to line up to speak. You will only need to press this once to line up in the queue. The system prompt will indicate that you have waved your hand. The system will indicate that you have been unmuted when it gets to Public Comment. Thank you. Supervisor haney thank you madam clerk. Im going to get into this item. This is our standing agenda item providing updates. This has been such an important place for us to collaborate to gain information, to have questions answered from our respected institutions. Were going to have presentations from city college. I promised them that. Then sfusd, does have a hard stop right before 1 00. We need to get to them quickly. We dont have a presentation today from d. P. H. From what i understand, katie tang is available if theres yeses. I want to thank all the institutions and staff for everything they are doing and for devoting time, which is precious time to this committee and partnering with us. I do think that committee helped us gain information. With that, im going to jump right in, if thats okay. I will have us start with city college of San Francisco. Thank you very much. Will someone bring up my slides or do i need to share my screen . Clerk we can pull them up. But we thought you were presenting. I have it ready. Clerk there will be a floating bar. You just click on share. We got it. Now i dont see you. Clerk youll just do your presentation. Okay. I wanted to thank you for that introduction supervisor haney. Were placed to be speaking with you today about the support that were providing to both students and faculty as weve made the shift to remote instruction at city college for this fall. A vast majority of our classes are happening through remote instruction im the dean of Online Learning and educational technology. Standing behind me are group of faculty classified staff, Department Chair and student workers that make all this possible. I like to share with you our response in planning and the Student Support and the faculty support. We knew going into this, that we knew a lot about Online Learning. We knew a lot about our faculty and students that chose Online Learning. We knew their comfort with technology, we knew access to internet and devices, we knew their internal motivation for Online Learning. When we had to make the switch, we are faced with students and faculty that didnt have internet in their home, did not have access to a device. Did not intend to ever take online class. We knew that the statewide Student Academic Senate has published a study in may 2020. They surveyed over 1700 students at 64 community colleges. Students reported experiencing high levels of anxiety, stress and depression. In the midst of the pandemic, it was causing them even more stress. With that, we adapted our Guiding Principles. Equity connection and support. We made the shift and particularly focused it to new students and instructors Online Learning environment or Remote Learning space. We came into the pandemic probably better positioned than a lot of other community colleges. We already used canvas. Its a full learning Management System all California Community colleges use it. It has emails, discussion board, quizzes, assignments. Its really the classroom for Students Learning online. We also prepared in that we have a shell for every single c. R. M. We have over 2000 sections. We had it ready for them with the actual class list in that canvas shell and the instructor. All we needed to do was really turn it on. We also had a well established training program. Our contract with faculty provides for training. Its very intense to teach online. We always like to make the point that were doing now is temporary remote instruction. Really Online Learning, it takes a instructor a full semester. We compensate the instructor to do that. We had to pivot again with our Guiding Principles. We were able to maintain instructional continuity for the spring. Win we got to the summer, we needed to stop, catch our breath and begin planning. The entire college put up a virtual campus. We partnered with our noncredit, e. S. L. Faculty. We wanted to make sure that any material that we put out, students and lowest level e. S. S. Noncredit classes could access. We made didntal guys in multiple languages. Not only did we want to teach students how to get into the system to get to canvas, we wanted to give them information how to prepare for that. We developed a training program. We put up resources for low cost and Free Internet and we have Technology Needs for our student and faculty. We were taking our laptop cards passing out to faculty and students. We worked with learning Assistance Center on Remote Learning advising tips. They were absolutely fantastic. The department of education said, i think they came out end of april, what you did in the spring was fine but because youre going to be teaching classes at a distance, you need to abide by department of Education Regulation as well as title v. We had to train our faculty. We trained 851 faculty. We trained additional 30 who just finished. They submitted 5657 assignments. It was phenomenal, 2700, it was amazing the amount of engagement that we had by our faculty. Some of our faculty did not come willingly. They were open about that. Together we worked to make certain that we continue to serve our students. We knew that our students were coming to us, having been in free and clear spaces. They had the formal Learning Space of a classroom. They had their work space. What happens here is when the students reflect, they study, they process, they review. That was really critical. When we moved to remote instruction, students didnt have clear Learning Spaces. They were sitting at a kitchen table. That was their classroom. Then they moved into their living space, which was also their kitchen table. Then they moved into that in between third space and that was their kitchen table. We needed to make certain that we adopted tools very quickly to define spaces for students so they were still able to communicate with each other and to review and reflect. Usually ticks it takes use semester to adopt one tool. We adopted these tools in a matter of few months. We put up and i was just typing the announcement to send to the college. I got emails from the sales rep who was wonderful. He said, what are you guys doi doing . It comes with an app and its almost like a tool that students can communicate. Our students really took to that. It translates into hundred languages and students can live stream. It does allow them to have that in between space, which is so valuable. This is just at a glance what we are doing with Student Support. We have global announcements canvas. At the end of every session, he sends me notes about what we need what he learned and how we can change to make certain that were better sebbing student serving students. The next step that were doing is building out what were calling a Student Services hub. We know that students have food insecurity. They have housing needs. They need access to Mental Health. While our virtual website does account for the needs, we want to build that into canvas so its one click away. Students dont need to leave. In terms of the faculty resources and what were doing for faculty, we surveyed our spring 2020 students in canvas. We said where do you go for help . Almost 80 of the students said they wont the faculty they went to the faculty member first. We knew that the faculty and the instructor was first responder. We built Faculty Resource Center in canvas. Which is another hub. Were doing three webinars a day. It says 13 modules that we have 14 and were talking about pedagogy and lectures. We are offering faculty 20 hours of appointments. We have appointments that last just 15 minutes but on weekends and evenings, any way that we can serve faculty who serve students were doing that. As one of our Guiding Principles in terms of equity, we really wanted to get the message out to faculty. While they are using zoom and Learning Space, they needed to be flexibility. Students needed to be able to join by phone by day, they needed to be able it turn their camera on, turn the camera off and have a virtual background. In order for us to move through this together, we needed to have the flexibility in supporting our students. We wanted everyone to understand that students weee sharing maybe one device in the house. Maybe one Internet Connection and it was unstable. That was a clear message. We built out modules about that. We continue to lead that conversation. The strong safety net that we provide, theres a lot of information on this slide but it really points to what were doing to make certain that were holding our faculty who are holding our students through this period. We have a local canvas faculty email. We have an Outreach Team and all of our schools. We visited a. N. R. Last week or two weeks ago, three weeks ago, actually so we can get the word out. This last slide is my way of thanking an amazing team. You see how many people it takes to maintain instructional continuity. You see that we have faculty and staff from all across the college. Which is really key to making this work. Let me know if you have any questions. Thank you. Supervisor haney thank you, appreciate that presentation. Community members any questions or comments . Supervisor fewer thank you for your presentation. Im interested in your numbers of enrollment. I dont think in your presentation you mentioned about the numbers your students and how many enrolled and are you able to keep enrollment and demographics around enrollment. We heard, there could be a drop in enrollment during covid amongst students of color and low income students. Can you give me some data on that . Sure. Thats not the focus here but our vice chancellor of Academic Affairs has presented he presented it last night at our board meeting. We can send that over. Our sense success just our census just happened were braking it down in terms of demographics. Thats very interesting to us as well. We can identify the gap. Supervisor fewer sure. Supervisor fewer, i dont know if any members mentioned [indiscernible] we are way down as a result of covid in terms of our enrollment. It is extremely frightening. Its not just the credit, its also the noncredit. Noncredit is down 50 , our credit is down i believe somewhere in the range of 19 . Correct me if im wrong, it is a very frightening situation. Its one of the reasons im very concerned about how much longer are we going to go on with Online Learning. Theres no doubt about it. Her crew has done an amazing job. Im taking a class now, its hundred times better than Distance Learning was before. We will get that to you. Supervisor fewer i think demographic information is important too. Where do we need the great support to actually keep them in school . Especially those ones that are transitioning to fouryear universities. The reason i mentioned about the enrollment, i mentioned to this committee before, there should be a Stronger Partnership between Online Learning and High School Students. Thousands and thousands take a. P. Classes. If you have those openings in your Online Learning classes, you already have them. Students can be Getting High School credit to graduate and year of college under their belt at this time. We can use this opportunity to expand that. Our students can benefit. We have lot of students at sfusd who are First Generation College goers. The point of this, if you can get College Credit under your belt, its confidence builder. You mentioned youre first in your family in generation. If you wanted also the College Retention rate is difficult. People dont feel successful in college or dont have the confidence to compete in college. If you have a Stronger Partnership, these students can feel much more confident p. P. P. I completely agree with you. I can provide you with a general data that the vice chancellor mentioned last night. Our enrollment is down 13 and thats overall. When you look at credit and noncredit. Supervisor haney i want to move to the sfusd presentation. She has to leave. I wanted to followup with supervisor fewer. I asked last monday about this. I agree 100 . Concurrent enrollment is the way to go. Unfortunately what im hearing is lot of the work that we do on our side. Its funded by grants which are going away after this year. We an increase in enrollment in our current enrollment program. We seen more and more students participating. This is specific to the latinx. There was higher percentage, this is one thing that were doing to help support that next student postsecondary. Whats really scary is that money going away at the end of the year. I want to see more programs. Definitely would love to continue this information with you supervisor fewer and trustees and anyone and everyone who can help us. I agree, we need to have more investment in concurrent enrollment, not less. Supervisor haney thank you commissioner collins. Thank you cynthia for your presentation. We appreciate it. We look forward to hearing update in couple of weeks. Were going to turn it over to sfusd now. Thank you supervisors. [indiscernible] im a site captain on a remote work site. Today, im going to provide an update on a little mostly on our decisions for returning back to school in two different phases. This is a presentation that dr. Matthews presented to the board of education on tuesday. Lets get it started so we have time