GREENFIELD Among the population of LGBTQ+ elders, the need for community is stronger than ever, according to participants of an LGBTQ+ Elders Focus Group hosted by LifePath.“Personally, I think about the loneliness and the isolation that is more.
LAVA Center to host ‘Fish Discover Water Last’ reading GREENFIELD The LAVA Center at 324 Main St. will host the second in-person presentation of the newly published work “Fish Discover Water Last: Richard L. Grossman on corporations, democracy, and.
With March 11 marking the final day for Franklin County and North Quabbin residents over 50 or caregivers to complete the “age-friendly” survey distributed by the Greenfield-based nonprofit LifePath, now comes the work of compiling results and using.
ATHOL Friday, March 11, marked the final day for North Quabbin residents over 50, or caregivers of older adults, to complete the “age-friendly” survey distributed throughout the area by LifePath of Greenfield. The survey sought input on topics.
Council on Aging welcomes new memberNORTHFIELD The Selectboard appointed Debby Wiesen Kelly to the Council on Aging during its meeting last week, term expiring Dec. 31, 2023.Selectboard supports FirstLight recreation investmentsNORTHFIELD The.