Transcripts For SFGTV 20140613

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Again that will be great, thank you. Commissioner antonini. Yes. A few comments appreciate the presentation. I notice theres talk about bus Rapid Transit busing this area i speak against light rail if youre going to have 12 thousand hoping people and homes theyll have to get off the t and get on another bus it didnt makes sense it is a clean slate we can do whatever he want we dont have the usual problems but i also can you remember you to enclosure the possibility which having that continue out to the north through cargo and connect up with third street someone wanting to reach that area from downtown will have to go all the way to t to the end and came back the connect our so in another area we may have a problem the bridge were going to spend a lot of money to build anothers only for business not automobiles that didnt makes sense driving through Hunters Point to Hunters Point shipyard is a long way to go to visit a neighbor and nobody will walk or take Public Transit or bike there are people that are older and dont have the ability and that makes it hard to get to a Grocery Store the other thing prop g includes stadium money but i think we have to kind of question this entire developer and find out whats going on with the money because, you know, the lease in santa clara is only about thirty years and 49z are going to be ready to get out of there we can start to work on a new stadium it will go take us thirty years to build we should look at that money. Amazingly weve found a site for the warriors to use some of the reasons the stadium was built at Health Department anything closer to downtown apparently, there is land available in the city. I would assume that present candle stick can be demolished its not part of the bid for 2020 they can host a lot of large attention things thats the long term of accommodating 60 thousand people those are my comments about the candle stick situation commissioner moore. The exchanges of the department was president a little bit more subtle i appreciate you dug down and you were able to hold the position and unfortunately, sometimes things happen along the way of a complicated project because its majestic a disconnect but i clearly recall that the plan for this area predicted on smart growth and Sustainable Community principles that are actually intending to anytime misses the 11 or 10 foot lanes but go smaller. So i agree with the department and w the Bicycle Coalition that holding the line on the project that is as far plotting is essential to deliver what we promised would be a San Francisco neighborhood that was not going to be a suburbia neighborhood but we committed to making it a truly San Francisco neighborhood with the streets and the kind of neighborhood character that pretty much tracks through the other details. I commend you for holding the line and i think we will potentially open up to criticism were able to hold the principles on new projects were currently facilitating through design and the pool process so congratulations i hope that even on those streets on which you are making more room that you are able to anytime misses the effect ultimately i believe that the Fire Department which i approve in the neighborhood often run into the problem of proper enforcement of where people park if theres a parked too close to an intersection with the Fire Department cant make a full turn thats an issue of enforcement rather than lane width. Id like to add that into my comment commissioner borden. The court yeah. I want to associate myself with many of the comments it was important this new community be a San Francisco community and kind of not Like Mission Bay that was mentioned earlier and have those more narrow streets that have that community and city feels thats important. I also have a question about the props im excited about a new process am i to understand the Fire Department has not seen this before . Its a little of each commissioner payrolls so back in 2010 those plans were circulated to the Fire Department. However, i will admit that the level of kind of staff handholding, if you will, that occurs around the street with dpw was not the same level i will admit i think thats part of what got us into the situation not really starting. And then that kind of revealed itself. I dont know and working with the Fire Department i i know they have their goals and priorities and obviously safety and Emergency Response is one of them but i think that looking at how that coincides with Pedestrian Safety and other kinds of safety, you know, hoping to work with them around the policy so they co exist so enforcement is more of an issue for people to in fact, through traffic. I want to acknowledge mr. Lawson hes relocating to Southern California our long term partner were sad to lose the gentleman thank you for all our working with the agencies and city departments hell be missed thank you so much for your commitment to the city. I had one other final question in terms of the street design the staff will issue a letter of the consistency and the folks will come back again yes. The design for extremity document will come back to reflect the changes the parcel size are denied they will probably be a couple other small amendments as part of the progressing progress so that will be in july or august. Commissioner sugaya. No, that answered my question. Can i ask one question looking at this june 3rd map it sort of seems some streets are called ought to be the green streets all the red streets will Wish Development under the better street plan any being called ought to be more pedestrian billboard to focus on safety. Yeah. Im glad i brought up commissioner. This process massachusetts has had the streetscape to that gotten that allows this down to the park rightofway thats landscaped and intended to be really