E-commerce major Flipkart has been fined by the Bengaluru Urban District Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission for not delivering the cellphone to a customer even after receiving full payment in advance. 📲 Flipkart Fined Rs 20,000 by Bengaluru Consumer Court for Not Delivering Cellphone to Customer Despite Receiving Payment.
Aiming to rein in social media influencers who indulge in proxy brand promotion or paid promotions without divulging this to their followers about it, the government may soon fine them up to Rs 50 lakh. Centre To Issue Guidelines To Curb Proxy Brand Promotions by Social Media Influencers; Fine of Up to Rs 50 Lakh To Be Imposed.
Bhesan Police Station Officer told IANS that they arrested Kirti Patel and nine others for unlawful assembly, unlawful assembly for common intent to commit offence, insulting and provoking, and criminal intimidation. However, Kirti Patel and all her acomplices were released on bail on Friday. TikTok Star Kirti Patel, Nine Others Arrested by Gujarat Police for Threatening Youth Released on Bail.