Around complete streets process a few weeks ago and are working towards developing ainter agency early implementation checklist so not just within dpw or mta, but across different agencies they can come together and look at the projects that are planned and make sure those are coordinated. This is something that came out of the pedestrian strategy that was released last year and in the strategy there is a goal to implement those checklist in six different city areas by the end of the month. I would like to highlight the process thats been done and what the committee has done to keep track of projects and we just came from a Planning Commission meeting of that adoption. The planning solution was that the Planning Department would help shape that complete street checklist. I want to thank the city departments for their encouraging work going forward. Thank you. Thank you, ms. Schneider. Any other Public Comment. If you would like to speak, please lineup. Tyler frisby, from the bicycle co
Call. Breed, present, kim, present, mar, present, wiener, absent. Yee, present, we have a quorum. Thank you. Can we call the next item, please. Item no. 2, approve the minutes of april 10th shgs 2014. Can we have a motion . We have a motion and second . Any Public Comment on this item . Seeing none. We have a motion and second. Can we do that without opposition. I will have to take a roll call. Commissioner breed, aye, kim, aye, yee, aye, wiener absent. Item no. 36789 vision zero Progress Report and achieving vision zero information. Thank you. We have megan wier to provide an update on the vision zero project. Thank you for being here. Good afternoon commissioners very much. We included a two page summary of the progress to date in your information packets. I just want to briefly go over that update and respond to any questions. I also wanted to that had we had our first Vision Zero Task force meeting this tuesday. It was well intended meeting with approximately 60 attendance and comm
June 12, 2014, Transportation Authority Board Special Meeting Vision Zero Committee the meeting of the San Francisco Transportation Authority Vision Zero Committee. Im kim yee and breed and march and scott wiener on their way to the meeting. We would like to thank Jessie Larson and Jennifer Lowe and our clerk erica cheng. Are there any announcements . No announcements. Role call. Breed, present, kim, present, mar, present, wiener, absent. Yee, present, we have a quorum. Thank you. Can we call the next item, please. Item no. 2, approve the minutes of april 10th shgs 2014. Can we have a motion . We have a motion and second . Any Public Comment on this item . Seeing none. We have a motion and second. Can we do that without opposition. I will have to take a roll call. Commissioner breed, aye, kim, aye, yee, aye, wiener absent. Item no. 36789 vision zero Progress Report and achieving vision zero information. Thank you. We have megan wier to provide an update on the vision zero project. Than
Supervisor wieners comments and funding on this project. We appreciate the support of the commissioners in working ways to back fill the vlf funding. As mr. Reiskin pointed out they were counted on for the budget. This is critical in the new funding environment. Thank you to all of you for your work. Thank you. Seeing no other Public Comment on this item, Public Comment is now closed. Again, thank you to everyone. I also want to reiterate or concur with ms. Schneiders comments. The inter Agency Department working is incredibly pornd and i know director reiskin talked about this as well. We have noticed an incredible effort at that coordination and departments that are working well together and even working more closely. They are on livable streets and mta have done so much to improve that communication. I see that director cheng wanted to make comments on that. Thank you for making the presentation today on behalf of the city staff and agencies who are all working on this topic. Projec
The meeting of the San Francisco Transportation Authority vision zero committee. Im kim yee and breed and march and scott wiener on their way to the meeting. We would like to thank Jessie Larson and Jennifer Lowe and our clerk erica cheng. Are there any announcements . No announcements. Role call. Breed, present, kim, present, mar, present, wiener, absent. Yee, present, we have a quorum. Thank you. Can we call the next item, please. Item no. 2, approve the minutes of april 10th shgs 2014. Can we have a motion . We have a motion and second . Any Public Comment on this item . Seeing none. We have a motion and second. Can we do that without opposition. I will have to take a roll call. Commissioner breed, aye, kim, aye, yee, aye, wiener absent. Item no. 36789 vision zero Progress Report and achieving vision zero information. Thank you. We have megan wier to provide an update on the vision zero project. Thank you for being here. Good afternoon commissioners very much. We included a two page