pedestrian or shared streets. Other streets really carry traffic those are the candle stick sites into the shipyard. Obviously there are two lanes in each direction and a series of billboard streets and bus rapid streets that have transit open the center configuration. So its easy for me to say if you want a presentation its a thorough document it includes the specifications around the furniture and furnishings and, etc. , etc. We can provide it to you maybe inadmissible provide it to the commission secretary. Very well. Commissioner antonini. Just a question of the street widths for the benefit of the public. I think you said what the width of the green streets was going to be and how wide is that they provide a anytime of 26 feet unobstructed travel for the Fire Department but range if i might have to bring any colleague up but from 26 probably up to you know where you have a 4 lane configuration youve got something more in the order of 40 or 50 feet clear unobstructed. 26 allowing for parking on the side. Thats correct. And the red streets how wide and less than 26 feet between 20 and 22. Okay. So giving me an example so im thinking about Fourth Avenue between ann District Attorney and balboa or the richmond streets how wide are those usable space. I have to defer to planning staff, you know, adam. I live between balboa and the wiethd is probably about 25 and thirty feet. So those are typical so im saying is there seems like theres many of our neighborhoods in many parts the city have that and i dont think its that difficult and in fact,ful if its wider there is room for nonautomobile vehicles and bicycle so i dont think that wide is necessarily bad especially, if its typical of what the rest of the city is so i sort of be supportive of what the Fire Department wants to do. Thank you. Commissioners, if theres nothing further we can move into item 14 vision zero consideration of a resolution. Good afternoon, commissioners. Lilly planning staff the item before you is a resolution in support of vision zero vision zero is a citywide commitment to reduce all fatality to zero it ambulance in sweden and new york and chicago it concludes ill explain the resolution following my presentation megan from the department of Public Health and the co cochair low provide an update. So for a little bit of background in 2010 gavin newsom directed all city departments to reduce fatality injuries by 25 percent by he 2016 and 50 percent by 2021 that is the task force that meet quarterly through the work of the coordination the straight was published in intuitively and the strategy outlines the goals to encourage walking as a means of transportation in march is identified programs that will be implemented over the next 5 years so vision zero with a further commitment to eliminate all bicycle and pedestrian causalities by 2040. Looking at a combination of engineering and education and enforcement measures. In response to the resolution the dipt the mta and the Police Department had formerly adapted vision zero policies. The resolution before you includes specific ways for the department to incorporate vision zero in the long term and short term planning documents when having referrals and are incorporating pedestrian and Bicycle Safety measures and other develops reviewing those projects with the impacts of Bicycle Safety and to maximum pedestrian and Bicycle Safety requiring the projects to incorporate pedestrian and Bicycle Safety measures whether feasible in our corridors and high travel sections and incorporating pedestrian and Bicycle Safety measures where feasible on the highend corridors and continue to work with other agencies for the street process. The Planning Department updated the referrals and reviewing the projects and through our work can play an Important Role in helping the city achieve vision zero the Department Recommends approval if you have any questions, ill be happy to answer them good afternoon you commissioners, thank you very much for the opportunity to speak here today on behalf of vision zero im megan in the department of Public Health and cochairs the City Task Force lilly asked me to talk about Pedestrian Safety in the city also the current status. This is some of the Pedestrian Safety that were described including walk first that includes 8 hundred pedestrians are injured on our streets every year the upper right corner the seniors are 5 times more likely to be fatality injured their highly concentrated so 6 percent of our streets are other for 60 percent of our injuries we know that speed kills so someone who is hit by a vehicle at 40 Miles Per Hour is worse than 20 Miles Per Hour well find there are equalities on our street the map is the Industrial District within the red district that fatality injures are in district 3 and 6. This is also im sure youre aware of we have high complications including seniors and disabled residents and children and nonenglish folks but have the Sustainable Transportation how can we keep those folks safe. We have found through the partnership with our general hospitals this is a stimulate of the medical care alone on an annual bays basis thats 15 million and month are paid for by public funding we used an analysis for walk first, it looks at longterm and associate costs and found over 5 million a year in costs for pedestrian injuries alone. As lilly lengsz mentioned a lot of work laid the foundation for vision zero that included citywide Pedestrian Task force that informed the citys pedestrian strategy that was realized last year walk first is a key component focusing our jerry on the high Corridor Network and today, were barb and need traffic zero fatality by 2024. Were cochaired by sfmta with key partners with other city agencies including the Planning Department as well as important leadership from walk first and the coalition. In the traffic world depending on 3 to 580 of Traffic Safety