Than any other brand. Were always rethinking whats possible in skincare. Thats just how we roll. Neutrogena®. See whats possible. If no candidate has a majority on the first ballot, i believe you should only choose from a person who has actually participated in the primary. Count me out. I simply believe that if you want to be the nominee for our party, to be the president you should actually run for it. I chose not to do this, therefore i should not be considered. Period. End of story. Welcome to morning joe. Good morning, everyone. Count me out. Count me out. Doggone it. Yeah. Sounded a little hes not gonna do it. So Mark Halperin, remember i told you how in the golden era of New York Times reporting it was so much easier to write stories when people would, like, punch other people at trump events. That was easy, right. Layout. Seriously. And they always had a layout because trump was always out there. Hes pulled back and since hes pulled back a bit theyre stuck. They are stuck. So
[captions Copyright National cable satellite corp. 2013] host this host ted an independent in union city, tennessee. Caller just a comment on the tax rights for your previous man you had in there. The republican. The rich their wealth has increased Something Like 275 , 370 . Ed middle class remains stagnant, their wages. I understand tax them 100 wont cure the deficit. What the republicans dont understand its still the right thing to do is to increase their taxes. Now, the guy said we wanted to lower the corporate rate . Everybody knows the corporate rate, the effective rate of the corporations is not that high. And id like to see cspan bring back professor Charles Craven i believe was his name from George Washington university. You had him on just briefly. It was really interesting to me. Thank you, sir. Host thank you for calling in. Appreciate everybody participating this morning. We are going to go live now to the Senate Judiciary committee for their markup on different pieces of g
Involve hiring a staff of people to do the work and they say that the big banks can do that better. We hope that congress would look at that. There are a number of other things in the regulatory area that are bad. If they carry it further, it will make it dangerous for Community Banks to get any in the game. If congress will look at what the real needs are in the Banking Sector and and perhaps make it a lot easier for Community Banks, we certainly would like to see them thrive. It is not, from what i hear, that they are too big to fail. They are too small to compete with regulators. Take a look at the material the gentleman who asked the question it begins on page 53 or so of the report or its bills of the scale and the hope that this could reach very deeply into institutions. Barry, you had a thought on this question . Barry is with the commission and, it is with the consumer federation. I wanted to make the point that this issue of access and affordability credit is a strong theme in
Great chemistry. Were well on our way. We signed the agreement that says we will begin the immediate denuclearization. North korea will seek to retain its wmd capabilities and is unlikely to completely give up Nuclear Weapons and production capabilities. I have president putin. He just said its not russia. I will say this, i dont see any reason why it would be. Not only the russians continued to do it in 2018 but weve seen indication that theyre continuing to adapt their model. We cannot prevent an Iranian Nuclear bomb under the decaying and rotten structure of the current agreement. We do not believe iran is currently undertaking activities we judge necessary to produce a nuclear device. In response to all of that, the president went off on twitter today in a series of tweets calling the intel leaders extremely passive and naive when it comes to the dangers of iran for one, also saying they are wrong. The president ended his twitter storm with this demeaning suggestion saying they sho
Of the officials who had concerned about the president s personal attorney. According to the new york times, hill testified that bolton called giuliani a hand grenade who is going to blow everybody up. Giuliani insists he did nothing wrong. It comes after the arrest of his two or two of his sovietborn associates and reports federal investigators are looking into giulianis dealings in ukraine. And breaking right now, fox news has learned giuliani will not comply with the subpoena. John roberts with the scoop in a moment. Congress is back after a twoweek recess, live look at the senate floor, where they have plenty to talk about, including ukraine controversy and turkey ark tacking allies in syria. We have team fox coverage, john roberts. First to Catherine Herridge reporting live on capitol hill. Complex week, testimony on capitol hill and to simplify what you have here are two drafts, one is an official traditional tracking ukraine and the other was a back channel investigation led by