Delhi airport operator DIAL on Monday said it has introduced Self Baggage Drop (SBD) facility at Terminal 3 that will help reduce the waiting time for passengers at the airport.SBD aims to streamline the baggage drop-off process, reduce the wait time for passengers by around 15-20 minutes and further enhance the overall airport experience. The facility can cater to up to three passengers per min
Delhi airport operator DIAL on Monday said it has introduced Self Baggage Drop (SBD) facility at Terminal 3 that will help reduce the waiting time for passengers at the airport.
Domestic passengers at the moment will be able to use the facility, and it will be made available for international passengers post mandatory approvals.
The Delhi International Airport Limited (DIAL) launched the self-baggage drop facility on Monday, reducing wait time for passengers by 15 to 20 minutes. According to DIAL, the facility can cater to up to three passengers per minute. A 14 self-baggage drop machines – including 12 fully automated