for questions. We came before and talked about the recommendations for the fall learning plan, that we would begin in Distance Learning initially. That phase two will be a hybrid return. I want to talk today what our decisions are in moving towards a hybrid inperson return. What we are doing currently now, we have a number of remote work sites set up as part of our agreement with our educators. We were trying to provide Work Locations for them to do their work, to increase their ability for Distance Learning for many reasons that students and families maybe challenged by the internet and things like that. We have learned a lot from having the remote work site. Understanding how to do entry points and how we train everybody and ppe and cleaning. As many of you know, i think the states since we met last, the state has changed its framework. Theyve replaced the county monitoring list with a tiered framework. Before if you remember, you were either on the list and could reopen schools or off the list. This system has been shifted to a tiered where if youre in the purple, you cannot open school but you could apply for a waiver and you maybe able to open for a small cohort. In the substantial tier, tier red which is where San Francisco is currently, you may open schools. You submitted an application to the department of hu public hea. You can welcome back students to school. Were looking at two different hybrid phased model. Im going to start with what we call phase 2a. The gradual return to operations for small cohort groups and return. As you can see, its a decision. You have to have all yeses to move to the next part of it. The first column that you can see is things that are the california and county indicators or directives. Where we are in the pandemic at a county level, at a state level and where are we with department of health issuing shelterinplace order and having directives around inperson operations. If any of those were a no, we would not resume inperson operation. However, if those are a yes, the School District itself has to have a lot of operatio operatiol indicators in place. This is just the way we set up the entry. I will go into more details. I talked about the first column. If there are any noes, would not resume. If there were yes, we would move on to other operational indicators. We would have to select the small cohort or group of students that were welcoming back. We would have to have Safety Measures in place which includes staff testing plan. Wed to have our covid19 prevention measures in place, facilitates would need to be prepped, ppe would need to be in place. We have to have instructional learning plans in place and have Labor Agreements in place. If any of those are a no, we wouldnt move forward. We would continue to work on them. Let dig in a little bit deeper to each of those operational indicators. Everybody on this meeting imagines beneath all of those are many other clicks. That will be the group of students identified. Supervisor fewer im wondering where you can say where youre at . [indiscernible]. For the priority groups we have identified the students. We have not identify the staff and we have not identified the site location. Were looking for both of these phases, we are looking at is p. K. Students. We have colocated in some of our schools that were looking at the standalone sites. That the group of priority students we named for phase a. After Digging Deeper what are the general Safety Measures. Every didnt school is different. We have to have a specific prevention plan for every facility and have a site that implements that plan. We have the plan for the possibility of repeated closures of classes, groups or facilities depending upon being informed of positive covid test. We need to make sure we are supporting students with access and functional needs. We have to have our plan in place for testing staff over two months where 25 are tested every two weeks. We also have to work closely with how were cooperating with d. P. H. Again, theres a lot of things that we shared in our fall business plan. I wont go through everything. This gives you a deeper idea of what we will be doing at a school site as were prepping and preparing for return. We have to have good robust communication plan to provide information to families so they understand what they would experience and their Students Experience returning back to the schools. We have to have an enrollment plan. Same thing, talked about this before. Lot of figuring out what we do when somebody has symptoms and test positive, how to screen and identify and trace contacts. How do we do all this and again, robust communication plans for student, staff and family about what is happening at the school and the district. Sorry. The School Facilities prep for social distancing. Again, were looking at three months of ppe and moving furniture around and doing what we need to do and ventilate and hand washing stations. Plus figuring out transportation and meal services. Really key for this. I hope you can hear me through the mask. We have to have Distance Learning model at the same time because its a hybrid model, what are our technology plans and assessment plans. We need to have our Labor Agreements in place around what conditions are necessary for inperson instruction, what ppe is required, what are safety protocols and what staffing we address that staff concerns. That is 2a. That will be the small group return. I will go over 2b. Im only going to go over the differences in the two. There are lot of similarities about returning the second phase. The 2b phase versus 2a phase. If you remember, the first column is the same. We have the california county health indicator. But its red now. Theres a purple tier and this is the red tier. We have a middle column where were looking at how were meeting sfusd health indicator. Are we reading the figures for Contact Tracing and name Contact Tracing. Its a big area. Its a big way for mitigation of transmission and addressing outbreaks. All of the operational concerns that you see, will be the same. We have to identify our priority populations, put our Safety Measures in place, etcetera. Again, the only difference between tb and 2a and 2b, it shows where the cities are and where they applied. That is one other area that we would have to have a yes on in this kamal column to move fo. We would not move forward if were any noes. The next slide, if you remember the shaded out circles were 2a and youngest learners, the second grupp wil group will be demonstrated limited online engagement. Again, all of these will remain the same. I will give you opportunities to ask questions. We continue to solicit feedback from the community and share progress updates. Our board of med ed commissioners asking for robust way to share progress. So that something that weve started and thinking about how were going to do that. Supervisor haney thank you for doing that. Quickly, theres a lot there. Just so im clear, you have to leave at 12 50. Is there someone that can answer anything about this that goes beyond that . Youre on mute . Ill stay until 1 00. Ill give you 18, whatever that is. Supervisor haney trustee selby and then supervisor ronen. Commissioner selby thank you so much. That was a wonderful presentation. I really feel like i got a good idea of the steps that are needing to be taken. I really appreciate that. I love a copy of that to share with city college. Thats the kind of thing that i like to see from city college as well. I missed the critical thing, which was are we at this point i heard you say we would have to are we at the point being able to do any of that if youre able to get yeses . If youre able to get yeses, would we be able to do priority 1a . Yes. The decision are decide we get to all yes in each of those areas that we would be able to welcome students back. Commissioner selby right now today. No. By some miracle, i can do that all today. These are all thats its important for us to do progress updates so people can see where we are in that continuum. We havent created that yet. That should be coming. I would imagine the next time we come, well have our first type of progress. Its a lot. You would want to know. Where are you . And do you have the pep and thi ppe and this and that. Commissioner selby one of the things you noted is that, identifying a, you identified b which was the staff. Can you speak little bit to that . I dont understand what it might take to identify staff whether thats at a real roadblock. Its a process. I wouldnt say its a roadblock. The first part is who are the students coming back and what is the staff . Its prek or Early Education and if its special education and paraprofessionals. Thats the first layer. We have to engage with our labor partners to talk about the Labor Agreement part. Commissioner selby do you have any estimate on that portion of it, how long that might take . I think thats a very big difficult its people. Were talking about people. We are currently in conversations with our labor partners. I know that president solomon at the board of ed meeting on tuesday, committed to working this out. Commissioner selby last question, you mentioned that cases per day, 65 contact. Where are we now from the city perspective . On those indicators on the Contact Tracing, we are meeting that. I think were about 73 and 83 for those two on the cases per day were at 7. 5. Almost double. Commissioner selby thank you. Supervisor haney supervisor ronen. Supervisor ronen i have a ton of questions but i know we wont have little bit of time. I really appreciate the presentation and everything that impose into goes into trying to reopen the schools. Theres absolutely no blame in this question. I want to say that ahead of time. Parents and families and educators and students need to just know. Are we coming back this semester . We have lot of planning to do about it. We need to know that its not a waste of our time. Kids are going to go back to school. We just need some answers. I really appreciate that city college has come out and said, were not going back to school this year. Then we can plan. Thats okay. We all understand why. Were in a global pandemic. It makes sense. This is so difficult. Having said all that, do i hear you correctly that second graders arent coming back this semester and maybe not all year . To be honest, i cannot answer that question. I apologize. We dont have that answer. That is definitely something were hearing and we heard loud and clear on tuesday. I would imagine thats what were starting to look at. There are some districts that said were not coming back all year long. That was great feedback on tuesday and today to hear thats what people are asking for. I think thats what the next conversation will be, do we make that decision and let folks know and plan from there. Supervisor ronen for the priority students, there could be different answers for those students. Now you have a criteria but you cant give us a Progress Report for those priority students, it feels pretty clear that nobody, second grade and above coming back this semester. Okay, we need to trickle down on the Community Hub and talk about that. We know that for second graders and above, that we got to make sure every kid who needs it has that. Thank you for the questions and comments. I think thats what these hearings are about so we get all the interplay. Appreciate all the feedback we had this week about that. Supervisor ronen okay. That feels to me that we have that clarity. Two questions moving forward. Do you have were six weeks in do you have any data yet that you can share with us about whos participating, whos not, what their departmen department. A very poignant anecdote that maria sue told me, a few student who come to the hub are never opened their chromebook before and didnt know how to turn it on. That means for six weeks they have not been doing the Distance Learning. Now theyre going to be doing it robustly in Community Hub. Thats so exciting and meaningful. Im just wondering if we have some quantitative data on that . We have a little. I cawe are getting t i had this data in superintendent mentioned it last night. We know that weve been able to identify. I dont have the breakdown. I apologize. Well be definitely bringing that. We have 90 students who we havent been and to identify that theyve engaged. Thats not just online. We have different ways that students are counting as engaging. If its email or text or tending in work. 90 students there. We do breakdowns. Remember, the state is asking us to pay close attention to the students who are engaging less than 60 of the instructional days in a week. Generally like three days a week. Weve been able to identify, thats about 900. Thats where were really going to we really have to work with our Community Partners on that. Theres only so many times you can phone somebody to engage with them. Thats something that deputy superintendent are actively coordinating on the school side of it and how to do that better. Overall, what i can say, i think, we have about 95 of our students engaging more than 80 of the time. Please dont quote me. Supervisor ronen we have breakdown of demographics . Right now we do. I dont have it to say it here. Supervisor ronen maybe for the next hearing that will be great. My last question, which is twopart question, my understanding is that the city holding 500 spots for sfusd to fill in the Community