This simple habit can ensure that you’re drinking enough water. One in five kids and young adults reported not having a single drop on a given day, according to a JAMA Pediatrics report, and adults often don’t get enough either. Your body needs fluids to maintain proper functioning, and dehydration may lead to constipation, dizziness, confusion and low blood pressure.
SMART TRICK: Be sure to constantly refill your water bottle every hour. Purchasing a 9-ounce S well insulated bottle, a GHI top pick, means you ll be able to measure your progress throughout the day (did you down it all before refilling? No? Time to drink up!).
Updated Mar 07, 2021 | 07:15 IST
Every human is bound to feel exhausted, unwell or low at some point in time. This is when self-care should be initiated. Self-care makes you feel good about yourself and your life. Having a bad day? Here are 25 self-care ideas to fix your day and cheer you up | Photo Credits: Pixabay 
Key Highlights
Self-care is very important and should not be ignored at any cost
It is okay to have a bad day sometimes, and it is okay to feel weird at some days
Here is how you can fix your day with these self-care tips