Former Senior Assistant AG Found Bullet Casings A Month After Reids Murdered In Concord - Concord, NH - Geoffrey Ward made a shocking find at the scene of Stephen and Wendy Reids' murders a month after the crime: brass casings from a 9 mm.
Walking the scene of Stephen and Wendy Reids’ murders a month after the shocking crime, and weeks after police had combed the same area for clues, then-Senior Assistant Attorney General Geoffrey Ward made a stunning find.
CONCORD – Walking the scene of Stephen and Wendy Reids’ murders a month after the shocking crime, and weeks after police had combed the same area for clues,
Authorities are searching areas of Northfield and Tilton on Saturday in connection with the ongoing investigation into the deaths of a mother and her two sons.
Law enforcement will be searching areas in Tilton and Northfield on Saturday in connection to the ongoing investigation into the triple homicide of a mother and her two sons.