katherine herridge is on capitol hill with those developments. reporter: that vote was just a couple hours ago. the committee, 12 republicans, 10 democrats. that sets the table for a confirmation vote. lindsey graham said he had some reservations about william barr, but he felt barr significantly didn t need the job. i think we need a steady hand at the department of justice and i believe he provides that steady hand. it s not based on what i believe. it s based on his experience. reporter: what we heard consistently from republicans and democrats is that when it comes to special counsel robert mueller s investigation, they want to see that report public as much as possible. i hope that the mueller report is due pretty soon. senator bloomenthal and i i have a bill to make that transparent.
him and as the american people know having watched him, donald trump s connection to facts and evidence is very tenuous. and so i doubt that he will ever be a witness voluntarily. it will take a subpoena, and there should be one from the special counsel or from the southern district of new york. john, remember that the most advanced edge, the point of the spear now in this investigation is in the southern district of new york in manhattan where that unindicted coconspirator, individual number one, is having a very bad time. we should note as of now we have no reporting on any subpoenas being issued by either entity, but obviously we re watching it very closely. senator richard bloomenthal, thank you for being with us. perspective now from cnn chief legal analyst and former federal prosecutor jeffrey toobin, and also ken cuccinelli and cnn s
americans do not believe president trump was telling the truth about the russia probe. meantime back on capitol hill today testifying on both the house and oversight judiciary committees. afterwards james comey spoke about accusing the president and republican lawmakers of damaging the bureau s reputation and in the president s case he says, lying about it. he also slammed the president for calling michael cohen a rat. we have have to stop being numb to it comey said. senator bloomenthal, i want to start by getting your reaction to this breaking news from the washington post that months after the president took office, russian disinformation teams were specifically targeting special counsel robert mueller. what do you see there? what i see is that the sprawling sweeping russian disinformation campaign is continuing. and it is continuing to echo and
bloomenthal talked about. those were statements taken by our majority staff. they are already in the record. those statements were taken by our majority staff. did minority staff participate? no. why not? you ll have to ask them. were they instructed not to participate? no. they chose not too? . that s right. if i could. i think i still have the floor. can we be excused? the witness is quite tired. if you d wait a minute, i d like to thank dr. ford. we re going to continue this meeting. let s just be nice to her. dr. ford, i can only speak as one of 21 senators here, but i thank you very mump for your
i ask if you have sworn statements that you re submitting for the record that we have those individuals come before us so we ask them questions about the statements. i think the nature of this proceeding would be compromised if we lack an opportunity to ask them questions about sworn statements that will be part of the record. frankly, i would object to entering them in the record. mr. chairman. i have a number of letters that i would like to ask submitted to the record that relate to the importance of proper investigation by trained professionals in pulling these kind of investigations together from the leadership conference on zifcivil human rights, the national law association for women and so forth. without objection. senator kennedy. i have a question. the statements that senator