includes engineering and education and advocacy and usc evaluation and analysis theyre key to reducing injuries and fatalities open our streets. Key to vision zero is saving human life is the highest priority that is requiring a safe System People make mistakes but designed it is faced with the consequences of those mistakes are not death. Again with respect to the issue of equality we see at the bottom part of the slide that our most vulnerable road yourselves users are 60 percent of Pedestrian Fatality were pedestrian in 2013 when compromises only 20 percent of the city trips were also seeing a increase in bicycle fatalities. This is a somewhat complex map of the corridors but the point is weve looked at the pedestrian high injury corridors theres a high overlap from the city prospective helps to us efficiently target our sources where the injuries are more contained in order to see vision zero. Back to the issue of equality the severe and total injuries are highly in our community where we have protecting population are more vulnerable. This is an overview of we have a lot going on with respect to vision zero in our city this is a Staff Steering Committee and upper right our task force that is compromising of the task force we have our first Vision Zero Task force this tuesday it was well attended approximately 60 people perpetrate and were really working to move forward and use the momentum from that interest to achieve our goal we we have an accountability meeting are the Transportation Authority Vision Zero Committee part of their board which is actually meeting in a half an hour we have accountability through the mta board were working to develop a communications plans and our Steering Wheel is including engineering and education enforcement and data subcommittee were working on an ongoing basis to work with the stakeholders to help advance this work we also have a working group that work on issues we need more analysis how we can achieve vision zero that is a citywide Safety Working Group and our safe group to school. I want to close that achieving vision zero it requires a Culture Shift in how we plan and design our Transportation System that includes volley ball human life first. This addresses larger policies and barriers and a and critically analyzing our priority to resolve bottle next to achieve vision zero and looking state and local action with the automatic Speed Enforcement it requires more work to really begin to implement. I think this slide illuminates the key roll that the Planning Department can play in helping the city family move forward towards this goal. So in close i wanted to thank you for the opportunity again to present and will acknowledge my cochair who wasnt able to be here today thank you. Lets open this up for Public Comment tyler fris by can you hear me commissioners thank you for the opportunity to speak on a different but related topic as i said before we have been engaged in the Vision Zero Coalition since come offed in january this is a critical issue in San Francisco. In 2013 there were 25 collision traffic related deaths so far weve had 11 if this continues were on track to having more people die from traffic collisions than homicide that says things about our homicide rate is flowers this issue with that resolution youre joining your board of supervisors and the municipal and the concession for the public Health Department and the Police Department and theyve joined together to support this all traffic collision deaths by 2024 this is important for our seniors and youth and disimproperly impacts the protecting community we look at it easier for people to get from one neighborhood to another. Ive discussed earlier nightly grit details such as the width of our streets have a strong link to roadway safety was we including but not limited to build our housing projects and buildings that make up our straightaway streetscape thank you very much we hope youll support our vision is there any additional Public Comment. I cant pass up the opportunity to speak to the people im sue hester my office has been on portugal and market since 1980. In the past couple of years walked around with the cane but im aware of the problems theyre out of control on Market Street. Im going to list a couple of trying to get people to pay attention. Tlefrpt is a big rig or traffic interruption sometimes they put Traffic Control officers in the intersection they should be in every Market Street intersection on a routine basis especially on fourth street. Pedestrians are out of control theres no signage, bicyclists are out of control when you go offer eric street people straet treat it you can walk at outline times ivy seen people hit and almost hit they need thirty to have training anyone who walks through a plaza know people have whistles and use them to make the busses flow and help people to get back on the curtain we have the most do so i will Traffic Control officers in the world in San Francisco theyre on their cell phones and gabbing to each other we need to have people that are paid to do the work and do the work every time we close the streets in members of Congress Center traffic goes all kinds of other routes and theres no no process that says you at the cost of the closing streets you have to do Traffic Control and assertive Traffic Control it was disparaging to read the paper that no one seems to know what the walk signals mean there should be mandate training and ticketing when people get off the curve. People go off the curve at one and have no possible choice to get across van ness avenue. We have a lot of work to do and bureaucracy talking to each other a enforcement b information and c at least people held accountable. I routinely go up and down the streets and streets are illiterate at night and pedestrians are driving me crazy. Thank you nicole

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