Hub and then well have an additional 1000 midoctober that would be great to have these students that were talking about get First Priority in these sites. There hasnt been referrals into the Community Hub. Were holding those spaces vacant. That question part a and part b is, now that we though that what sites are being used for faculty and teachers who need to teach, can we use the other site for additional Community Hub . Yes. We always committed being part of phase 2. We are working on the outreach plan and identifying the students that we will be reaching out directly with the invitations to. We commit to saying, if the need is needed, we will begin to look at what sites could be use to expand the capacity. The answer is yes to all of this. Supervisor ronen last thing that i will say, were only doing invitation only. We have no idea what the need is. That continues to be a massive concern of mine. What i will say, to close, as a parent of a student in sfusd, i want to commend you on the Distance Learning. It is like night and day compared to the spring. It really is working in my opinion when there is an adult around all the time for the little kids. They are learning. They are engaged and its the second best thing to being in school. I want to thank you and commend you for all the hard work to get there. I know that was a massive undertaking. I know that its a twopart thing. We need excellent Distance Learning. Which is happening and so grateful. We need for the young kids an adult that can be there fulltime, creating the structure and getting kids involved. Thats the part that the city is engaged in, that i want to be engaged in. Its killing me that we dont know what the extent of the need is. I continue to put that out there. I know you have to go. I will stop talking, i will continue to be talking about this issue as we go forward. Thank you very much. I will pass on your thanks to our wonderful educators and our deputy superintendent. I have about five more minutes. Im happy to take other questions. Commissioner collins i appreciate your questions, supervisor ronen. This one is as far as i do echo the call for a transparent way. As educators, sometimes we know what we know. We dont understand the what the public doesnt know. We dont know how its made. Parents hear that seeing things are open and they wondering when schools will open. Theres so many factors that we have to consider. I think its very important to be transparent about that ands be transparent about progress. Weve shared all these details which is great. But also to understand where are we in getting all that ppe. Where are we in identifying space and that gives us an opportunity for the city to kind of support us. Sometimes theres nothing we can do but sometimes there is. We want to help to ensure were supporting our students. We havent talked about Distance Learning. I do want to highlight something that ive been talking about lately. I do think that Distance Learning has improved tremendously. I want to highly all highlight all the work the educators doing. I want to separate the work of commissioner lopez who has been on supporting families and helping them to get their kids online. I see her leadership. Shes an exceptional leader. I appreciate her as a parent because i feel like now i can talk to her as a parent and she sees what i see. One of the disconnects that we have theres a disconnect what were doing and the way we are receiving it. That is an area where i consistently im in serious frustration. Im specifically with parent view. What im learning that High School Parent while we focus on helping kids navigate, parents are mediating that online experience. We have lot of kids doing their work independently and parents are trying to supervise but we have been largely cut out of being involved if our childrens learning. We are involved in it in a different way. Its not up us to help kids do multiplication tables. That means helping with time management, making sure they are getting helping them organize their assignments, manage multiple assignments and multiple class. We cant do that because we dont have access to the actual assignment. I want to be really clear. Our district is in violation of california state ed code. I want to thank supervisor fewer who taught me years ago when i was a parent leader, that its really important for parents to know their rights. She ensured that the district posted parent rights on their website and they include the right to examine materials, the right to see assessments, the right to be involved in your childs education. Especially parents of children that have 504s or i. E. P. S. We need to see the actual assignment not just the title. We are saying that families have access to our childrens assignment and that is not true. We have access to some assignments for some classes. Im going to be filing a uniform complaint because i heard from our legal team thats what i can do as a parent. Im encouraging other parents to file a uniform complaint because parents need we have a right to see the text books and the actual assignments. Right now parents are being denied access. Kids are getting grade this fall. Its not passfail. They are getting actual grades and they will count towards credit. I want to name that publicly. I appreciate you chair haney for creating this venue. Im hope to partner with anyone to make sure that we can ensure access and its also additionally, how do we involve our Community Partners in helping to support our kids and our families, especially at the secondary level when were navigating multiple classrooms and multiple assignments and all that stuff. Thank you. Supervisor haney thank you. Would you like an opportunity to respond to that . I know you have to go . I can stay a few more minutes. I know commissioners may have questions. I asked somebody to step in for me. Supervisor haney okay. Supervisors, trustees ecommerces, an, anyadditional . One of the things that the questions i got, making sure that the factors and the data that youre tracking to make your decisions are also being tracked and made publicly available by d. P. H. Is that currently happening now . We find the indicators youre looking to. Absolutely. If you google sfusd covid, it will go to their tracker. Its great. Its tons of information, cases by neighborhood and then they have a link to health indicators. You can go in there and those are all the indicators. We review it on daily basis. Supervisor haney obviously, theres some processes and decisions and preparation that you described which were helpful and instructive in terms what reopening would look like. It sounds like at some point, even that aside, you have to makmake a decision to plan whats going to happen for the rest of the school year as to whether theres going to be a decision for the whole year. Do you have a time line that is planned for that . Do you have a date when you would want to make that decision and give that instruction and guidance to families and educators . When will that decision be made by . At this time, we do not. I will say that the superintendent, everything that he has heard and we have heard this week, we understand that is something thats greatly desired. Supervisor fewer the value of this committee within our jurisdiction, how can we collaborate and hel and help ea. When we look at city college, if you need person to coordinate or resources to coordinate between to start more seniors in our high school, taking colleges, what the funds you need for that . The mayor allocated stipends. Its where millions of dollars should go or should be going to larger group. More Community Learning also these resources with schools that need to be reopen. Now, we are down to actually we need actually what we need to hear what you need. If you need more nurses and you need custodians. San francisco doesnt get back to work unless schools get back to work. Also, you have the opportunity to shuffle around some dollars to really go to where its most impact. Im looking at using 7 million set aside for stipends for schools to fill this gap with Distance Learning and Online Learning with city college. If that is the barrier they cannot get dual credit, it is time that we took that money out. We can be getting hundred and hundreds of seniors to graduate with city College Credit. It would be a winwin for everyone. We heard lot of interesting things, chair haney sorry to be bulky about it, it should be focused on small time that we have together. We understand the problem, what do you need . Youre hearing from supervisor ronen too, are prek k going back to school . What do you need to make that happen . Then lets look at our resources and see what we can do. We can spin it in all different directions. The crises is at hand now. Its 60,000 children out of school. That learning gap, as good as your Online Learning maybe, it is no substitute for a classroom with a teacher in that classroom. All the study will show that. This is the place for it. Supervisor haney, we can bring recommendations forward too for appropriations for whatever. We want this to work. Everyone wants stuff from us. Where we put the resources is really important now. We prioritize true to our Racial Equity goals because were only widening that gap. Thank you very much. Supervisor haney i could not agree more. Commissioner collins . Commissioner collins just real Quick Response to supervisor fewer. I appreciate that. One thing that im concerned about is kids being able to play. Play is a part of learning. Im worried that we have kid that never get outside. I would love to have a real conversation how were using outdoor space. Thinking about how kids can get outside and be healthy. Additionally, with literacy. Kids are getting bored of youtube. Lets give them books. I know the city is partnering with the district in doing book mobiles. I love to talk about how were teaming up to get everybody reading all the time. Those are two actionable things that we can talk about and then please, supervisors, please reach out to me on thing that i can be requesting as far as reporting o. Supervisor fewer i would say also, sfusd, i think that there are things that we as individual supervisors can do too. I know i recorded reading sessions for a teacher. I think it will be great if our mayor did. You could diversify your curriculum a little and have the mayor to do a book reading. Lets think outside the box. These are times when we need to think outside the box. We only have little bit of money. Supervisor haney i will move to our next and last presentation. I appreciate supervisor fewers strong stance that the city needs to work closely with the School District. I know that several months ago, the mayor did allocate 15 million to sfusd to close their budget gap. I know that the mayor very committed to making sure that all our children have opportunities for inperson programming and learning. Im positive that the mayor would be very interested in continuing to work with sfusd and trying to make this work for everyone. In terms of play and outdoor space, i agree. We need that and you heard our mayor talking about that as well. Right now, it is truly a concern from the department of Public Health. We are taking it one step at a time. I know that our Health Director has said, if we continue to do all those best practices that weve done since the beginning of shelterinplace, we will get to a place where we will be able to go and do the thing that we want to do like going to inperson learning. I wanted to say that. I actually have control now and i will do this. Im going to in the interest of time bypass my usual slide that i do around the Community Health for youth. We launched on september 14th, we were very excited, young people, children, were excited. We had some really great press around it and at the end of the day what we heard loud and clear from parents, this was really necessary. We had lots of parents who shared with us that they didnt know what they were going to do in terms of going to work or staying home to support their young child in Distance Learning. Having the hubs be available for them was important. Just to remind you quickly, these are the priority populations that we are inviting into our hubs. Leading with health and making sure that we continue to create those new behaviors that Everyone Needs to practice. Mask wearing, physical distancing and hand washing. Enrollment data. I want to show that after the first week and a half, we have upwards of 956 children enrolled in the Community Hubs for youth. Of that, 36 are africanamericans, 34 identified as latino, latinx and 11 are identified as asian. I do want so to the say, the latinx population is mixed race race people and thats 10 . This is the target population that we were hoping to reach out to at least for the first week and a half. This is where we are its been really helpful for these families. In terms of breakdowns of age group, the largest population are the in terms of children who are enrolled in the hubs right now. Then in terms of breakdown and disparity population, the largest population of young people in the hubs now are children in Public Housing. We have 269 children in Public Housing that are participating in the hub. We have 65 children who are identified as homeless who are in the hub, 28s. R. O. S and 159 children with language needs that are participating in the hubs right now. This is phase 1 capacity