Senior centers to host flu shot, vaccine clinicsBoth the Northfield and Bernardston senior centers will host flu shot and vaccine clinics on Wednesday, Oct. 5.Bernardston’s clinic will be held from 8:30 to 11:30 a.m. To sign up, visit.
Council on Aging seeks members NORTHFIELD Due to expiring terms, the Council on Aging is seeking two new members. To express interest, call Senior Center Director Colleen Letourneau at 413-498-2901, ext. 114.Planning Board, Selectboard to talk Open.
NORTHFIELD As hot weather lingers over the region, a small group at the Northfield Senior Center is helping families in need prepare for the cold weather soon to be on the horizon.Five seniors at the Northfield Senior Center have been hard at work.
Tied fleece blanket making workshop set for FridayBERNARDSTON Charlene Cloutier and Anna Patenaude will lead a tied fleece blanket making workshop at the Bernardston Senior Center, located at 20 Church St., on Friday, March 25, at 10 a.m.Supplies.
Council on Aging welcomes new memberNORTHFIELD The Selectboard appointed Debby Wiesen Kelly to the Council on Aging during its meeting last week, term expiring Dec. 31, 2023.Selectboard supports FirstLight recreation investmentsNORTHFIELD The.