Kate Cox, a 31-year-old mother of two, is ill and carrying a fetus with a genetic condition that is almost always fatal. She decided to leave Texas to get an abortion.
Subtle developmental differences in children whose brains seemed normal at birth underscore the need to follow children long-term — a lesson that may be key for babies exposed to COVID-19.
Just 10 states have active mask mandates, despite the fact that omicron is moving in on the U.S. fast. Despite their political unpopularity, research shows masks still work and could save lives.
As he prepares to leave his post of 12 years, Francis Collins reflects on the agency s biomedical advances, the dangers of polarizing medicine, and the huge health gaps that still exist in the U.S.
Scientists may not know for a couple weeks yet how risky the new coronavirus variant will be to public health. But getting out front now about what <em>is</em> known helps dispel misinformation, they say.