of our hubs. We have 55 sites that are running throughout the city with capacity of 1427. We have enrolled 941 student youth, we have 487 slots still available. We are still enrolling children and families into our hubs. We are working very closely with the School District to make sure that we prioritize those students that sfusd saying these children need to be part of this program. Finally, just remind everyone, these are where all the hub sites are. They are everywhere in the city. Unfortunately, i do have to leave at 1 30. I will stay until then. Supervisor haney commissione r collins. Commissioner collins i appreciate this presentation. I love the data. As im noticing, 35 of students, i totaled up your demographics, you add them up together, 35 were the high needs students. That makes 65 did not meet your target population im looking for 100 . Twenty percent were in Public Housing, 11 were homeless. Did i get it right . Or close. That doesnt equal 100 . Im just wondering we have 11 , 2 , 19 and 5 . Im seeing roughly 35 are the high needs students and that means 65 did not meet that criteria. Is that correct . I can go back and ask our data team how they ended up putting this together and get back to you commissioner collins. Once again, we were very strategic and targeted in our outreach. I know that was a concern that you had from us. Let me go back and ask them how they tallied this up and give you a more precise commissioner collins i love your pie graph. You can see the whole pie. I wanted to note for people, 11 of students with language support needs, those kids can be kids in s. R. O. S and in Public Housing. Those groups can cross over. You cant 11 to 19 . Its helpful to see by language and by these other groups. I love to see that. I wanted to know how many what percentage of students have disability . I will go back and get you a better representation of our priority population as well as the number of children with disabilities. Commissioner collins great. Theres a target population that you might not be listing like kids in specific programs in the city. I like to see it i want to see the part of the whole. I did ask director robinson, whos in charge of special education services, if we had a meeting it was offline. I want to make sure that our students with disabilities are also included and those are wide range of kids. Chief robinson is very interested and motivated to meet with you. Its really important that you are working with her. She said shes willing to partner. Her staff is willing to support and building capacity for the hubs so we make sure were being inclusive. There are parent advocates on the special education c. A. C. I want top make sure that we are being inclusive. I love to see a followup on that in the next time you report. Yes, thank you. For sure, ill follow up with chief robinson. Thank you. Supervisor fewer i want to say, thank you so much for pivoting so quickly. In this budget, we have set aside some money for nonprofits. My question is, if sfusd coordinating with you, sfusd is an institution that is following up. We are providing the services for sfusd students. Im thinking that to get our numbers up, it should be sfusd that is coordinating and referring students and communicating with those parents that their students should be attending these Community Learning hubs and taking attendance also is part of the childs attendance. I didnt know whether or not that was specified and when you participate in a Community Hub, that child does not attend, your child will be marked absent. Actually, the things were trying to get people there. We know that during this time its difficult. I actually think that we should be looking at expanding the opportunities for students if Community Hubs. You have to have this. If they feel themselves these parents this is so desperately needed, were going to expand this, we would do it in a coordinated way so know that every student has that opportunity. Instead of getting the word out externally that sfusd has responsibility to do it internally. Thank you very much. I agree chair fewer. We are working. Based on the urgency of the situation, i actually had a very positive conversation at the board of ed weeks ago. There was a unanimous vote of support to partner more closely together. Which is why we are working closely and trying to identify the children who need it the most to participate in this program. Supervisor haney any other final questions or comments from trustees ecommerc, supervisors. All right. We can let you go to your next meeting on time. Madam clerk, are any callers in the queue . I want to open up Public Comment. Clerk we are checking to see if there are callers. If you have not done so already, press star 3 to be added to the queue to speak. Nobody is in the queue yet. We have two callers o online. Clerk if you like to speak, please press star 3 to be added to speak. Nobody has gotten in the queue. Supervisor haney in that case, we will be able to close Public Comment unless somebody got in right now. Are there i think what we need to do is take a motion to continue this hearing, call of the chair . Sure. Continue this meeting through the call of the chair. Supervisor haney is there a second . Second. Clerk motion to continue the matter through the call of the chair. [roll call vote] you have four ayes. Supervisor haney great. Are there any further items . Clerk no further business. Supervisor haney this meeting is adjourned. Thank you everyone. San francisco parks, Golden Gate Park transforms into one of the greatest Music Festivals of all time, lets journey, inside, outside land. To this, our 6th year doing the outside lands and our relationship with San Francisco, rec and park. And we work very closely with them in the planning and working very closely with the neighborhood organizations and with the city supervisors and with the city organizations and with the local Police Department, and i think that the outside lands is one of the unique festivals in the world and we have San Francisco and we have Golden Gate Park and we have the greatest oasis, in the world. And it has the people hiking up hills and down hills and a lot of people between stages. I love that it is all outside, the fresh air is great. They have the providers out here that are 72 local restaurants out here. Celebrating, and that is really hot. 36 local winerries in Northern California and 16 brewers out here. And you have seen a lot of people out here having a good time and we have no idea, how much work and planning has gone into this to make it the most sustainable festival in the united states. And literally, in the force, and yeah, unlike any other concept. And come and follow, and the field makeup the blueprint of the outside land here in Golden Gate Park and in the future events and please visit sffresh parks. Org. Treasure island Mobility Agency board. Britney milton is our clerk. Please call the role. Supervisor fewer here. Present. Supervisor haney present. Supervisor mandelman present. Mar absent. Supervisor peskin present. Supervisor preston present. Supervisor ronen present. Supervisor safa supervisor safai supervisor stefani present. Supervisor walton present. President yee present. We have quorum. Thank you, madame clerk. Please read the next item. Public comment. Public comment will be available for each item on this agenda via telephone by calling 14156550001, and when prompted, entering access code, 146 226 7339. Once you join, youll be able to listen to the meeting as a participant. To make Public Comment on an item, dial star 3 to be added to the queue to speak. When it is your turn, you will hear a message saying your line is unmuted. The operator will advise you have two minutes to speak. When the two minutes are up, we will move on to the next caller. Best practices are to speak, slowly, clear and turn down radios and televisions around you. Please allow for a 30second lag time. Thank you. Next item. Item 2, chairs report. This is an information item. Thank you, madame clerk. I first want to recognize the effort that the timma staff with our board support have made to secure federal, state and city funding for yerba buena. We received five Funding Proposals for the various on the island. The water Transportation Agency granted a inner city rail Capital Program funds to planned new service to mission bay. We supported the original Grant Application which requested two allelectric vessels, one each to serve the Treasure Island and mission bay routes and were hopeful this grant will benefit both services. In june, the California Department of housing and Community Development announced awar awards infill for the 30,000 grant to the Treasure Island authority for road and bicycle and pedestrian path improvements. This funding will support the final design and implementation of the Treasure Island toll and transit affordability and equity programs. And finally, this past month we submitted two separate applications for funding to support the yerba buena pathway project. We still have over a quart over the year left to quarter of the year left to go. I want to appreciate staff diligence in collaborating to security outside funding to secure outside funding to support the islands. With that, i conclude my remarks. Is there any Public Comment on the chairs report . There are no Public Comments. Great. Madame clerk, please read the next item. Yes, item 3, executive directors report, this is information item. Good morning, thank you, chair haney, commissioners, short update in addition to the chairs remark and appreciating staff for those funding efforts. I wanted to report out on the good news on ta federally funde meeting. And were about a third of the way through the planning for the on island shuttle demonstration of Autonomous Vehicle technology. Yesterday, we received good news that the federal Highway Administration which administers our federal grant did approve the concept of operations and System Engineering management plan. These are documents weve been working on closely with caltrain and our partners at tida and sfmta. So just a progress note to say that were making good use of the funds so far. Weve taken direction, again, from the committee as well Going Forward to ensure that were looking at safety as well as involving the community in the whole project. And we are preparing now for procurement next year with potential deployment in the fall of 2021. Given high interest in this topic, our team also presented at last weeks kickoff session for the International Intelligent transportation world congress. In addition, the session included updates from columbus, ohio, which is the furthest along of the u. S. Pilots and tampa, florida. So we were pleased to participate and you can see that online at the its america website. Thank you so much. Thank you. Any Public Comment on the chairs report . There is one caller. Your two minutes begins now. Caller . Supervisors, what i want to state, the director has said, ive been involved with Treasure Island since 1989. In 1991 we surveyed the entire island, including yerba buena. What i see is that this project should be helping our citizens. We started by putting a lot of indigent people on Treasure Island and now weve treated them with disdain. And we stopped talking about transportation and stop talking about housing in a general way. What supervisors are doing is they are taking added responsibility with Treasure Island by compromising quality of life issues within the city of San Francisco. Not everything that is happening on Treasure Island is transparent. I repeat. Not everything that is happening on Treasure Island, which is manmade, is transparent. You have serious quality of life issues. If you all dont want to dive into it, then tell me i should dive into it and i will be held responsible. So while we talk about transportation and housing and whatever, the most important thing is the environment. Thank you very much. Thank you, caller. Any additional Public Comment . There are no other Public Comments. All right. Public comment is closed. Thank you. This is an informational item. Madame clerk, please read the next item. Item 4, approve the minutes of the july 28, 2020 meeting. This is an action item. Is there any Public Comment on the minutes . There are no Public Comments. Can we have a motion and second on the minutes . So moved. Second. All right. Moved by commissioner peskin, second by commissioner walton. Roll call vote, please. On item 4. Supervisor haney aye. Supervisor mandelman aye. Supervisor peskin aye. Supervisor preston aye. Supervisor ronen aye. Supervisor stefani aye. Supervisor walton aye. President yee aye. Supervisor fewer aye. There are nine ayes. Minutes are approved. Thank you, madame clerk. Please call the next item. Yes. Item im so sorry. Unless changes were presented at committee, or not required since items presented to committee already substantive changes have been made. This is an action item. So moved. Great. We have a motion, a second . Moved by commissioner peskin, seconded by commissioner walton. Roll call vote, please. Supervisor fewer aye. Supervisor haney aye. Supervisor mandelman aye. Supervisor peskin aye. Supervisor preston aye. Supervisor ronen aye. Supervisor stefani aye. Supervisor walton aye. President yee aye. There are nine ayes. Item has final approval. Thank you, madame clerk. Please call the next item. Introduction of new