why did you think you needed the immediate self-correction? they may not need precision in sports talk but when you put yourself out there as an expert and the people you re trying to attract are people that want to do the very show you re doing, guys standing around sitting around arguing with each other over sports, if you make a mistake, that lights up like a flare in the if you make a mistake, that lights like a flare in the middle of the night. you think why do these dopes have a show? twitter or wikipedia or something. mike and i have the advantage that we have been sportscasters for a million years and we ve got all this stuff imprinted on
instrumentation would normally land the plane so what affected the touchdown? human factors with a self correction after a high descent, also causes a little bit of adjustment. if the plane is trying to fly by wire and then a human factor comes in to the piece, humans aren t computers so then there s a slight jump in adjustment associated with that and a correction can be an error. and more of the human factors of the ntsb going to learn from detail when they interview the pilots and most likely tomorrow. back to you. dominic reporting live for us, thank you. president george w. bush making a rare appearance since leaving office. speaking on one of the sunday talk shows. he touched on several issues including terrorism, marriage equality, as well as immigration. president bush said that reform is important to the country and that good policy yields good politics. listen.
washington officials from the cincinnati folks about the targeting of conservative groups a year earlier than the irs has acknowledged that they knew bit. so we ll get into that with jay sekulow who represents some of those groups in coming legal action. he is chief counsel of the american center for law and justice. jay, welcome back. good to have you here this morning. first of all, i want to get your reaction? what goes through your mind when you listen to that? an agency completely out of control, incapable of self-governance. i suspect at this point, probably, incapable of self-correction. i mean, martha, you look at, if you were a business, and i had a client that could not produce, they also could not produce the $50 million expended, 10% of the receipts, which is $5 million. if i had a client that could not justify through reit receipts $5 million of expenditures they don t get the deduction. this agency is not only out of control, they re violating what everybody else in ame
park? when there are children? also later the pope makes his first visit to mexico and is calling on catholics to resist the temptation of violent drug traffickers. a lot of mobile apps allow us to keep up with our friends. now some new ones want to help you cozy up to strangers. we ll see how coming up. you re watching cnn saturday morning where news doesn t take the weekend off. from cnn s world headquarters bringing you news and analysis from across the nation and around the globe, live from studio 7, this is cnn saturday morning. our big story that we investigate from all angles to give you context and analysis, our main bar, the death of trayvon martin. as the national fury grows vigils and marches are spreading throughout the u.s. demonstrators wearing hoodies and holding skittles have become the trademark symbol for people demanding justice for trayvon. george zimmerman admitted shooting martin saying he aktded in self-defense. since the shooting last month zimme
you came out and inspired a lot of people in egypt. are you confident that the situation in egypt today is moving in the right direction? yes, i remember telling cnn before that when i was asked about what s going to happen in the next few months and i said personally, i don t care much about the details but i trust the egyptians. the dignity is back and we re going through a big wave of self-correction. there are definitely mistakes and issues that we are facing throughout the time but overall i m very optimistic. i think we are moving towards the right direction. i was in cairo a few weeks ago with the secretary of state hillary clinton. you probably remember she walked through tahrir square. i walked around with her at that time. i had huge expectations. a lot of egyptians when i was in cairo were nervous and telling me this is going to be a long, long process and there could be a lot of setbacks in the short run. well, you know, like what