Labor groups, including the nation's two major umbrella unions, are set to hold large-scale rallies nationwide on Wednesday to commemorate Labor Day. The Korean Confederation of Trade Unions, the more contentious of the two major umbrella unions, plans to organize a rally, named "World Labor Day Convention" in the central district of Jongno in Seoul at 2 p.m. After gathering, the KCTU members plan to m.
A forthcoming law aimed at holding CEOs of financial firms criminally liable for lax internal controls is drawing mixed responses. Can it help root out unethical and deceptive sales of financial products? Or Will it be exploited by financial authorities to put pressure on firms?
Three serious accidents were reported by enterprises with fewer than 50 employees in the first week since the enforcement of workplace safety laws were expanded, South Korea's Ministry of Employment and Labor said Sunday. The ministry reported deaths at work at SMEs in Busan and Gangwon, and Gyeonggi provinces since the laws subjecting employers to penalties for fatal accidents were expanded to smaller businesse.