The 30-share BSE Sensex jumped 955.4 points to hit its all-time peak of 70,540 during the early trade. The market capitalisation (mcap) of BSE-listed firms hit a record high of Rs 3,54,41,617.18 crore during the early trade. Investors' wealth climbed by Rs 3,22,385.27 crore from Rs 3,51,19,231.91 crore on Wednesday. Stock Market Today: Mcap of BSE-Listed Firms Jumps to Record High of Rs 354.41 Lakh Crore; Investors Richer by Rs 3 Lakh Crore.
IndusInd Bank soared more than 8 per cent a day after the government unveiled relief measures to the telecom sector and ITC shares zoomed more than 6 per cent to post their best single-day gain since March 20, 2020