items, this is an information item. Any new items . Not seeing anybody on the roster, are there any members of the public who would like to speak on this item . There is no Public Comment. Great. Public comment is closed. Madame clerk, the next item. Item 7, Public Comment. Operator, are there any members of the public who would like to speak . There is. Hello, caller. Your two minutes begins now. Thank you, supervisors. What i want to introduce to you for your consideration. The first one is delay the foundation somewhere down the road having some kind of to the island directly. You know to Treasure Island. A good example in london which is known as the wolf station. Its a station that is entirely submerged, run entirely by the private sector and they are below water and have been open for businesses for three or four years and trains getting there. Its a good example to go with. The other thing i wanted to tell you about, the [inaudible] is essentially looking at the island somewhere between a meter and in the arena of 16th street. But thats never going to work without the high speed rail and capital. The only viable alignment is the bay bridge. And yerba buena island. [inaudible] San Francisco and the other two having [inaudible] on the other side. The reason im bringing these to your attention, if you do this, all the materials are going to suddenly magically materialize on the yerba buena island. The question then is what we do. I would suggest to Treasure Island. [inaudible] but also to be with pollution and everything else. Thank you. There are no more callers. Thank you. Public comment is now closed. Please call the next item. Item 8, adjournment. Thank you. Meeting is adjourned. See you in a bit. Executive orders and the mayors proclamation declaring the existence of a local emergency. During the coronavirus disease emergency the Fire Commission regular meeting room at city hall is closed and meetings of the Fire Commission. You may watch this meeting live at www. Sfgovtv. Org. Participate during Public Comment by phone and please dial 415 6550001 and use access code 146 122 0408. Members of the public will have opportunities to participate during Public Comment. The public is asked to wait for the particular agenda item and before make a comment on that item. Comments will be addressed in the order they are received. When the moderate era nounses that the commission is taking Public Comment, members of the public can raise their hand by pressing star 3 and you will be queued. Callers will hear silence when waiting for your turn to speak. Operator will unmute you when prompted, callers will have three minutes to provide comment. Ensure you are in a quiet location, speak clearly and turn off any tv. Item 1, roll call. President covington, [roll call] [roll call] im wondering who james smith is . James smith is the i. T. From sfgovtv. Got it, thank you. Ok. Item 2, general Public Comment. Members of the public may address the commission for up to three minutes on any matter within the commissions jurisdiction that does not appear on the agenda. Speakers shall address the remarks to the commission as a whole and not to individuals commissioners or Department Personnel. Commissioners are not to enter into debate or discussion with the speakers. The lack of a response by the commissioners or Department Personnel does not necessarily constitute agreement with or supports statements made during Public Comment. And i will check to see there is no one in the Public Comment line. Lets close Public Comment. Ok. Item 3. Approval of the minutes. Discussion and possible action to approve the regular Meeting Minutes on september 9th, 2020. There is nobody in the Public Comment section. Public comment is closed. Commissioners i move we approve, medicine am president. Thank you. Ill second. Thank you. All vote. [roll call] yes. And commissioner nakajo. Yes. The motion is unanimous. Thank you. Clerk item 4. Chief of departments report. Jeannine nickolson on current issues, activities and the Department Since the Fire Commission meeting on september 9th, 2020 including Budget Academy and special events and communications and outreach to other Government Agencies and the public. And report from administration, deputy chief, joe a velo on administrative division, fleet and facility status and updates, finance, support services, and training within the department. Thank you very much, president covington, commissioners, mr. Marine, command staff, chief nickolson. This is my report, weve had 28 covid positives in all, we still have people off work in quarantine and we had an issue with our wild land firefighters a couple of weeks ago and quite a few of them came back with covid and so we have adjusted our policies and we now have the latest group that came back, we didnt have any covid positive so i believe weve addressed that really well. Some really good news, a grant, we are working with fema. Theyve awarded us a grant and were working with them, mark corso is and hopefully well be able to receive the funding some time later this year. It is a 13. 7 million grant that will fund an Academy Class of 36 people and pay for their salaries for three years. So there will be no impact on the general fund. This is really great news. Because we didnt think we were going to be able to hire anybody for several years. This will save us quite a bit in overtime money. We are also receiving a grant for over 600,000 for three new mini pumpers. The mini pumpers are the small vehicles we drive into mclaren parks and other parks to put out grass fires. And we are definitely aged and this will be wonderful to have them replaced. It will take a while before we get them replaced. But those are the grants that mark korso is working on and i want to thank them for following. We have to meet with the mayors Budget Office to get final approval but its free money. Were hoping for the best. Apologies, there goes my phone. The chief has been working really hard on shared space platforms outside dining and park lets. I know he has been involved in extensive meetings this week with this growing program. We want to do our best to support all businesses that are reopening and we have to also ensure that they follow the fire code and that we have access both for fires and for patients to all these buildings. Fire marshal, do you want to say anything further about that . Yes, chief. Good evening. We have our inspectors. Theyve been inspecting and surveying the districts and all the commercial areas and the platform construction and identifying any Fire Department access issues and we put a Team Together with dpw and we have prioritized those that are most urgent and while working with the Business Owners and we have just began that. Actually today. So, were focused on it and it will be an ongoing review and i think were in good shape. Thank you, very much fire marshal. Yes, we absolutely want to support the citys reopening and we want to do it in the safest, most reasonable way possible. I want to call them out again. Theyre doing some pretty incredible work in terms of getting people into the treatment programs that they need. They will also be well be ramping up a critical Response Team so you may want to have either chief tom or simon pang give an update on that in the next month or so. Theyre just out there doing a lot of great work and really the Mayors Office is happy with them and azzam i. And the want to note the chief is off this week so chief tang is in the house and he will happily answer them and i also want to introduce our newest member of the command staff. This is going to be assistant deputy chief of Homeland Security. And she has worked with nurture she has run nert single handlely for years and years and id just like her to say hello and say a few words. Im happy to have you here so thank you for saying yes. And just one last little note. Lets all give a shout out to chief cochran who had a little knee reconstruction today. So, just think a good thought for him. And that concludes my report. Thank you, chief. Madam secretary, are there any members of the public with comments or questions. Public comment is closed and i will go to my fellow commissioners. Commissioners,. I cant see everyone. Thank you, very much, madam president. Just awe couple of comments. I want to congratulate captain on her appointment as a chief of Homeland Security. Im very excited of that selection. And im very much am gratified. I wanted to congratulate director and the team chief inaudible for a fire academy. I think its a major, major, major announcement. Particularly since we werent scheduled for any classes this year. I just cant think of anything better than that as a boost in the arm. Congratulations for the result. Thats all i have at this point madam president , thank you. Commissioner rodriguez. So, i. Confused here but its nothing new. So, i wanted to make two points and i think its regarding a grant but i dont know if it was mentioned regarding surgical masks and receipt pir eightor rs whoever is doing the grant writing. I have two daughters that are nurses, and the moral sometimes varies because of the availability of surgical mask and eye protection and stuff they need and when theres a shortage of that the moral is pretty bad. And then, not another note, my wife is a director of a preschool and theyve never been able to have someone that goes after grants and theyre upset when they hear of other people applying for grants and getting them so you do have that person that does it. I wanted to say i think its really important, like chief nickolson said, its free money and its out there and you just have to have the way to get it and im willing to add that president covington was telling me earlier that they fought for this and now you are seeing the reward. I just wanted to give a congratulations for the work that you are doing. Thank you very much. Commissioner cleaveland. I want to add this foresee curing these grants and i think theyre fantastic. 13. 7 fema grant is really huge and to fund an Academy Class of 36 individuals for three years is an amazing accomplishment and im just delighted to hear this and theres through fema as well and we have a couple other applications pending but that was the most recent award with the firefighters Grant Program. Keep up the good work, mark, your team are doing fantastic stuff. These times of budgetary constraints and almost every other department at the city were so fortunate to get these grants. I also wanted to congratulate captain erika on her new deputy chief status and Homeland Security and she will do a fantastic job so congratulations. I have a couple of questions for the chief. You mentioned chief, that the policies were changed inaudible because we had former firefighterses coming back who had covid. What changes policies did we change that needed a difference in so our guys and gals coming back inaudible are not catching covid now . Whats different . Commissioner, cleaveland, im going to turn this over to the chief who oversees the mutual aid. Ok. Good afternoon, mr. President , Vice President inaudible . So, after that incident, were at threefold. Prior deployment, during deployment and after deployment. inaudible temperatures and questionnaires and make sure everyone had the proper p. P. E. While running the apparatus and during the deployment we make sure we are here to the cal fire or Forest Service policies we have our own policies to make sure everyone adheres to those too and everyone that gets back from a deployment gets tested regardless of the exposure or if they werent sick but if members are supposed to member that is a sick or less members, or they get direct contact exposure then they get quarantined for five days and we require two negative tests prior to going to work. While the concerns we have is that not only they came to work as sick from deployment also bringing back to the fire house. They are deployment. We cover them. We believe that this is making a difference so far and i think were doing a good job with that. Thank you, chief. Chief, one other question and that deals with the difference between our em6 program and the critical Response Teams. Whats the difference between the em6 and the critical Response Teams . Whats the difference between those two . They are both Community Para medicine. Ems6 is a small slice of the pie that deals with our frequent users of 911 and we work oneonone with them to get them into services, connect them into services and get them the help and the stability that they need. Some of these folks are homeless and some most of them are homeless and unhoused, and some of them do have a place to live. The crt, the critical Response Team, what that will be is and again, ems6 goes out just with one paramedic captain. Although we have partnered with publichealth a couple of times. The critical Response Team will be a partnership with the department of publichealth and an advanced Healthcare Practitioner and a peer support person. Someone who has gone through homelessness or addiction or the like. We will respond to the calls that people were sent to and where its not a Law Enforcement issue. And that it is, you know, social work or medical that is required. The department of Emergency Management, the Police Department, Fire Department, 311 there are different entities working together to figure out how to get those calls and how to triage those calls