case to prove that the mcmichaels and bryan are responsible for arbery s death. they made assumptions about what was going on that day, and they made their decision to attack ahmaud arbery in their driveways because he was a black man running down the street. reporter: in her closing argument for the state, the lead prosecutor said the three men had no reason to chase arbery down while he was jogging on a street outside of brunswick, georgia, last year. they re trying to convince you that ahmaud arbery was the attacker. that he was somehow threatening to them, three on one, two w pickup trucks, two guns. mr. arbery, nothing in his pockets. not a cell phone. not a gun. not even an id. reporter: along with arguing against self-defense claims, prosecution says the three men could not justify making a citizens arrest.
you can either yield to that or use your influence both ways. i try to listen as much as i can, engage people, come on meet the press when others aro afraid to, but then, also, you know, facilitate discussion. b kevin cramer, republican from north dakota, you do indeed accept our invitations. i appreciate it. thank you for coming and sharing your perspective. thank you. have a happy thanksgiving. you, too. when we come back, what the kyle rittenhouse verdict tells us about guns, self-defense claims and this divided counted that you heard both senators talk about.t the panel is next. panel is next. it protects the 8 areas dentists check for a healthier mouth. the #1 toothpaste brand in america. crest.
thank you. coming up. what the predictable and disheartening verdict in the kyle rittenhouse means for open carry laws and self-defense claims in the country. no annual fee on any discover card. cough cough sneeze sneeze. [ sneezing ] needs, plop plop fizz fizz. alka seltzer plus cold relief. dissolves quickly. instantly ready to start working. so you can bounce back fast with alka-seltzer plus. now available for fast sinus relief.
the 25-year-old in their pickup truck and he said that he ran around the truck and attacked him and he says that s why he was forced to shoot and kill the 25-year-old. he grabbed the shotgun and i believe i was stuck. what did you do? i shot. it s obvious that he was attacking me, that if he would have got the shotgun from me, then it was, a life or death situation. now, neil, under cross-examination, the prosecution poked at mcmichael s self-defense claims, that arbery never spoke a word to him and never presented himself as a threat as he ran for five minutes away from the mcmichaels and william roddy bryan who later joined the chase in his pickup truck. and demonstrated that he didn t pull out a gun. that s correctments he hasn t said one word to you. he has not. not threatened you in any way verbally or physically.
as we re seeing on the screen, when he broke down, kyle rittenhouse. they could see him talking about the three different instances in which he said he acted in self-defense and the testimony from the guy he wounded saying, yeah, he didn t fire until i pointed my gun at him. so for those who are stunned by this, they would have been more shocked had we not gotten to see a lot of the key testimony ourselves. my final point, those denouncing the verdict, i ve been struck by the channels, not talking self-defense claims, the evidence, maybe a few shots at the judge. they re outraged because they didn t get the outcome they wanted and that s not the purpose of the justice system. we all should not want that to be the purpose of the justice system. griff: great points, great coverage, howie, a quick note, i do remember this past week judge schroeder commenting he wasn t a big fan about the cameras in the courtroom, but i suppose that decision for his next trial hopefully not one