from the tammy bruce radio show and. happy italian day. jon: it is as well. the parade will roll by our building shortly. i talked about this with bret baier. president says national security was never compromised. how does he know? that is interesting unless he has seen every single email. we know there were 400 classified emails that wint out. we know sidney blumenthal sent an email revealed the name of a cia asset in the system. that was a cia asset in libya of all places. what we don t know did that have any repercussions? who was seeing that? was that preor post-september 11th, 2012? these are all kinds of issues. similar to when president obama, i can tell alan is agreeing with everything i m saying, this is similar to him saying there wasn t a smidgen in the corruption in the irs situation.
hewitt, you and i have talked about this, what trump is doing on the right, in some ways, sanders is doing on the left. sure. he s exciting people who haven t previously been excited. a year ago i thought she was going to be the prohibitive favorite. now i fear joe biden will get in because it will be harder for my republican candidate to beat thank you so much. really appreciate it. don t miss your first chance to see the democratic presidential debates on one stage at the cnn facebook democratic debate. coverage starts tomorrow at 8:30 p.m. eastern. anderson cooper will be the moderator. you can weigh in on the conversation using #demdebate. september 11th, 2012, the events of that date will haunt the rest of hillary clinton s political future no matter what happens here in vegas tomorrow. but now a bombshell revelation. one man fired from the republican-led committee charged with investigating that day says the panel seemed to change and hyper focus on hillary clinton. he do
benghazi. bradley was hired as an investigator to uncover the facts and determine what went wrong on the night terrorists killed four americans in libya. a lifelong republican, air force officer is speaking to jake tapper exclusively on television about what he alleges or improper motivations by some republicans on the committee. he said for the missions to find truth it actually was not that. it turned into a mission to smear the former secretary of state. it was a terrorist attack overseas that caught the nation off guard. september 11th, 2012 militants stormed the u.s. mission in libya benghazi killing four americans including ambassador chris stevenings. the house of representatives did this to find the facts. republicans determined to
americans. former air force major, a lifelong republican, i say current air force officer, spoke so our jake tapper in an exclusive television interview about what he alleges are improper motivations by some republicans on that committee. he says the mission for truth turned into a mission to smear the former secretary of state. reporter: it was a terrorist attack overseas that caught the nation off guard. september 11th, 2012, militants stormed the u.s. mission in benghazi and a nearby cia annex killing four americans including ambassador chris stephens. the houfrs constituted the this committee and did so for us to find all of the facts and i intend to do that. reporter: republicans determined to investigate established a new house select committee to focus on how it all happened and what happened after. the select committee on benghazi. but this man says that
wrong when terrorists killed four americans in libya. he s a lifelong republican and air force officer is speaking to jake tapper in an exclusive tv interview about what he alleges are improper motivations by some republicans on the committee. he says the mission for truth turned into a mission to smear the former secretary of state. it was a terrorist attack overseas that caught the nation off guard. september 11th, 2012. militants stormed the u.s. mission in benghazi, libya, and a nearby cnn annex, killing four americans including ambassador chris stevens. the house of representatives constituted this committee. and they did so for us to find all of the facts, and i intend to do that. reporter: republicans determined to investigate established a new house select committee to focus on how it all happened and what happened after. the select committee on benghazi. but this man says that committee s mission has changed and is no focused solely on how