differently instead of sending everything to the Police Department and there are 21,000 calls i believe last year for the Police Department that they want to sort of shift to a different type of response. Are we going to have the capacity to deal with that . I mean, how many of these critical Response Teams are we going to have i mean to deal with 21,000 calls over a year and it sounds like well need more than one. Were going to need a lot of them. Yes, we were budgeted somewhere over 2 million for this so we can higher new folks, how much ex will he were we putted for the critical Response Team. G. Yes. In our budget allo case there was a 2 million line item for this program, however, its the intent that in conjunction with the work of dph this program and the related expansion of it will be funded by some of the prop c revenues that were recently just approved to be used from that revenues from a couple ballot measures ago and some of that revenue is anticipated to spur this program where the 2 milliondollar allocation we received in our budget is money to get started. We are hiring in earl and late winter so we will have the capacity to grow this program. How many critical Response Teams do you anticipate needing over the course of the next year . Meals are marked, do you know how many we are shooting for . Were going to start with one team as a pilot that will test some of the procedures were going to use. Were developing a lot of Community Paramedic procedures along with publichealth, how were going to approach these calls and were working on some of the dispatch product kohls and in march the first thing was december to march is our ramp up phase. During that phase, and the initial that initial team will be captains reassigned from other ems6 roles and it will be a good chance to have them sort of beating back since theyre already Community Paramedics and during that time well also be having our next Community Paramedic class where we anticipate training and additional 20 Community Paramedics. With 12 of them being slated to help us ramp up to have six units available. Thank you very much, this is a Important Program which is why im asking these questions and why im asking how fast we can ram up and theres a lot of need out there. How quickly can we address that and do we have the funding to do so . I appreciate those time tables. Thank you. Thats all my questions. Thank you, chief. Thank you, commissioner. Thank you, commissioner cleaveland. I did see the voice president is there. Do you have questions . I have a couple and i a apologize for being late and i dont like webex and it does not like me. Which is i thank marine for her des pat attempts because they were successful in connecting me to the meeting. Thank you maureen. Another comment is i wanted to also welcome chief barteseros. I heart great things about you and i know you have big shoes to step into and everything tells me you will do a phenomenal job. I look forward to meeting you one day in person but your work is so important. The more i learn the more i realize that. So, thank you for being willing to step up and fill in. And in terms of questions i have, oh, and i did want to also just commend mr. Corso and his team for the money. Boy, that is really something. I mean, we can call them grants, we can call them whatever we want, its money. Important money. You guys couldnt have done a better job so thank you. Really, thank you. Ok, chief, two questions for you. Ready . Yes, maam. Ok. Question number one. These park lets that i saw today walking there are two more going in. Are we going to have now all parklets all over . Is that a plan . Are we going to limit the parklets . Theyre made of two by fours, i was watching the construction of them and i would imagine they could pose a problem. Based on how theyre place and where theyre placed, should there be a structure fire, should there be, you know, i saw one that was all set up and theyre putting all these candles along the cubicals and theyre multiplying at a rapid rate. I dont know the plan and i dont know if you know the plan. I dont know if you heard did you hear fire marshal speaking earlier . I did not. Fire marshal, can you address the Vice President , please. Absolutely. Hell oh commissioner. Yes, so we have a team in place. So, were looking at Fire Department access. Access to the site and its our fire lane, fire access and staging at the site. We look at staging at the site is how do we access the building. Thats why we have requirements for every 20 feet. Were supposed to have a three foot break. We will limit the overhead wires and those are the things were looking at. The lead agency and the permitting agency for the public is department of public works not the Fire Department. We are there snow squalls a referral for fire clearance and Fire Department ak said operations and and up until the now, the some of the platforms construction got a little bit of ahead of us. Anything with open flame, candles or propane or heaters is a regulated activity in the fire code. If businesses are using those, they are required to get a permit from the Fire Department. There may be businesses out there with someone has gone ahead without that but that is why we are surveying these sites and hopefully catching all of those and communicating with the Business Owners and informing them what those requirements are. Thank you. I think its really important. Theyre springing up all over. I can see the problem that they might present. If i may Vice President , this is new to all agencies, i want to thank the fire marshal for awful his work on this and its super important and he is the man. So, ive been down this road before in terms of dealing with folks on the street who need add cystance back in the 90s, this is not a new issue. And the involvement of the Police Department for lack thereof, or exclusion thereof, it is not a new issue. My concern is i dont understand how whoever gets called if its 911 or whomever will be able to sort through what information is getting and it tends not to be very much to know whether its facing danger and it concerns me that you have people who are social workers, community workers, medics, and they may find themselves in a very bad situation and and i dont how the quick screening is going to be protect them so we ensure their safety. I know that is a concern as well of everyone and there have been times, to your point, where weve showed up to a call and oh, this person just got shot. Where are the police . What are we doing here . Things sometimes fall through the tacks and im going to let the chief speak on this but its a concern of everyone going in and thank you. Thank you, chief. Thank you commissioners. Yeah, i was really just, before this on a meeting with chief pang and the folks at dem and folks from dph discussing during, wore going to take several approaches to this during the ramp up phase and were looking at having the crisis Response Teams still co responding with police. Of the 20,000 calls how many of them can we safely say we dont need a police response. We know theres a significant amount where our crews will not face any danger and having done this crisis intervention work on the street as well, it also as we teach them well have focus on deescalation techniques and doing threat assessments. Thank you. Well, ive been so excited about these grants. Its just amazing. I dont know if our new commissioners are aware but we have, from time to time, been using a lot of people because we had mandatory overtime. We didnt have enough people and we had mandatory overtime and that i is a very expensive endeavor. To have a class we know will be paid for vicima for throw years, that is just so extent because thats money that does not have to come from our general fund and hopefully we can have money for other pressing needs. So that grant and the 600,000 grant is just fabulous, you know. It has made my week. Im happy for this money. Thats good. Kadokudos for all those that wre the grant. They have to write for approval and i cannot imagine any circumstance that could prevent that approval. This is exciting news. I want to welcome the deputy chief, i know her well from all of the very, very hard work that shea has done on our volunteer arm and she has been getting people out to work at the food banks anbanks and all of that. Its really good to see her move to this position so welcome. Thank you. I appreciate the warm words and i look forward to working more with you. Very good. And i wish that chief cochran, a speedy recovery. With his surgery and we miss you and hopefully you will be back soon. I also wanted to ask the chief about the move and how things are going. Hell oh commissioner. Im still here. The one stop van ness. Its going well and were changing things up. As far as processing the applications, d bye has handled the fireonly applications. Starting on monday to help with if sa tating the transition well process, meaning, call control check on intake and apply an application number and collecting fees for fire only and that should help speed things up and on another note, a positive note, the volume plans were seeing an increase, a steady increase, were not where we used to be but were moving in the right direction and things are looking good. When you say the plans that are being presented, how focusing mostly on additional dwelling units or are you just speaking broadly. We have a separate team that handles adus and thats a team that thank you, fire marshal. I also wanted to welcome chief tagarini. Thank you for being here this evening. I appreciate your efforts. Ems6. What is the roll out for the new configuration of that . So, the roll out for ems6 and the critical Response Team. The critical Response Team. Theyre going to be six new teams, is that correct . Not until next march. Well roll one team out in december and it will be the pilot and well workout a lot of the kinks there and then its going to take us time to train people up to hire some more folks and train some Community Paramedics up. Were hoping for march and dph is up staffing for them and and the first one in december. People need this assistance. Thank you. I already asked for Public Comment. So, i will ask again just to make sure no one is tuned in since i inquired last. No one on the Public Comment line. Thank you, Public Comment is again closed and calling next item, please. We have the report from administration and. Welcome, chiefs, this is my deputy chief administration and this is my report for the months of august and im going to share my presentation which highlights some of the events that happened in the month of lets see you can see it, can you . Can you see it now . We can see it. There you go. Perfect. Thank you. So, again my report for the month of august, im going to start way brief update on a situation right now that we are assisting the state. We have right now 37 members deployed and 36 at the creek fire which is northeast of fresno and south of yo sem tee with eight engines and so we have four leaders and this fire is 32 contained and you see the size of it. One of the 26 fires right now, major fires in the state of california. Good news is the fires that we were dealing with recently, on the area here of santa cruz, its contained and the su on the Alameda County and in the east bay is also contained as well too so theyre doing a good job with that so its been going everywhere else. The crews have been rotating. This weve been here for a month now. We have a twoweek policy we rotate our crews for their safety and people will get more experience too and we Just Launched a single Resource Planning so fourth so this is a perfect way for us. This is some of our crews working on the creek fire and and 10 firefighters from new jersey Forest Service coming to help california and the state of need and they went up north to fight the fires up north so that was interesting. Thank you very much for your support and we are happy to assist oes in this endeavor. They completed six months test and will move to their new provision ari aria signment. Even though chief and his staff thought they would be a quiet on the Training Division it wont be happening so were ramping up for that next class. We have applications and in Service Training cam tin and interviews were conducted and they will be announced in the next couple of days and the captain is returning to the field and and ems training conducted several session of tack kickal medical train ing our partners at sfpd and the ser i haves office and theyre well received and its great to Work Together and we know the players we will know who is working with them and exactly what to do and all the fires and training weve been doing with covid, have been reduced and we continue to do provision ary training and Company Training and so we continue to do that. Here are some of the puck tures on the left hand bottom, you have training happening and the right top and the right top is a building where we can practice opening up in case of a emergency and president covington, you will be happy to know those are props for drone training. Weve had drone and we drop something from the drone and it takes a picture so our drone technicians can get more proficient. I want to welcome our canines to the department. Jax son cassie and their handlers. They graduated from the academy and members of the department as well and working with task force