Rethink the news: Reducing news to hard lines and side-taking leaves a lot of the story untold. Progress comes from challenging what we hear and considering different views.
Wisconsin could become the premier petri dish for what happens when citizens lose trust – for valid reasons or not – in the legitimacy of a democracy’s most fundamental act.
criticizing the republican review of the election results in wisconsin. that was one page of the journal sentinel earlier this week. the following day, the journal sentinel editorial board wrote a blistering e torial cheering for that republican. cheering for that republican and her willingness to take that stand. look at this. quote, kathy bernier stood up for the truth on monday. the republican chair of the state senate elections committee knows it may lead to vile threats against her and almost certainly will come as a political cost. she did it anyway. that s courage. finally, a republican leader in wisconsin stood for democracy. senator bernier eviscerated the partisan review of the 2020 election that republican assembly speaker robin voss
republican state senator kathy bernier in wisconsin taking on her party and the way they are still trying to undermine the election results. republicans in the wisconsin legislature announced just today their election review in 2020, they re going to extend it. they were supposed to end it by the end of the calendar year. they now say it s going to extend into 2022, and they re going to give it lots more taxpayer funding. but state senator kathy bernier is standing up and saying no, this shouldn t be happening and it s dangerous. and that clip that i just showed you, the clips we showed you of senator bernier, the vent at which she was speaking there was an unusual one and, i think, an important one. it was held in wisconsin along with two of the most famous politics lawyers in the country from opposite sides of the aisle. ben ginsberg is one of the most recognizable republican lawyers in the country. he was the national counsel for, for example, the george w. bush