but if it is fair to question mrs. clinton for failures leading up to september 11th, 2012, why is governor bush arguing it is not fair for leading up to september 11, 2001. governor, good to see you tochbt. if someone had evidence that there was a pending attack, there was a lot of investigations after 9/1 1e. trump doesn t know what he s talking about. he doesn t know anything about this.
complete a picture as what it was like at that moment, and handling benghazi and what it was like as secretary of the state for the colleagues she was going to support. and now, there was new information that was released by the republican majority including the e-mail that hillary clinton sent to her daughter on the night of the attack september 11th, 2012, which read that two of our officers were killed in an attack on benghazi and one of the am bbassadors i handpicked d a young communications officer on temporary duty with a wife and two young children. and so then, the word went out days later that it was some video-inspired protest that was responsible for this, and why
gowdy, the republican chairman. he tells me he s committed to trying to find out the truth here. obviously democrats don t believe that, because of the kevin mccarthy comment and other things that have popped up before this hearing. what gaudi was telling me is he wants to focus on the substance, particularly what happened before the attacks. you will remember ambassador chris stevens wrote a cable on september 11th, 2012, the same day he died but he put together a cable complaining about the security situation, at one point saying, that there was a growing problem with security on the ground in benghazi, and saying, quote, the libyan forces were, quote, too weak to keep the country secure. and what trey gowdy is saying is that he wants to get to the bottom of hillary clinton s judgment as secretary of state. why was there not more security sent to benghazi to secure chris stevens and the others who ended up dying that night and others who were injured. listen to what jim jordan, a rep
things, there was turmoil to be followed. expect more questions about the administration s libya policy. whether it was a contributing factor to the violence that killed four americans on september 11th, 2012 and if america s top diplomat, secretary of state hillary clinton, missed fuentes to avoid war. chris? still ahead, the media coming around to the idea that donald trump could be elected president. first, another new york city police officer is gunned down on the increasingly mean streets.
said. win is that, you seemingly were disengaged the evening of september 11th, 2012, for example, mike huckabee accused you as mr. cummings said of ignoring the warning calls from dying americans in benghazi and senator rand paul stated that benghazi was a three a.m. phone call that you never picked up and senator lindsey graham tweeted where the hell were you on the night of benghazi attack? those appear to be based on the testimony of witnesses and documentation that we have obtained in this committee and other previous committees. they seem to run counter to the truth, because the testimony we ve received states pretty much that you were deeply engaged the night of the attack. so can you describe for us what the initial hours of that night were like for you and how you learned about the attacks and what your initial thoughts and actions were? well, congresswoman, i learned about the attacks from a