The Delhi High court on Saturday dismissed the plea of Delhi Minister Satyender Jain challenging the trial court order transferring his money laundering case to another judge.
Satyender Jain had moved Delhi High Court challenging Principal District and Sessions Court of Rouse Avenue Court order allowing ED Petition for transfer of his case to another judge
Justice Yogesh Khanna dismissed Jain's plea challenging the order of September 23, 2022, passed by the Principal District and Sessions Judge transferring his money laundering case from one court to another.
Okhla MLA for the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) Amanatullah Khan has been granted bail in a case concerning the alleged anomalies in the appointment of the Delhi Waqf
After hearing the arguments of the lawyer for the accused and the prosecution, a Delhi Court reserved its decision on Amanat Ullah Khan's bail application.