streets. Our alert team, sad to lose our longtime captain and im so happy to see her, after this procession and theyve been doing awards led by her and assistant covid on test sites and food banks, all over the city and this is national nerd week. Not just in emergencies and earthquakes and they were able to set up so were grateful for them. And just in time she got a scratch wevvan. She has a brandn that is able to go to the training and this is a day the keefchief handed the keys too. Our chief of health is enjoying a nice few days off right now on vacation and were working hard with the peer support and the Response Teams that we have created for our team and the next slide what the flow chart would be. This past week was the Suicide Prevention week and we sent information from our members to review and make sure theyre aware of that and they can identify all the members that may have issues and they continue to work on the update from the prevention policy but the peer support teams if you recall from the presentations we have about 40 members on the peer support and about 20 of those became sirt members and theyve been going through training thanks to the former commissioner and so lets say we have a traumatic event and the officer of the member or the member it goes through the division chief and different avenues. That is the goal for that for support when the event overwhelms the understaffed, we can support with special training and do mass debriefings so that is the goal their this sirt team. It was an injury and also busy working remotely and we have scheduled flu vaccinations not just at her quarters but the stations doing a lot of exams, physicals and have monitored which is a new set shes been producing and lots of information about covid and all the focus of Mental Health as well too and she also did some visits before her accident. So, october 7th, throughout of month of october we are really focusing in case our numbers of the vaccination and we have headquarters for our members clinic so that we can have some flue vaccinations but were going to the station and having different stations for members to come in and our goal is to get 70 or higher and and and busy with random tests and all negative its tracking all the members that are assisting in Covid Response so we can get them back. Our planning and moving into people for the new positions and preparing for the vacancy bid and next step is a the vacancy bid coming up and completed the vacancy for station 49 and we have six new engines with the completion date of october and rotate them and the policy has been that the stations get him and slower stations get other new engines that they have a couple years so we can they dont take and they do the bigger stations one and three and they get a lot of those so we have a plan, the chief operations to approve this plan and to other stations so going through some issues that we find on the first rack and our goal is to make sure all the issues and problems and adjustments are clear from the first track and then the six next once will come on the same way the same issues solved so its no other issues so were working with the vendor and we hopefully get this solved soon. They have been delivered and we close the bid, we had the bids for the host enders. Were get fog so that is good news is theyre now waiting for decals and thats good news because our fleet replaced or this grant really helps us out too. Facility and we talk about the host hours and have been removed and we working the roof that has left the holes and the tower has. Part of the community and even though well take down the rebuild to safe standards and station and the neighborhood and we also work on some underground fuel tanks for stations 8 or 9 and what were doing on station 49 and this is the latest particular tures on the left is the facades and the right you have the field docking station and we can feel the ambulance there and you have the storage and the lockers on station 49. Station 35, working well with that station and you see on our beautiful orange we had a week and a half ago and that were working and interior now we have pictures of the first floor and second floor so progress is o doing well and projections in march of next year thats all i have. A lot of information object my report and im happy to answer questions that you may have and that concludes my presentation. Can you hear me now . Thank you for your report. I did ask the Commission Secretary if there were any numbers of the public. I will check. I would like to speak. Theres no one on the line. Thank you so Public Comment is closed and commissioners, ill go to you to see if you have. Thank you, chief, for your report and and overseeing and i want to thank you for your leadership of them and were moving ahead on Different Levels to address different kinds of problems and i try to redo a bathroom and it takes a year. Hats off to you that we know you have a great team behind you but this is really quite an impressive report and its going to keep our department in the right direction so thank you, commissioner. Thank you, very much, madam president. Thank you very much chief and thank you very much for as a Vice President as row marks i wanted to take advantage of these Conference Calls and if you will and i find myself doing a lot of reading for the reports so i do enjoy it. I have two questions. One question is out of the Airport Division and the chief on the front part of your item 1 is says there were three inaudible drills in august. As a point of information, could you please describe what are red cap drills . Johnson, the major drills this is chief mark johnson. The red cap drills are sent to the battalion drill and essentially they encompass all the different agencies around the airport from the police, f. B. I. , airfield safety, we troy to have a drill that are particular to it and particular agency and it will be facilities or something and they tend to go more and airplane type of incident and its something that the required by the faa that we do it every month as part of the aftermath of aish ian a crash. I think you are muted. Thank you, chief. Are there any question is, off the report of a recruitment, with firefighters keith and well probably refer the questions to one of our colleagues and talks about and in this report, he talks about 45 members with 35 participants. About twothirds of the participants were new and in this report, my name is mentioned commissioner cleaveland participated for a portion of the class and spoke as well and commissioner cleaveland, could you share your response with this august recruitment event so we can get an inside how it went as you participated. Absolutely. I thought the power points were put up were instructive and having gone through the ranks and what new recruits should expect in the department. I was impressed with the scope, if you will, of the presentation, and i want to see a lot more of that so, you did a good job in my opinion. Thats all questions i have, thank you. Thank you, commissioner. I will go back to commissioner cleaveland. There is an opportunity to talk about anything . Oh, you bet. Thank you, very much. Madam chair. Back to those red cap drills, were are they called red cap drills . Chief johnson . Thats a good question. The first person that did it 30 years ago had a red cap on. I dont think it was anything particular. [laughter] ok. I had a question of who is going to replace erika now at nirt . As the head of nirt . Do we have candidates or can we announce that yet . We just opened that. Obviously with the announcement of her selection we put a general order out for candidates and it will be interviews and i believe the closest application period and then well go through the interview process and see who would like to be that team. It will be hard shoes to fill obviously. You bet. I guess you have a list of qualifications for that position, correct . Absolutely, yeah. So you will be looking at those. You talked about the canine program and i had a question on that. We have how many dogs do we have work forgeroworking for the dept currently . We have four now. Are they considered members of the department . Are the dogs members of the department . So yes and no. Yes, they are able to be deployed to the departments. Theyre also part of California Task force three. They stay in the fire house and then when California Task force 3 calls them and who is next on the rotation and we call but they never got called. My question row solves around who pays for those canines and the vet costs and pays for the food and the upkeep for the canines . We have an agreement. California task force three and through fema we get reimbursed for the cost. We are handling maintain it so inaudible and they get the row i areimbursement. The firefighters that do have these canines get reimbursed for the cost of the canines . Medical care and you will that d of stuff. It wasnt clear that that was happening. Whats in the inaudible . Its a ems6 will deploy off. So its a suburban or a ford that they can handle the crow going to the response for ems6. Its a little ambulance . A smaller version of our ambulance or what . Its a small s. U. V. Ok, s. U. V. They dont transport. We talk about the flu shot and we will hope to ram up up under the previous doctor less than half of our rankandfile got flu shots and i hope ta will be 100 per if it was not for the department they will get them through their healthcare providers. My question to you, is it mapped tory that you are rankandfile and every pem of the department get flu shots and i understand from cdc and other sources this year will be critical for everyone to get a flue shot due to the covid and the resurgence that is possible to have in the future from covid is mandatory . The answer is no. We are keeping to make sure that they have High Percentage of complete they can chose for our community and theyre hrms system that they have to also comply and say whether theyre taking it or not. And if they refuse, its a privacy and they have to acknowledge that and what are you going to do as much as we can to increase those numbers and they think 50 is not enough and we want 100 but we want 150. Is it not possible we can make it mandatory and is it not allowed . Why think commission. For the Public Safety or their own . I just find it odd we cant require that as a condition of employment. What about getting van scenes for shingles and what not . Is that also required or not required . Commissioner vaughn o recommended if. We require tb testing. Some things that we require is part of the condition employment. We require tb shots but not flu shots. We require tb testing but not flu shots. And we do hearing testing and theyre not mandatory for the general population but we encourage our responders to have that. I conquer, chief. And frankly i think it should be a condition or mapped tory and a condition of employment to have these vaccines for their own welfare as well as the public. You talked about throw fire station main lines being reported out of sir vis and i didnt understand what that meant under the support Services Report and i wonders what they are and what were the mainland out of Service Reports all about and why do they happen and what were they more specifically . So the mainland is our main telephone line and they have the structure for our main lan is obsolete and its needed repairs and we do get them more frequent than before and they need to be prepared. Now we are transitioning to a digital system in the near future and so theres structures and the its already in place and we have to look it up. Telephone lines are aging and they need repairs and that group is within less than 24 hours theyre repaired. We have back up Communication Systems and our line snitch that was my followup question was back up, yeah. You talked about these towers being removed or have been removed, correct . Correct. Was there any discussion prior to removing them . Whats the cost to remove each of these towers . Whats the cost . On the average . I can look at those numbers and i dont have it in front of me. It was earthquake safety. Right. I was wondering why there wasnt a way to wrap them with steel wire or someway to encase them so they would not fall down and crumble in the event of an earthquake. Was there no other decision to remove them and no other discussion of maybe to keep them and to reinforce them and make them not able to fall down. Those are our partners that recommended that we remove the towers for safety purposes. So we follow their guidelines for building construction. When you talk about the production and inspections from the apparatus are still delayed due to the covid19 pandemic, what can be done there . Has that factory already started up again, right and are we going to be back on schedule with these vehicles first in. It started a little bit but what dew is we transported the truck that was pulled there into a riverside facility and from there we transported into the city so the first place is we talked last month was already here. Everything is delayed and we have minimum staff interesting. As today ram ups up and the changes were building from them we hope that things are faster. Hopefully next month you will have an updated delivery for inspections as well. I will. Thank you very much for your report, chief. Thank you. And your questions madam president. Ok, thank