a meaningful way before the twenty twenty election. maybe the biggest revelationl wn far comes from october of 2020. and it shows that the bidenccou team sent twittents r a list of twitter accounts to , quote,nd review and twitter knew exactly what to do next would remove those tweets permanently. all of this permanently by id off on by jim baker, who hadenel been a high level fbi official who somehow wound up as the general counsel of twitter. so according to tv in this kind of interesting, if you ve been following the history of twitter as a company, thesaibbie decisions, the censorship was very often made without the knowledge of the founder of foe knowledge of the founder of and a nose ring and do yoga, but is actually fairly committed to the first amendment and didn t want to see anyof thf . so he wa ts just kept out o the loop. it was vijaya gaudui who is the head censor at twitter who apparently drove it. that s what taibbi is findin whg so far , is he route s through a thes
New Delhi [India], September 2 (ANI/PNN): Vedanya International School, in association with the Indian Chamber of Commerce (ICC) and International Physical Literacy Association (IPLA) organized the India Physical Literacy Conclave on September 2, 2022, at the India Habitat Center, New Delhi. The purpose to host this conclave was to explain the concept of physical literacy via examples of how schools can modify their provision for physical education, physical activity and sports. Nigel Green, who is a co-chair IPLA and a Physical literacy consultant was present through the workshop, sessions and conclave, along with participants from the Ministry of Education, Sports and Youth Affairs, Health, Government of India, State Governments, Corporations, Schools, Private sector, NGOs, Sports Authority of India, Sports Academies to name a few. IPLA, UK was a partner in the initiative. A study reported that nearly six million people die in India annually, due to Non-communicable diseases (NCD). A