Big headlines. Washington getting ready for the million maga march as counterprotests a are planned. Major networks called georgia and arizona for biden, Computer Software used for voting created major irregularities as resentment grows over this story and more, the do as i say, not as i do politicians. New examples of them breaking their own covid19 shutdown rules. Also tonight, how the election is not a repudiation of republican policies as democrats try to claim. Democrats are left with the slimmest majority in two decades. More democrats support nancy pelosi. Republicans could claim the house in the midterms as the democrat civil war is intensifying. Mud slinging, pushback, name calling, the far left squad is growing in size, also stepping up their fight with moderates. Theyre saying the far left, quote, defund the police is wrong and democrats dont have some, quote, crazy socialist agenda. They dont like it. And more on the hunter biden controversy. Democrat adam schiff now trying
Welcome, everybody. I think we have some republicans that have a leadership election, but theyll be coming in. Can you see me . Can you hear me . Is it working . Well, the election is over. Theyre still counting the votes and making legal challenges and once all of the legal challenges are made and the votes are counted, well have that done. We still have two outstanding races in georgia to determine the control of the senate. And the committee will keep moving forward doing its work. We have next week social media oversight. I cant wait to have the social media ceos come to the committee and explain themselves about their platforms. I think theres a lot of bipartisan support to take a hard look at social media platforms. The earned act is still a business pending before the committee and after the hearing well have markup. But today, we have mr. Mccabe, the number two at the fbi during crossfire hurricane. I think hes going to appear remotely. I appreciate him coming. And what ill do
And pig barbecue and delta township, Kendra Patterson the coowner of michigan barn wood and salvage animation while mason, michigan. Yesterday the epidemic ordered that the department of health and Human Services issued limiting indoor gatherings were covid19 easily spread went into effect. I want to remind everyone that these actions are both targeted and intended to be temporary. These steps are with the Public Health experts tell us we need to take to avoid overwhelm the hospitals and death counseling we saw in the spring. Doing this will also protect our medical workers, our First Responders, and other essential workers who put their lives on the line to protect the rest of us. People usually call front liner liners. But i hesitate to use that phrase because it implies there is a second line. We have to respect the people who have been on the frontline. Because they are what is keeping us safe. We must all Work Together here. We have her weekly data call on tuesday evening marie go
But the county is edging now towards the purple now it is announced even stricter rollbacks including the end of Indoor Dining on for us dan kerman is joining us live now from walnut creek with details good evening dam. Good evening, you know, its just tuesday. We talked about restrictions that were going in today now today, theyre putting in new restrictions will start on. As each day goes by the data gets more and more Contra Costa County Health Officer doctor Chris Farnitano says the countys covid case rate is now in the most restrictive purple tier and hospitalizations which were at 17 back in september have grown to 50 as a result come tuesday Indoor Dining will be shut down completely in the county. So well Indoor Fitness Centers and gyms and Concession Stands at movie theaters. We can put some of those key restrictions now we can hope lynn that. When a blunt that surge. Keep it from being so big and so long lasting and get us through a winter quicker and with less harm to the co
Big headlines. Washington getting ready for the million maga march as counterprotests a are planned. Major networks called georgia and arizona for biden, Computer Software used for voting created major irregularities as resentment grows over this story and more, the do as i say, not as i do politicians. New examples of them breaking their own covid19 shutdown rules. Also tonight, how the election is not a repudiation of republican policies as democrats try to claim. Democrats are left with the slimmest majority in two decades. More democrats support nancy pelosi. Republicans could claim the house in the midterms as the democrat civil war is intensifying. Mud slinging, pushback, name calling, the far left squad is growing in size, also stepping up their fight with moderates. Theyre saying the far left, quote, defund the police is wrong and democrats dont have some, quote, crazy socialist agenda. They dont like it. And more on the hunter biden controversy. Democrat adam schiff now trying