you. Id like to go to commissioner rodriguez. So, you are one of the last and everything you were going to ask are covered. I would like to thank you for your report. Also, Vice President feinstine said im amazed at all the different hats you wear and that you have to deal with. Its a learning process and i just want to give you my thanks for being this professional and as confident as you are. The last thing, not so much for the chief, for ive gle neglecto congratulate for accepting the position you did and stepping forward and i hope that i can meet you in the future. And thats almost everything i was going to say anyway. Thank you, very much. Thank you. Thank you for your report chief. You said that 37 members of the department were deployed and eight engines are are you able to tell us what it is that might have led to the high numbers of infection at the very beginning . So, we did some contact traceing and obviously theres some hipa issues here but obviously working in the conditions that the folks work, they came from the same Engine Company in an enclosed cab going from the fire area back to camp so that was a factor too and then they Work Together in short spaces whether theyre building fire lines so space yourself and a fire fire too. This is a question for the chief of the department. Chief nickolson, theres been a lot of press given to the fact there are people who are incarcerated on the frontlines and that the governor has now issued an edict that says people that have done their time that can be considered to work in the various departments and San Francisco and so chief nickolson, i think that theres one person who has left every department in the past few years who actually was a person who was able to turn his life around and became a member of the department. Are there any other people who have become members of the department . Formally incarcerated people . So, president , you are speaking of Assembly Bill 2147, which does allow a formally incarcerated individual who was a firefighters while incarcerated to petition the judge to have their record expunged. Deputy develo vello and i partid in a forum a week or two ago about this very issue with some van jones and a bunch of others of the just to sort of talk about this it hadnt been signed at that point. It has since been signed. And, we also met with formerly incarcerated individuals two men and a woman who were firefighters while they were incarcerated and what theyre doing with their lives now and i would have hired any one of them. They were incredible people. They really they are everything that we look for in firefighters. So, i am looking forward to seeing what we can do in the future. Very good. It might be something that can be included in firefighters inaudible pitch to get the word out that this is something that is new for all those departments within the state and so there are people who might still be able to become firefighters who heretofore would have not even thought that would be a possible profession for them. Thank you. And lets see, im going to go back to the chief. I love the drone props but i dont understand how they work. [laughter] so, the way they work is that you place in those buckets out in the field or the yard and then the drone operator has to navigate the drone to a point where they can see inside the bucket. So the camera focuses. Thats where the angle was. I see. You demonstrate their skill level when able to do all the buckets. So theyre able to be spot on yes. And hold it in the right spot. Yes, yes. Ok. And, we had how many people go through a drone training. Was it six . I believe so. I believe so, yes. I cant remember the number. But theyve all been certified now . I think some have been certified and im wait forgeron two mors reports and thats homd security but yeah. Thats very good to have the drone and the people. Kudos for that. And of the flu vaccines, i heard commissioner cleavelands comments regarding the flu vaccine. I think were going to have a higher rate of inoculations now that you can get the flu shot in the fire house. I think thats a very, very good thing. If you have to go to headquarters and the hours are limited and by the time you get home, all of the drug stores are closed but doing it in the fire house i think our numbers will go up considerably. All right. And, i think thats all that i have for you. Oh, i wan i wanted to say that e arrival of the firefighters from new york that here jet and then the equipment that rolled out of it was amazing. Leave it to new yorkers, right. Im a new yorker by birth. [laughter] so, it was like really. You guys are showing out here. So, thank you for showing that to us. Thank you. Madam secretary next item, please. Clerk item 5 resolution 202001, discussion and action proposed resolution 202001 recommending that the board of supervisors authorization a San Francisco Fire Department to retroactively accept and expend a grant in the amount of 883,145. 45 from the federal Emergency Management agency to purchase personal protective equipment related to its covid19 response efforts. Thank you, madam secretary. Mr. Corsos. Yes, good evening, madam president , commissioners, staff, finance and planning to speak on the next item and continue one of the themes from this meeting with regards to grants. This is to have Fire Commissioner approval and recommendation to the board for allocation of recent award of the fiscal year 20 assistance to fire Year Supplemental Grant Program through fema. As part of the cares act legislation a few months ago the federal government outlined a program for fema Grant Programs specifically for Fire Departments to request approval and allocations for p. P. E. , personal protective equipment as it relates to the covid pandemic for the midst of the response that its currently going through as well as planning for the fall and continuation of just having general supplies of p. P. E. For preparedness. The department that requested the close to a Million Dollar allocation for items such as gloves, masks, gowns, et cetera, and main front line p. P. E. Equipment and so, we are the department was happy to be awarded 883 in federal funds an [please stand by] [roll call vote] its unanimous. President covington thank you. Next item please. Item 6. Commission report, report on Commission Activities since last meeting september 9, 2020. President covington commissi oners . Commissioner cleaveland i was part of that zoom meeting on recruitment. Thank you for letting me make those remarks. President covington are there any other commissioners that would like to report out . Vice president feinstein i had my first covid safe field trip since ive been a member of the commission. Escorted quite nicely by chief cochran and captain smith. Firwhich was fire station 5 and. They were quite different. It was very interesting to see how they operated differently. It was as fascinating to see things like the old [indiscernible] just lot of tradition. You can really since it in the station. Also, we paid a visit to the fire folks. It was a beautiful day. We got lucky it wasnt smoky and the sun was out. That was really nice. It was really nice to see that again. Then from captain smith got really a great tutorial on the water system and then a tour of the pump room. I have so much more to learn about it. Was enthralling to me, especially not having any kind of science or physics background, just the way the system was designed, what the backup measures are i was just i thought it would be way over my head. It probably is because it was a tutorial for me. I learned so much. It made me realize how complicated and difficult it is to fight a fire in this city and all the things that can go wrong. As the chief says, everything needs to be duplicated, you see the many different ways water comes and goes and where it flows. It was really exciting morning for me. Im going to try to rope someone else into taking me somewhere else for a day. I really would like to see ems6. But not right now. I think i want to wait a little while longer. Got to get out to the airport and see all the cool stuff they have. I have a whole list of fire stations im determined to go to every single one of them as i can. I figure i can just knock on the door and introduce myself. I have to say, im sorry, i got to see a ladder drill at station 5. That is really something worth seeing if anybody hasnt seen it. Better them than me. It was really it was something to be really proud of. It was cleaning day and everything was sparkling and shiny and there was a discipli discipline. The accomplishment of this group and way they Work Together was really impressive to me. I had no idea about ladder is a ladder. Not so. Im learning. Im just very grateful to those people who took their time to help start he learning process. President covington thats fantastic. Were going to have to hopefully well keep up with Vice President feinstein. Commissioner nakajo just a few remarks. As you have remarked, wish the best to chief Michael Cochran in his speedy recovery. Only other thing i wanted to remark is we received a letter of appreciation and thanks from the chief [indiscernible] president covington thank you. Commissioner rodriguez . Commissioner rodriguez ident ify been quarantined ive been quarantined at home. I dont really have much to report. President covington i understand. We all understand. Thank you commissioner rodriguez. We have the Vice President and i, we are reviving our tradition of meeting with the chief of the department before our Large Commission meeting. Thats going on. Whenever people can get out or join any of the various meetings that go on within the department, i think thats very good. Commissioner feinstein was able to probably really understand the tremendous tradition that exist in the Department Without wooden ladders, with the leather helmets. Theres so much tradition in the department and then as you mingle with the members, you get more of an idea of how these traditions originated. We will always be meeting remotely. At least i hope not. Soon well be all be able to get out and about. Any last comments . Madam secretary . Theres nobody on the attendee line. I did get notification from sfgov tv that once the 415 number is not working correctly. I dont know if thats a problem. Vice president feinstein tried to call in using that number. Sfgov tv is working on that problem. I apologize to anybody that tried to call in and was unable to. President covington to anyone who tried to call in and wasnt successful, please just drop a note to the Commission Secretary and someone will answer your questions. Thank you. Next item please. Item 7[indiscernible]. Commissioner nakajo i do the chief being part of our meeting this evening. I thought that when she comes back, perhaps we can get a brief update. President covington thank you. Any other commissioner . Commissioner cleaveland i noted in our package we had a letter complaining about noise from the fire engines or the fire trucks within that neighborhood. My question to you, maybe something the chief can address in the next meeting, what is the protocols for cueing alerts or blasting fire engine horns and what not. I dont know what they are. I know the person that wrote this letter said something about a memo that went out from the previous [indiscernible] regarding use of the horns. In particular fire stations in various residential areas. I thought that might be whats going on here and what are the rules regarding the big horn. I have no idea what kind of horns all these trucks and fire engines have. Apparently its upsetting some of our citizens. President covington thats something i will forward. Commissioner rodriguez, did you have something . Commissioner rodriguez no. President covington it would be a good idea to talk about our granting push and to meet the new branch writer. I know commissioner cleaveland has been eager to meet her, perhaps thats something we can do at the next meeting. That way all the commissioners have an opportunity to meet her. Then Something Else that was mentioned earlier in the meeting that someone said will be good for our next meeting. I cant find it in immediately. It is something that when i find it, i will alert the Commission Secretary to it. We also have rescue and united fire service women. Presenting at the next meeting. President covington i think probably one of them would be good rather than two. We dont know what the rest of the agenda may look like. All of the employee groups have stated a preference for the morning meeting as opposed to our evening meeting. Its going to take us a little while longer to get through to all of them. You and i can decide offline which one for the next meeting, madam secretary. Anything else . Vice president feinstein jus t a question, they were going to reschedule to present. I understand there was a deployment and a captain test. I understand why they werent able to present when scheduled before. It would be nice to have them come in as well, however were going to do this. I dont want to see them left behind. President covington they certainly wont be left behind. Is there any other business . Seeing none. I will entertain a motion to adjourn. So moved. Second. President covington thank you. Madam select, roll call. [roll call vote] its unanimous. President covington thank you all very much

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